Imagine Quiz Results



1. This is the name of the person you are deeply in love with or soon will be.

2. If you chose:
red - You are a very alert person and your life is full of love.
black - You keep mostly to yourself and you are very agressive.
green - You are a wild and wacky person and you like to kiss or make out.
blue - You are a mellow person, but you like to party.
yellow - You are a bright and cheery person and you like to make out.

3. If your initial is:
A-K: You have lots of love in your life and most likely you currently have a crush.
L-R: You usually have a fun time in life and your love life is about to start booming.
S-Z: You like to party and you will be very successful later on in life.

4. If you were born in:
JAN-MARCH: You will have a good year over all and you will soon have a crush or you already do.
APRIL-JUNE: Your love life will start booming soon and whatever happens will last for a long time.
AUG-SEPT.: You will have a pretty good year and you will develop a crush on one of your really good friends soon.
OCT.-DEC.: You have a pretty good love life going for you, but it will soon grow.

5. If you chose:
black: Your life will take a slight turn for the best and you will have a pretty good love life and year.
white: You will soon develop a crush of your own and have a good year.

6. This person is one of your best friends.

7. This is how many days it will take for you and the person in number 1 to get together.

8. If you chose:
Florida: You like parties and you are usully hyper.
California: You like making out and parties.

9. If you chose:
Ocean: You are a wild person and you like to make out.
Lake: You are a mellow person and you like to keep to yourself.




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