I claim this place in the name of Satan. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On Eatrh as it is in Hell. Amen.


This is my page of random shit. Right now you can join my campaign to prove that Bill Clinton is a Satan worshipper.

The only proof I have to this so far is a picture. I need more, but it's kinda hard to find. If anyone out there sees this and think they have proof send it to me. My e-mail is at the bottom of the page.

and now for the proof i have so far...

Bill a Satan worshipper???


D�gB�tt...really twisted, but really funny.

[^(the burning monkey)^], another twisted but funny site.

Official page for BILE. If you like their music go there. If you don't like it, don't go.

Enjoy. Come back later when I actually do something.


send hate mail here