Welcome to JIMJAHWE'S home on the World Wide Web. I want to ask you a question... Are you awake? I mean really awake? This what I wish to discuss here. BEING AWAKE is not merely a matter of whether you are out of bed. I mean are you awake when you're awake? Or are you merely sleep walking with the rest of the human race? Do you know the difference and have you seen what the difference it makes? Jimjahwe soon come and talk with you about this.. but in the meantime, you can go visit Jimjahwe and Bapoka


Jimjahwes' Fastfood

Cybershores Cafe

Bapokas' Home of the Free

Camyuvas and Bapokas Project

Aundrias Modeling Portfolio

Masalbiris' Beautiful Women

Alain Paris' Blackmirage

My Brothers' Art Gallery

[email protected]