ASCOR is playing.



     wall-object by ELS OTTEN, 2001. Plywood, paper, cloth and chicken wire,  50 x 110 cm.       "SALOME"
103 x 38 x 5
combined materials

wall- object by ELS OTTEN,  2001, 50 x 110 cm., detail
wall- object by ELS OTTEN,  2001, 50 x 107 cm., detail
wall- object by ELS OTTEN,  2001, 50 x 107 cm., detail.

              Wall-object by ELS OTTEN, paper, metal, wood, 32 x 15 x 7,5 cm.
Detail af the object above

Detail of the object above

Detail of the object above

 Object on wheels, 33 x 13 x 17(h x b x d), wood, papiermaché.

detail of object on wheels detail of object on wheels    detail of object on wheels
