They said they were friends of mine....
Over the past few years I have meet quite a few people over the internet, these are
just a few of the growing numbers that call themselves friends of mine.
- Rayne aka Marshia: She's not only a net friend but a friend in real life.
She's crazy over Tori Amos, works at Block Buster, and has a keen website tat I would love to have made myself.
- GreyMalken otherwise known as Chris: Also a real life
friend of mine. He has two web sites but I lost the address to the other, more personal page that he has. I'll eventually
get it again.
- Cindy: She is a friend of mine in real life as well. She's into goth, but isn't goth
herself. This was her first attempt at making a website. I think she did a bang up job...looks a lot better than my first site ever did.
- Lady Sanginarius aka Kim: She lives in Canada and is soon to relocate to Chicago to start up a business in web dessign. I met her in a chat room
long ago and far away it seems.
- Spaceman Spiff aka Joshua aka Sander: What can I say about a young gentleman studying law that writes the most amazing poetry that I have ever had
the pleasure of reading? Not to mention that he's rather cute and has a wonderful sense of humor....
- Dominique Kentz aka Leesa: Again I know her in real life. As a matter of fact I live with her. She's a crazy woman, don't be fooled by her cool exterior.
And don't even ask about the egg.
- wolf aka Ulf: I meet him in a chat room waiting for another friend. He served me Swedish meatballs in the library. Crazy about skiing his website
is all about it. And since he lives in Europe he's got plenty of places to go skiing at.
- Jedi Master aka Mike: He's a blast. That's all there is too it. Funny as all get out he just revamped his web site and it's definitaly a keeper in my book as
soon as I find the address again.
- Jacq: Now here is man that knows his music. He plays the guitar and plays it well I might add. Jacq contacted me because he was interested in a link that I had on my previous
page. From there it just went, we've met in real life once, and have talked on the phone a makes it easier when you live in the same town.
- Illyria A really nice girl...she gave me a lot of support when I was building my first site. She was suppossed to move to
Oklahoma, but I lost contact with her not too long ago.
- Annamossity aka Viviane: She's my best friend that I haven't seen forever even though we live in the same town. Mabe she'll read this and give me a call.
- Emperor Slade aka Jason: Jason is another of my chat friends. He just recently updated his page completely. And he's very proud of it too.
- Andrew: Um I recently met Andrew in Theatres des Vampires. He's from GA, and he's really into computer graphis and the such. He draws in his spare time but usually I'm online icqing him constantly. I can't seem to stop talking
to him...To be honest I don't want to either.
- Sean: Hmm. what to say about Sean? He can have a conversation with someone he doesn't even know with ease, and even invite them to a beach party with out hesitation...(I had to mention that, we talked on the phone for
15 minutes not knowing who the other was, it was great.)A very interesting person, and I am glad that I met him.
- Art: Let's see...well, I met Art in Theatres des Vampyres. The first thing he told me was that he loved me. (No joke) Now he's moving to N.C. to live with his girlfriend. funny how things work out that way. Any hoot, his page is pretty neat. He has a roleplaying chat room that he
is trying to get off of the ground.
- Paul: *wavies to Paul* Paul is one of my rl friends too. He worked in the Comp labs at the Uni before uprooting and moving to Dallas within a day for a job. And is just as crazy about 80s music as I am. He comes to town to visit occasionally. I hear he's doing well, going to the Church every weekend and such. Miss ya Paul.
- Brad: Brad, what can I say, one momnet he has a website the next it's gone. Sad, really, I liked what was developing. Brad lives in Michigan, he's really sweet. I met him through Chris...long story. Anyway Brad helped me dye my hair purple. It was cool.
- Adam: *hehehe* He doesn't know that I snagged his address. This is Adam's page. I met Adam in Twilights Edge, a mush that I occasionally play on. He recommended Children of the Moon, yet another mush, and I play fairly regularly on that mush now as well. He's got a ton of characters and I promised I wouldn't
give them away. You'll just havve to figure it out yourself. Adam's from New York. He's offered to come and visit me but the subway doesn't run this far. His page is not quite finished but I linked it anyway.
- Thorsten:Unless you know German really well, you may not want to visit this site. My cousin Thorsten, who lives in Munich, Germany, finally sent me the link to his page. I like going to it because I enjoy the different types of music he listens to and lets everyone know about. (I sent him a cd of Molly's Yes and lo and behold it's on ihis site...among other things.) My cousin is definatly an interesting person. He belongs to a Fraternity of sorts and he fights in'll have to see it for yourself.
- Jamie:*giggles* Now this woman, knows whats going on in the world and what we as females have to put up with in order to find that perfect someone. Aside from being my bestest (and yes I mean bestest) friend, she's in a class all her own.
- Monica: This is another cousin of mine, and yet again unless you know German I don't know if you would understand it. She recently started this page...or else it was her husband. Either way, it's a nifty little site about my extended family.