Teach Me


Teach me to wait.
Teach me to listen.
Teach me to hear.
Help me to treasure
every moment,
every blessing,
every hardship.

Teach me to obey.
Teach me to learn.
Teach me to be humble~

Teach me to be quiet,
upright, and well kept.
Teach me to walk
in humble surrender
to Your ways.

Lead me beside
the quiet waters~
and into them~
to leave the old to die
and the new to live.
Teach me to run to the waters
where there is healing
where there is cleansing
where there is death to sin
and life in You.

Make me one
in You,
none in me;
that my love
may be Your love
and my life
Your life.
Teach me
to run to the battle
and never to be afraid
of the enemy who tries
so hard to keep me~me.

Help me
to never fear
and never to fear
death of self~
for there is
greater life
in You!

Teach me to hear.
Teach me to listen.
Teach me to wait.

J. J. S.