Bagel Awards for Creativity

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Web page design is an art. A good web page is one that gets your atention, and has creative gimics to it. I enjoy a good web page, and so I've decided to start an award to give to exceptional web pages I find. This award is called the Bagel Award for Creativity. And to apply for one, click on the e-mail icon below, and write the URL of your page, a discription, and a few words on why you think you should get the award. I will personally check out your page, and if I think it deserves an award, I will send you the URL to the awards page.

I wont give out awards to pages containing adult material, pages selling something, or pages that I don't think have had enough effort put into them to deserve an award. Please don't feel bad or hostile if I don't give you an award. This is only my opinion of your page, and doesn't mean it isn't good.

Ocationally if I find a really good web page, that hasn't been submitted I will e-mail the owner of the homepage, and offer them an award for their work.

Good luck!