In 53 Crassus and his army tried to trap a Parthian army in the Syrian desert. Unfortunately he found himself trapped with
no water.
When the Romans were miserable enough the Parthians attacked and exterminated the Roman army. Crassus himself was
killed in the battle.
The triumvirate had worked out fine as long as Caesar had been the compromise man in business. But now when he and
Pompeius were alone, they started to fight each other instead of sticking together.
Caesar won several victories in Gaul and Britian, and when a Gallic rebellion in 53 broke out, it only was two years
before Caesar had crushed it.
Pompeius and his friend Cicero decided, that they had to stop Caesar, before he became too popular, and in the year 50
treason charges were brought against him.
Caesar had to choose between fighting, or returning to Rome for almost certain execution.
He brought his forces to the southernmost edge of Gaul.
The border between Italy and Gaul was the river of Rubicon. According to the Cornelian laws Caesar could not bring his
army into Italy, and therefor he stayed at the north side for the winter, while he tried to negotiate with Pompeius.
In February 49 he got the final answer.
Pompeius would not negotiate, and Caesar should return to Rome for trial.
According to Caesar he and his army now saw an extraordinary large and beautiful man. The army looked at him, and
suddenly he took a bugle, and started to blow the attack signal. Now Caesar said: " We follow the signs of the god, and the
tyranni of our enemies. The dice is thrown".
He gave orders to cross Rubicon and march towards Rome.
The dice was thrown, and Caesar threw it well.
Pompeius realized soon that he would have to abandon Italy.
Caesar had already won the civil war, but that was not enough. He wanted Pompeius and the forces he still had left.
Caesar's dictature, and his death.
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