

A true study of nature and the powers that it contains, and the utilization of those powers and those that are contained within us all.

Let all who have the ability to understand, understand and those who don't grant them the ability to co-exist.

We wiccans live by only one law ... the Wiccan Rede

An' it harm none, do what thou whilt.

That is a pretty heavy law to live by, unlike some religions who have but a few, at best, vague commandments to follow. In Our law we must consider the fact that everything we do has an affect at sometime on everything in the universe. Whether it be in direct or indirect contact, everything we do will come back to us, thus the threefold law.

The threefold basically states that whatever we give to our world we will get back in threefold. If we cause nothing but pain then all we will receive is pain three times greater than we give. The same applies to love and honor. "To get love, Thee must give thine love." In all we do in our lives we have to consider that our mother earth will be here when we are long gone and so we must love her for what she has given unto us so that she will be able to give her love for generations to come.


Call it what you will, natural forces, miracles, magic(k), etc. but all things everywhere contain a special power to influence the outcome of any situation. This is why Wiccans are a very ornamental people. We construct talismans, wands, alters, etc. these are all our tools that we use to help focus these vibratory powers. Vibratory powers, hmmmm???

What the hell are "Vibratory Powers"? Well as some of the different sects of the wicca believe, everything there is vibrates in some fashion or another. When our vibrations are in tune with the mother we are at one with the nature. We as humans, one of the most intellectual beings on this earthen rock, have the ability to control the vibrations of almost all other objects, animate or inanimate. When we achieve this we are at one with that object, as if an exstention of ourselves. Most inanimate objects, such as crystals, gems, etc., are used as a focalizing point for the release of natural powers.

As a little experiment ... try everyday to try a pick out what you do in your life that causes a change in your human vibrations. We experience vibrations from each other in many ways. Examples include Love, Anger, Fear, etc. Those three happen to be some of the most powerful of all of them. Think about situations you put yourself into. When you are with the person you love, you can feel their presence in every way, at times knowing what they are thinking down to even the minute details. Anger is probably one of the worst vibrations to experience, for along with anger comes fear. With these two we must be most cautious because of the threefold law.

One way to enhance our vibrations is through creative visualization. This is the act of visualizing exactlly what outcome you wish to happen of most situations in your life. For example, if you are trying to get a new job, for a few days prior to your interview visualize that you get the job. But not just getting the job but actually working in this job, intermingling with your fellow employees. If this is done correctlly your vibrations should have an influence over the employer. This is not to say that if you do this you will get the job, especially if you have no experience in the job.

There are several different kinds of magic(K) available to the modern Wiccan. But as times have it the movement has to be hidden. With all of the religious persecutions in the world we DO NOT want or need the burning days again.


The Burning Days....

These days were some of the worst ever known to the witch... women and few men were accussed of contracting with the "Devil", El Diablo, The Opponent. But we all know that "The gods of one religion become the devils of the next". These poor souls were accussed wrongly, some of them were not even witches but protistants, and judged even more so. They were burnt, boiled, drowned, stoned, and tortured beyond all humanity. They were punished whether they were guilty or not ...

Some teachers of the Wicca say to forget the burning days and others say to remember. I must agree with the latter. We must remember those days so that they never happen again. For if the burning days happen again all of what is left of humanity will be lost for eternity.