The Death of Love...

      Love blind to most all things. Awoke one day, to find herself at the tree of knowledge. 
There laying on the ground, was a rope that Lies had made very carefully. Love realizing 
what she was seeing turned to leave, not wanting to know. Lies thought to themselves. “We 
can not let Love walk away, or everyone will know what we have made.” So they talked to 
Love. Telling her that to stay, and talk. 

      Love stop and turned to hear what they were saying. Even though Love knew she should 
keep going. But to Love, everything and everyone had a good side, and she just knew that 
there had to be one here. 

      As fast as they could Lies tossed the rope over a single branch of the tree of knowledge 
and slipped the other end of the rope over Loves head. Sliding it down to her neck. Then 
they pulled at the rope, tightening it to Love neck until she could not breath. 

      Confusion seeing what was happening, came to Love. She lifted Love as high as she 
could. She held Love there and tried to reason with Lies. They talked and talked, then 
talked some more. Lies seem to understand Confusion, then even seemed to stopped pulling 
on the rope. After talking, for what seemed forever, Confusion got very tried and weak. 
And holding Love, she could not do by herself anymore. Confusion called on Trust to help 

      Trust came with Time and together they lifted Love even higher, all the while talking to 
Lies. As they talked, Lies let the rope slip just a little, and Love could once again breath. 
Time and Trust held Love very high. Seeing the rope slack and Love once again breathing. 
“Oh they thought, Love is going to live!!” and they got very happy. 

      Lies could not stand to see the happiness that Love could bring. They pulled the rope, 
and called there Brother Deceit to come help them. Lies and Deceit pulled so hard that 
Trust was shattered and Time ran out.. Love was tossed into the air, and she fall back to 
earth. The rope of Lies, tied to the tree of knowledge, broke her neck. 

       Killing Love, FOREVER.  

Written By:  CWDesign

 I dedicate this page to the keeper of  Lies. 
To the Brother of  Deceit.
To the Killer's of  Love...
To _MrBlue1 
Gary H Albertson