When last have you sat with a globe of earth in your hands and examined the different continents, the oceans, the nations ?
Lovely fertile blue and green earth, a planet of stunning beauty and home to millions of lifeforms, including ourselves of course.
So long to all the fish.
Billions of units
Billions of humans eating, drinking, buying, driving, excreting. Can you
imagine the amount of garbage this amounts to ? All the poisons these people are using for household purposes ? Millions of tons of poisons alone, nevermind the plastics, paper, inks... mmmm HORRIFYING isn't it ?
So here we all are on earth, we don't have spacetravel, and won't for a long time, and when do have spacetravel, only a few selected elite humans
will be leaving earth. This means we have to make do with what we have left here on earth, which is not much. We have poisoned our lands and seas and air, and continue to do so, even though we know it is destroying our only home, earth.
However, humans are highly adaptable and through the use of science we will go into the future bravely, BUT and this really is a big BUT, we will
not be entering the future as the same humans we are now.
Humans are changing, adapting, we have to, in order to survive.
How are we changing ?
We are changing biologically and psychologically. Biological change is a slow process and it is caused by a multitude of biotic factors. Biotic factors such as the air we breath, food we eat, environments we surround ourselves with. This uncludes everything you have around, everything you see around you, and I mean EVERY THING, comes from the earth (unless you're on of those very few people who have a piece of asteroid from space in your weird collection). Biotic factors that are making a large impact on our biology are: chemicals - in food, in air, in water, in buildings, in the clothing we wear, the drugs(medication and social)we intake.
Psychological change to humans are happening much faster. People are quick to adapt mentally. At the moment we are experiencing a massive moving away from the restrictive conservative out of date style of millitary religion that has ruled and oppressed humanity for so long.
This moving away from religion is a healthy sign of humanities adaptiveness mentally speaking. Today we see old world religions being replaced by a variety of new modern philosophies and other cultural ways of living.
enters modern man
Modern man ? you though you were modern didn't you ? Wha ha ha ha, surprise surprise... you ain't seen nothing yet !
Humans are changing, but we are so busy surviving, working, having fun, sulking, buying..whatever it is we do, that we rarely take a moment to stand back, come to a halt to think about where we've been, where we are now, and where we are going.
I want you to now do this, picture this in your mind: planet earth rotating in a starlit sky..zoom out, see the earth as if you are standing on the moon.. looks big from the moon..and so zoom out even more...zoom out further and further away..can you see how small the moon is comparing to the earth ?... zoom out.. out of our solar system.. all you see now are stars.
Compared to the vastness of the universe, I would have problems seeing your speck with the strongest microscope ever built. You are a nothing in the vastness of the cosmos, an organism that lives for a mere moment and then dies, the matter/stuff you were born of recycled back to the earth where it came from.
Now that you have some perspective, you may begin to realise the fantastic
scope of life, and you may realise the futility of life, how absurd it all is, and that wasting your moment of life in unhappiness, regret, greed, war and hatred has been plainly put.. STUPID of you.. now stop being AN IDIOT and listen up.
modern man
Modern man is man without the mental shackles of the wannebe god-complex, modern man is man the cyborg, man and machine, man the god. The change from the industrial revolution to the electronic revolution happened very quickly. This computer age, internet, cyberspace is only the birth of the electronic revolution. Humanity is rushing into the wonder world of micro/electronic/circuits/nano-technology, genetic engineering...shortly the creation of ENORMOUS things from the minute/micro/small thing.
From the pyramid to the microchip, quite a difference in size and perspective, in the pyramidical days we knew the earth was huge, now we know how small earth is. Have we been humbled through the long years of our infancy as a lifeform ?
Now as actual space and large objects on groundearth become ever increasingly expensive and unbearable to maintain, we create for ourselves an universe within this universe, of seemingly unlimited space and possibility. This space which we create and control, live and work in.
enters the hive society
I see a clear pattern emerging, which is, we are doing more and more amazing things in smaller and smaller ways. This indicates a pattern that humanity will follow for numerous years to come. The birth of the hive society is at hand. A society of humans that will live and adapt on a planet shrinking in earthspace as populations grow and resources are depleted.
Actual earthground is fast becoming too expensive which means more and more people will never own a home on ground, but live in apartments. Those families that do own homes and large estates on ground will become a minority eletist few in the near future.
