DEAF WATCH----April 1997 Greetings! The email mystery continues. However.. there has been a new glitch with my mailer as the users had received multiple copies of the same letter. My apologies to those annoyed by this glitch. I will continue to seek low cost solutions to make this project work for all of us. Also bounced email will have that address deleted immediately to keep our records current. The big blast this month goes to Saturn car company for allowing a hearing woman (Holly Daniels) to pose as a Deaf Saturn buyer in their TV Ads. Let's all contact them at [100 Saturn Parkway, Mail Drop S24, Spring Hill, TN 37174. General comment line: (800) 522-5000; TDD: (800) TDD-6000] and give them your 2 cents! I also ran into suspicious trouble when I tried to get permission from the Chicago Tribune to use parts of their Saturn TV AD story on this newsletter. Deja vu in New Mexico when they decided to give a less qualified hearing person the position as director of The New mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing! Another 2 cents for these people too! Starting next week I will start a program to recognize homepages that promote Deafness and Deaf culture. Take a look at Http:// ************************************************************* New Frontline in New Mexico.. Read on! The New Mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing advertised for a new Executive Director. The Commission's own guidelines require that a deaf or hard of hearing applicant receive preference. Three applicants were finalists: Lori Breslow (deaf), Judy Viera Tingley (deaf), and Karen Courtney (hearing, the then-current acting director, she had been deputy director for a few years under the former director). Breslow was offered the job but turned it down. The second ranked person, Viera, was offered the job in a TTY call. She negotiated some details, received a call several days later with the revised offer, and accepted (again, via TTY). She was told a former letter would be forthcoming. She waited a week; no letter arrived. So she called Peggy Davis, the chair of the Commissioners, and was told that because of a procedural problem, the commissioners needed to hold and open meeting in which they would vote to offer the position (the implication was that this was required because the first person had turned down the position). Viera was told that this was "merely a formality" and would occur soon. At that meeting (David was not present, because she had since resigned), the commissioners voted to offer the position to Courtney -- in effect rescinding the offer to Viera and re-ranking the candidates. Courtney subsequently accepted the position. Viera has filed a notice, asking for the entire procedure to be reviewed and for the appointment of Courtney to be held. This is a clear cut discrimination occurrence. Viera's 7 page resume shows her dedication to the Deaf community with 30 years working in Deaf related fields over Courtney's 11 years on her 3 page resume. Viera has had over 10 deafness related papers published. Viera has done consulting for U.S. Department of Education, California School of Professional Psychology, California Public Utilities Commission, Texas Public Service Commission, and Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Courtney only listed herself as "Registered Lobbyist for Deaf/Hard of Hearing" and prouds one of her special skills as "Excellent communication skills including written, oral and expressive/receptive sign language, to reach a variety of audiences and constituents". We all must unite and fight to have Judy Viera Tingley as Executive Director of the New Mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing because she is more qualified than Karen Courtney and the commission's own guidelines require that a Deaf or hard of hearing applicant receive preference. They can be reached at 1435 St. Francis Dr. P.O. Box 5138, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-5138. (505) 827-7588 TDD (505) 827-7587 FAX. Chairperson Peggy Davis can be reached at NMCDHH CHAIR Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 435 St. Michael's Drive, Santa Fe NM 87505. ************************************************************* Making History at the Minnesota State Capitol St. Paul , MN, April 15 -- A crisp beautiful day at the Minnesota State Capitol, approximately 150 people attended their first and historical Minnesota Commission Serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH) annual legislative day from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. On April 9, several mainstreamed schools, Deaf schools, and local Deaf/Hard of Hearing (HOH)/DeafBlind (DB) organizations and individuals gathered to unite and learn more about our state government. With the MCDHH Deputy Director, Mike Cashman's initiation and guidance, MCDHH led a successful campaign bringing many people together to celebrate their first unique and historical legislative day at the State Capitol. Under the largest unsupported marble dome in the United States, activities included (1) invocations: Deaf minister, Mr. Emory Dively on the Senate Floor; and Hard of Hearing minister, Mr. Erland Carlson on the House Floor (2) meetings with legislators; (3) attendance at committee meetings and/or floor sessions; and (4) several interpreted tours of capitol. In addition to the activities, the program at the Rotunda featured eight Deaf/HOH/DB speakers, five legislators, and Metro Deaf School short drama from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Currently, there is a legislative bill asking for funds to bring technology up to date at the academies in Faribault where the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD) is located. Senator Ember Richgott-Junge (DFL), was the author of the first charter school bill creating the local charter deaf school in downtown St. Paul, is the chief author of an important bill allowing the Deaf/HOH communities to have interpreters for the legislative sessions. Minnesota Commission Serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (MCDHH) is a state organization advising the Governor, Legislature, and Commissioners of the Department of Human Services, Jobs & Training, and Health, and Education about the needs and interests of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans. MCDHH has a 15 member advisory council comprised of members from around the state. From MCDHH press release ************************************************************* IDEA Update Congress returns from their two week Easter recess and the IDEA Working group plans to reconvene at their allotted time on Fridays to continue to negotiate IDEA Reauthorization. The IDEA Working group has yet to reach agreement or consensus on issues such as Part H and the hotly debated issue of DISCIPLINE. Your input on the reauthorization should continue daily while this process continues. Once again without the voices of the grassroots in this issue we are all at risk of losing. Fred Fay Justice For All Moderator ************************************************************* Companies who discriminate usually end up paying... Take a look below. $4 million for race discrimination . . . of