David Forbus

Mapping Designer

Intergraph / Microstation CAD Operator

AutoCad Operator

Lightwave 3D Computer Animator

EDUCATION - San Jacinto College, 2 years and various courses at HCC, North Harris County College and LLU.

CAREER EXPERIENCE - 20 years in Pipeline/Map Drafting, 9 years using CADD


Twenty years experience as a Design Mapper. Eight years of CAD design using INTERGRAPH IGDS, Bentley MICROSTATION and Autodesk AUTOCAD. Experience includes scanning aerial photos and maps, then raster manipulation using INTERGRAPH IRASB and IRASC software in the Microstation environment and Softdesk CAD Overlay GSX in the AutoCad environment. Produced pipeline designs intergrating raster and vector files, raw field notes, as well as, deed and right-of-way documents. Produced profiles, cross sections and contours from 3D point files using INTERGRAPH INROADS and SITEWORKS Software. Also experienced in 3D modeling and animation using NewTek Lightwave 3D and multimedia authoring using Macromedia Director 3.0. Demo of computer animation on VHS video tape available upon request.


1987 to Present - Senior CADD Designer, Gulf Interstate Engineering:

1986 - Pipeline Designer, Techstaff, Inc.:

1985-1986 - Mapping Designer, Gulf Interstate Engineering:

1981-1985 - Mapping Designer, Contract and provisional work:

1977-1981 - Mapping Designer/Checker, Gullett and Associates, Inc.:


David Forbus

(281) 443-6947

[email protected]

23019 Tree Bright

Spring, Texas 77373