The vast spaces of land that has not been populated yet, are vast spaces of desert or semi-desert, where crops cannot be grown, farming of livestock cannot be maintained due to various reasons, of which waterscarcity is the major reason.
change in the biosphere
As the earth warms and weather patterns change, some geographical areas that are currently fertile may become desertlike and some deserts may become fertile land, balancing or unbalancing the status quo regarding
livable areas, but our scientific predictions regarding this is not very clear, as the climatic patterns are subject to many factors.
- end of introduction
- a short story by Vyg Fynbos
May 2086 : CapeTown/ZA : locating scene
Billions of human units crammed together. The modest and average apartment of each human is about 4 square meters. Two people living together have
8 square meters, Three people living together have 10 square meters and
families of four or more a maximum of 12 square meters. The superrich and eletist few with their luxury estates and apartments are far removed from
middle society.
Those billions who could never afford even a modest
apartment, live in the poisonous slums of outersociety hooked to the leftover nets and webs discarded by the previous generations, always hungry, always ill and hoping to win the world citizens lottery for an apartment and password to the virtual networks.
hex-c - May:23:2086 Language:engspk
My pod is really great, I have a state of the art virtualunit, and my access level is DF+450. Hey, I actually have more realspace than most, I measured it again to checked and it adds up to 4.012 m�. My fooder is
recent Sony model and I've customised some great menus. I really enjoy messing with my fooder, I suppose I'm a byte of a freak, cause I don't know anybody else who thinks about the fooder, they just intake according to the autofunctions.
Jeez my bodybox went awry the other day, I almost killed my PDD (podDerouter),the damn thing got stuck in the limbroutine, I went through 12 loops before the PDD adjusted the sequence, took it 15 minutes to do it, it's a bloody disgrace !
I'm sleeping better since the PDD upgraded the slab, the headrest is real funkie, and I get superior neura-stim, waking up with my brain in high mode.. it was worth every cc (cycredit).
Lemme intro myself: I'm hex-c..or heksie or Vyg Fynbos Pod-cvb34566AB234, I live in sector 904, Area 760, CapeTown/ZA. I'm a RL1 for sector 904, and I have 740 cc's.
(RL is the abbreviation for Route Leader.. I check and maintain all the routes in sector 904, I have level 1 access to the c-frame [c-frame is the controller frame for this sector, the c-frame links to the the local vrP.{vrP is the virtual reality Prism for Area 760}]
-log out. to be continued
I'll tell you about the skinparty I went 2wrk..c y 8er>>
skinparty- May:23:2086: 04H15 Language:engspk
I hadn't been outta the pod for 6 weeks and even though I was a bit scared, I took off my vskin and got dressed in a black jumper, for my scalp I sprayed some orange instahair, sort of in a cone shape and put ma link in my leftear. So I spoke the door, and as it shimmered open I had this feeling in my head of falling down a route, I stepped onto the passagebelt, address ready and I was on my way.
The belt I was on, was empty and I had to change lanes only 4 times, on the 3rd junction I saw another bod, we both looked away quickly. I arrived at the lobby for the party, there were 5 other bods there, they looked my way and we greeted. I knew two of them from ma sector, the others were from Gauteng, Durban and one from New York. The bod from New York had it's reader set to no info, but I could see she was a girl, her tits jutted out of her wrap like moons. I was intrigued by her straight away, couldn't take my eyes of those tits.
The lobbybot came round and I had two jammers sharp to ease myself. This was gonna be a good party. Another few bods arrived in the lobby, and when the count was 11, the lobby shifted and we were in the party.
The room was enormous, calculated at 180m�, the vr-effects were buzzling dashing and I felt more at home straight away. The V3J was playing a fast upbeat track by The Bitmap Meanies... a track I could relate to. The bods in the room checked in at 39 on my first count.
I did the inputshuffle over to the area where miss bod new york tits was and requestskinned her, she accepted, we danced the robotshake and it just sort of became the outputshuffle... jeeez, I exploded within simutes and we panted clutching for a while ! It felt GOOD... wha ha ha ha ha ha:-)))
After that we shimmied and shammied, we talked, we touched, we were so high from the voltage9 in the jammers, we travelled alternative space and beyond, we screamed and created a galaxy, we had a great moment when we did the spiderhand, and found that both of us could top topspeed.
I came down hard and just had to get back to my pod, Id' been at the party
for two hours allready ! No wonder I was withdrawling.
-log out. to be continued
- bck 2wrk l��l