W Art
You probably got here thinking
this was all going to be some really cool paintings or still life by some
no-named individual who just happened to create his own web page.
Well I am sorry you were misled by your own leaping to conclusions.
I apologize for your tendency to judge everything merely from a graphical
representation of a thing called a button. Maybe you should have
your head examined?
And maybe you didn't and I am leaping
to conclusions. But you got to give me this. Considering the
general I.Q. of everyone around you, I think the odds are with me that
one of you out there qualified under my opening statements.
If you didn't, then you are probably
a very cool individual and I am sorry I have no fucking clue who you are.
I would hang with you. Maybe.
If you were strange enough.
Instead this is a dumping ground
for interesting art and images I found on the net. Some things I
ripped straight from other people's web sites. I try to give credit
where I can, but hell man/woman/whatever, it's a bitch trying to remember
where I've been.
Not even the Gods can answer that
Luis Royo Pics
A very, very, very good Fantasy
Definitely Trips All My Triggers
If I could only Love a Woman
like the kind he draws!
Crow Pictures
My most favorite movie of all
An awesome TRUE LOVE story
Various Items
(A.K.A. Stolen
What Can I say?
Tell me where I got it from
and the credit is yours!!!!!!
Hell, half this stuff is sent
to me anyhow
(Honestly, I have criminals
for Friends)
(Relatives too!)
Just some really cool Photos