two African American truck drivers for Coca-Cola in Sacramento, and their Hispanic manager who was fired for urging their promotion. Sacramento Superior Court, No. 544495 $2.3 million for sex discrimination . . . awarded to a woman police officer denied promotion. Although she had won the LAPD's "Toughest Cop Alive" award in 1986, she was denied a position on the SWAT team. Los Angeles Superior Court, No. BC 101094 $1 million for age discrimination . . . against a 53 year old marketing manager for Mobil Oil in Los Angeles, whose new manager gave him a poor review and then fired him even though he exceeded quota. Los Angeles County Superior Court, No. BC-082176 Related news briefs... ACLU Helps Disabled man win Lawsuit against Amusement Park. Eddie Dzura is a young man with Downs Syndrome who was told by an amusement park employee that the park required "mentally retarded persons" to be evaluated before they could ride the merry-go-round. Eddie was then asked a series of humiliating questions in front of a crowd of patrons. He won a favorable settlement in the suit the ACLU filed under the Americans With Disabilities Act. ACLU did not mention where and when this humiliating incident had taken place. (From Deaf Watch January issue) In November 1996, US Department of Housing and Urban Development Administrative Law Judge Constance O'Bryant ordered an apartment complex in Fort Bragg, California to pay $5,569 to a disabled man. Complex managers tried to evict the man because he refused to give away his therapeutic cat. Judge O'Bryant also ordered the complex owners to pay a $5,000 civil penalty to HUD. Later in November 1996, Judge O'Bryant approved a settlement between two disabled Idaho men and the landlords that refused to rent an apartment to them. The landlords agreed to pay $5,600 to each man and a $1,000 civil penalty to HUD for a total of $12,200. August 1996, Prestige Properties, Inc., the parent company of the Huntington, West Virginia-based AAA Realty, was ordered to pay more than $8,000 to settle a complaint filed by Tammy Kelly, a disabled woman who was not allowed to park in the parking space closest to her apartment. Kelly received $1,000 in damages and the complex was ordered to pay $3,650 in attorney's fees and a $3,000 civil penalty. ************************************************************* Important information for would be Deaf home buyers. The Editor question, I have a few subscribers telling that many real estate agents are encouraging deaf people to buy homes that are adjacent to freeways and noisy areas such as airport areas, railroad stations. I need to know if this is called 'steering' which I heard is illegal. What will you tell my readers if they encounter someone who shows only properties in noisy areas? This answer was provided by Eric Emmons, GRI ,a Deaf real estate agent with RE/MAX, in Austin, Texas. Steering is illegal but it has more to do with issue of race or nationality. An agent should formally disclose either hearing and deaf buyers about the noise pollution in the area they are considering buying and also explain how it may affect the value of subject property. The buyer should also be warned that it might be more difficult to sell this property in the future. If a buyer did not receive any disclosure, had any proof that he/she was not aware of the noise pollution when purchasing the property, and has serious problem about it should consult with an attorney because each state has different laws. In most states, it would be called "Willful Omission" or "negligent omission" by an agent, or probably "misrepresentation", or "failure to disclose". An agent can encourage a buyer to buy a specific property, but this buyer is the one who decides to purchase it or not. I would ask a buyer to do his/her homework before signing any papers. -Eric ************************************************************* NEBRASKA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF FACES A 16 PERCENT BUDGET CUT The Appropriations Committee of the Nebraska state legislation has proposed a 16 percent cut in the funding of the Nebraska School for the Deaf (NSD). This matter is being referred to the full unicameral (Nebraska is unique in that there is only one legislative body, not two as found in other states). If the cut is voted on, it may mean reduction of jobs on the NSD campus. From DEAFDIGEST. ************************************************************* DeafExpo 97 returns to Pomona! At the Fairplex, Pomona, California (Buildings 5 & 8) November 14-16, 1997. For Info, send e-mail to FAX: 818/760-3391 or TTY: 818/760-3292. ************************************************************* Is anyone interested in e-mailing the All News Channel [] to try to get them to start close-captioning their newscasts? I think we all should send them a note. If they get at least 100 emails requesting closed captioning, I'm sure they will be encouraged to have their newscasts captioned. ************************************************************* "I am Deaf of Deaf of Deaf. We're ready to take what should be ours." Jeff Bravin at a 1994 protest. ************************************************************* "My Administration is committed to ensuring that citizens with disabilities have every opportunity to pursue the American Dream, including quality health care services, jobs with a future, and truly accessible communities." Bill Clinton. (In letter to American Association of People with Disabilities) ************************************************************* Letters from readers. Hey, Marlee Matlin is supposed to be the 'ambassador of deaf accommodations'. I am surprised she struck herself out in that episode of ABC's Spin City. The accommodations surrounding her in FOX's Picket Fence get's an A+ ! I am happy that my boss gets me an interpreter for our monthly meetings at work. Alana ----------- My son and a few of his friends will be Jr's next yr at PDSD(PHZ. DAY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF) here in Phz. AZ. and they are looking for info on colleges that have good programs for computer programmers and in that field if anyone should know of any please e-mail us we will surely appreciate it. Also my younger son would like to know which colleges have marine-bio as he is determined to go in that field as soon as he graduates from PDSD, he will be a freshman next yr. Him and his 2 best friends have talked about this since they have been 3 yrs.old. So any help would really help so the all know their options... Thanks their mom... Gail Russ for Jamie and Travis Clevenger ------------------------------------------------------------- - DEAF WATCH - Circulation by EMAIL : 190 Subscribers - Chief Editor/Editor : Richard Roehm - Orange County, California - Internet : - - - Visit Http:// - DEAF WATCH Http:// - Visit Http:// ------------------------------------------------------------- - SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION - To be added to the mailing list, send "SUBSCRIBE" - To be deleted from the mailing list send "DELETE" - to this address NESMUTH@BBS.HWSYS.COM - - Mailing lists are not sold/given to anyone. -------------------------------------------------------------