
Octavian returned to Rome without knowing, what he should do next.

All good Romans hated the word king, and Octavian was a good Roman.

He just didn’t know how he could keep his power with out being proclaimed king of the Romans.

Therefore he promised that he would re-introduce the republic, as soon as he had made Rome safe.

Octavian was an outstanding politician, and he had the Senate grant him many different titles for example consul, but not

the title of king.

In that way it looked like the republic was re-introduced bit by bit, but Octavian still kept the ultimate power.

In 27 he called the Senate to a meeting, where he announced, that he was tired, and would retire from all of his duties.

A senator ( who had talked to Octavian before the meeting? ) suggested another settlement. Octavian would keep all of his

titles, but beside him there would be appointed another consul.

Octavian accepted this idea, and the Senate granted him the name Augustus ( the elevated ).

In this way it looked like the republic was finally completely re-introduced, but Augustus still kept all of his power.

In 23 Augustus became ill, and when he recovered he again wanted to retire. This time he meant it, but he was persuaded

to stay in office.

Augustus resigned as consul, and became tribune instead. He still kept his power.

Augustus was a vise emperor. He appeared to re-introduce the republic, but he had more and more power for each year of

his reign.

Also Augustus had men to win his wars and make his empire bigger.

He was probably the best man who could have had the empire.

He died in 14 ad. At that time he had had absolute power for almost 45 years.




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