W Art W

You probably got here thinking this was all going to be some really cool paintings or still life by some no-named individual who just happened to create his own web page.  Well I am sorry you were misled by your own leaping to conclusions.  I apologize for your tendency to judge everything merely from a graphical representation of a thing called a button.  Maybe you should have your head examined?

And maybe you didn't and I am leaping to conclusions.  But you got to give me this.  Considering the general I.Q. of everyone around you, I think the odds are with me that one of you out there qualified under my opening statements.
If you didn't, then you are probably a very cool individual and I am sorry I have no fucking clue who you are.  I would hang with you.  Maybe.
If you were strange enough.

Instead this is a dumping ground for interesting art and images I found on the net.  Some things I ripped straight from other people's web sites.  I try to give credit where I can, but hell man/woman/whatever, it's a bitch trying to remember where I've been.
Not even the Gods can answer that question.

Luis Royos Wonderful Art!!!
Luis Royo Pics
A very, very, very good Fantasy Artist
Definitely Trips All My Triggers
If I could only Love a Woman like the kind he draws!

The Crow Pics Area
Crow Pictures
My most favorite movie of all time
An awesome TRUE LOVE story

The Stolen Section!
Various Items Surfed
(A.K.A. Stolen Images)
What Can I say?
Tell me where I got it from and the credit is yours!!!!!!
Hell, half this stuff is sent to me anyhow
(Honestly, I have criminals for Friends)
(Relatives too!)

Cemeteries at Night
Just some really cool Photos

To the HomePage

To see Information about Me!