His Story

Dr. John "Fingers" Bowlan was Born 8/09/69 and hasn't died yet. His life began with his given name of Swammi Alberto Moliarti Jr. The Desolate Pilgrim of Zaire. He studied longitudinal navigation at burlesque college of the mis-spellers in 1978 where he got his masters in forcible lobotamy therefore gaining the experience required to be a vocalist.. as his dramatic succes in longitudinal navigation of the human corpse granted him a nobel peace prize in 1970, He used every cent of his fortune to form The University Of Needless Aniquities, named after his father.. The years that progress were nothing but a drunken rampage throughout his hometown, as his head began to rot he discovered Paul, who happened to be eating a chicken on the steps of his university.. and asked if he was in a band.. Paul, who had just left Bomb-21 was eager to work with him.. thus, the prize head master of the only band ever tempted to perform live surgery on stage. began his supreme rule.

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