Animated Ying and YangOpinionatedAnimated Ying and Yang


This is the page of opinions: 

The current list of opinion subjects:


Philosophy is pretty much all encompassing for me.  Pretty soon I will be posting some stuff I've written just for the heck of it.

The topics I will probably choose are agnosticism, evidence, Ayn Rand (What a swell gal) well anyway these are very broad but I will narrow them down.  Here they are (still under cnstruction of course):

"Agnosticism and living in a state of X"   This is about what the term agnostic means and it also explains the term x which is basically a state of "making decisions without evidence to support them."  I think its an interesting read.


  1. Why popular music sucks.
  2. Why art music sucks.
  3. Why are are both of these true yet music is awesome.


Hopefully we'll get some responses.  Send us your opinions about anything. (We can't post any profanity so just edit it out and we'll post you.  Lots of &^&#$@#&$^ is fine)

Any Questions or comments please email me JoJoBuBu at [email protected] or Shaft at [email protected]