The Perfect Woman
The Ultimate Goth Chick!

        So here comes another rant and rave at you about a subject us males hold near and dear to our hearts, tiny as those organs may be sometimes.  Women.  Or rather, the perfect woman.  What elusive creature is this?  Oh, so you wish to hear my words of false wisdom upon a subject that I have no clue about.  Hmmm, OK.

        Let's start of on the obvious place.  Looks.  Anyone who says that looks don't matter is a huge liar.  Looks are what gets the whole thing rolling.  Universal rule of Love number seven.  There is always someone cute enough who will date even a loser like you.  Rule number Eight.  There is always someone uglier who you will date before you meet the girl in rule number Seven.
    What do I like?  I am a severe eye and hair person.  Give me striking eyes (any color) with a slight laugh crinkle around the edges, and short jaw length hair.  Make her a non blonde.  Good teeth, a mostly symmetrical face, and a kiss able neck.  Wham bam and you got me.  With these minimal requirements I would date a woman.  Trust me.  A couple girlfriends before and the girl was around 200 pounds.  Most likely over.  I am one of those few who know that weight can be lost.  (I know a good exercise good for 300 cals a pop).
    I prefer a lady who is slim and kind of muscled.  Maybe around 130lbs.  I also do not like huge breasts.  Those firm tiny ones, (pause for cold shower), and lots of muscle tone.  I want to see those muscles in the legs ladies.  Better start learning to run!
    Butt can be altered with running.  Trust me on this one.  I have an awesome butt.  It comes from running a couple of miles every other day during PT in the army.  PT means physical Training for those civvy net junkies out there.
    Shaving, hmmm.  Don't know about that one.  All the ladies I have dated have been well groomed.  Never had the chance to be repulsed.  Looking at it now I appreciate the time taken for the vanity.  (OK shaving is in.)
    Earrings or some body piercing is a must.  I don't particularly enjoy the tongue thing but if you do, go with it.  Nose rings are so cute.  Earrings are pretty much standard.  Come on ladies.  Show how much you love us by impaling yourselves with glittering metal!  Mmm, Belly Button rings!!

    Next let's go for the line and sinker.  Personality.  Hmmm.  A difficult one.  Everything is so dependent on time.  I'm a definite toucher when in public.  Quick kisses and always have a hand on some part of her body.  Whether resting on her shoulder, giving her back rubs, or walking with the hand glued to her butt.  So I guess she has to like having a personal masseuse who follows her around.
    Also has to have a sense of humor.  But hopefully, (big hope), a more educated version.  I have a wry wit and lean a little to sarcasm some of the time.  (STOP YOUR LAUGHING!)
    (MENTAL NEED #UNO)   She must like to read.  I read a book a day, sometimes more.  If she can't read then I don't want to even be in the same room with her.  Get that uneducated wench back into the trenches where she can be an uneducated whore and work for a change.
    (MENTAL NEED #NI)  Must want to better herself in several ways.  Whether reading, college, joining the army, anything.  Except for one thing...
    (MENTAL NEED #DREI)  Must not be overly religious.  Fanaticism is very very scary to one in my religion.  Wiccans remember the merry old thousand points of light that the church came up with a long time ago.  A witches funeral pyre is not fun when the person lighting it was screaming your name in bed just a fortnight ago.  Talk about heartburn.
    (MENTAL NEED #FOUR)  Must like my types of music.  Music is a good indicator of the soul within, and if too much Country or too much Rap is involved, we have a definite relationship deal breaker about to happen.
    (MENTAL NEED #CI)  Must like to argue.  Strange but true.  I love to argue.  I can argue either side to anything.  My debate team coach kicked me off the team because I was so goddamn scary.  Those are his exact words.  He said if I wanted to be a televangelist to call him so he could throw out his TV sets and get ready for the riots.  Heh heh, funny guy.  Heh heh heh heh heh...
    (FINAL MENTAL NEED)  I have so much emotional baggage due to really ugly karma, that in no way do I need a psycho.  I got my own problems.  I can help you with some, but I am not a qualified psychoanalyst or shrink.  Call the professionals.  Sometimes a game of russian roulette with an automatic is not such a bad idea to me.  (Remember I once went 4 years between sex sessions).


