Hi, My story is simple too! As I was loseing more and more of my hearing my husband left me with 3 kids, I never worked much. Just things like bakery and dishes. I was left with no money. I found job through placement service. I was sent to jewelry store to learn to polish jewelry. I worked there for 4 yrs. I told them I could not hear on phones. The owner and other jewelry-men pushed me out of their way "I didn't hear them tell me to move". But I needed job. Everyday was getting worse.Boss wanted me to answer phone and I told him that room was not good to hear in. I was fired because I refused to answer phone. I never new that I had any recourse. As I never new any deaf people.I've worked the same place for last 14yrs. I was good worker! They even made me train people as I understand that people learn better when they see how things are done. I got a raise and thought I had a furture. One day I got hurt at work and I was demonted. For the next 9 yrs I was good enough to train someone who got the job I applied for. I changed dept. and thing were great at first. I worked 3rd shift for 10 yrs. That shift was discontinued. and I went to first shift to a completely different job. It would be a good job if I got training. I couldnt understand most of what I'm supposed to do. There are no books to read about the work. I'm a chargeback investigator. I struggle everyday to learn. My boss Forgets to tell me things. The new people I work with don't like outsiders. And that I am deaf they make fun of me all the time. I read lips really good!! No one will answer guestions. If I ask my boss He tell me to ask someone else. If I complain to him about not getting help or missing meetings cause I wasn't told. and that I could not understand what was said! He said " You hear what you want to" I don't understand that! But I stick it out. It sure beats living on the streets. I am my only support. So If it means I get pushed around and stepped on then I'll put up with it. They are the stupid ones, It will come back to them someday. I don't need to prove anything to anyone but my self. Deaf and HOH people are not Weak!! OR Stupid! We Are Actually Smarter as We live by our wit,and instinks.We read faces,moods,and can tell something is wrong before it is made know. Like Layoffs etc. Thanks for listing, Darlene darlen6@ibm.net