Four guys, five shows, two demos in 12 months!
DaNnY sPLiNtEr : BeAtS.
MuRmEr : VoX.
LiAm WhOrE : StRuMs.
AdAm SlOtH : pHaT sOuNdZ.
brief explanation.
This site is now up for historical purposes. Lemi iS dEaD. LeMi stArted in The summeR of 97 when daNNy met Liam at meAdowvale SeconDary skool. they started jamming with ragu on bass and MuRmEr on vocals. RaGu wuz soon replaced by AdAm. MurMer was then replaCed by West Coast Burnt ToasT which spawned Penny For The Pope. All was thought to be dead for Lemi untill march 13th. 1998 when Lemi played a reunion show as a secret guest with P.F.T.P., Ten Point One, The Skidmonks, Auxiliary One and Blind Open Soul. The guys then realized they wanted to keep Lemi alive. So here we are. We're BACK!, not so fAst! Lemi wAs baCk togEthEr foR a cOuPle WeeKs, recordeD aN 8 sOnG demO aNd bRoKe Up AgAiN. It wAs a FUN rIde whIle it lAsted.
spare time on your hands.
shows we've played.
email liAm whOre.
great links.
our demo.
about the band.

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