    The body is a wonderful toy.  Just because I am a prude doesn't mean that when I get a girl I wait till marriage for sex.  I do have a strict rule that I need to know the girl and talk with her for at least a month.  That is inflexible.  Trust me.  My current girlfriend has known me for two years before she got up the courage to ask me out.
    Sex is just so much fun.  Dammit, I have a dildo named after me!  Now that is living life to the fullest!  How many of you loser guys out there are that good!  Huh!  That's what I thought.  Sex for me consists of four hour sessions of two people mauling each other and occasionally laughing their asses off.  Especially when a random tickle session is involved.
    My current girlfriend told me that she never even played with herself!  Oh MY GODS!  What the Hell happened there.  I asked.  She answered.  Man is it a harsh world.  Loser boyfriends and her first time was the typical pump alcohol into her until she's incoherent date rape.  She is real repressed, but you know what?  Three days into the relationship and she's having dirty fantasies about me while sitting in class.  She was so proud she called me at work to let me know.
    Now that gives me a warm fuzzy.  Even if she winds up turning into a bisexual pleasurist content to sleep with anything breathing I will be vindicated in teaching a lady about pleasure.  Don't get me wrong.  Too much is bad for you.  I myself have enormous will power and have gone four years between sex.  (When you wait for the right person, it is goddamn worth it trust me!)
    Ever felt true love.  I have.  Three times.  I have never ended a relationship.  I have never cheated.  I have never given less than all my heart and then some.

    Did I mention that I'm the type of person that gets pleasure from other's pleasure.
    Hell, I guess I am the perfect submissive.

    Hmm, maybe I should by my girlfriend a whip....

    Sorry, back to the subject of sex.  I am willing to try anything at least once, within reason.  The second others are involved I will retract into deep thinking mode and I guarantee that I hate deep thinking mode.  It's where most of this pent up sarcasm is created from pain and suffering.
    Don't think I wouldn't say no to two girls at once.  I have before.  Been there, done that, and figured out that the all american male dream sucks the big one.  Picture two happy people that have known each other for years, and then in comes you hoping to share the love.  Uh-uh.  Wake up bozo.  You are merely a walking talking ambulatory dildo that requires more than the usual amounts of recharging.  Soon you will be out, or the two happy people will be two very bitter people.
    You can love two people equally, but odds are that all three of you aren't that kind of a person.  Get over it.  Menage-a-trois is great for a short term sexual boost.  Just don't plan on adding another place setting to the dinner table.  (Besides, what would you tell the kids and the other moms at the PTA)?
    Bottom line.  Sex has to be fun.  Sex has to be slippery.  Sex has to be there.
    I am all for the Separation of Church and State.  But I am also dead set on keeping the Church the hell out of my bedroom.  God knows what's going on.  So bug off and let me sin my everlovin head off.

    Strangest thing I ever dated...   Now this is a no-shitter so sit down and get ready for this one.

    I once dated a Vampire.  A real life walking talking drinker of blood.  Whether or not she was really undead did not matter at the time.  She did drink blood.  I got the needle scars to prove it.  Needles don't faze me.  I believe in magic.  There are just some strange things out there.  Besides it was kind of a turn on.  At the time I was severely Goth.
    Do I really believe that she was a vampire?  She drank blood.  She hated places of joy (Hallowed ground in my eyes pals).  She acted alien in tiny ways that just set off little alarms.  You could say that she raised my hackles a couple of times.  I was young enough to be turned on, and the mystery was oh so tantalizing my friends.  In the end It didn't matter to me what she was.  I loved her.
    Then she vanished.  There one night lounging around in Austin watching the bats fly from under the bridge at sunset, the next no word on where she was.  Poof, and she's gone.  Just a little note that was slipped under my door while I slept in a totally different town in a room that she never knew even existed.  Creepy no?  Wait till you hear what the note said.

    See you soon lover.  Look for me in the night.  I promise not to take more than a decade.  Remember, you're mine.

    I still have the note.  It's even written in black lipstick.  Love never dies.  But you can't own Love.  You share it.

    It sounds so romantic and victorian doesn't it.  But this is one believer in magic that has called in some karmic favors in some strange places.  I heard once that a succubus is the embodiment of love.  Doesn't mean you have to invite the sucker in...
    Call me silly but that part about owning.  That is wrong.  You never own another.  Never...
    Maybe one night I'll vanish mysteriously.  Maybe not.  I will never stop sleeping with my knives though.  All I need to do is show that note and people understand.  Never disturb a psychotic from his delusions.  Especially the paranoia driven ones.  It tends to make them violent.

    I hate Love sometimes.

Don't you wanna come HOME with me?

What the hell am I doing?