In Memory. A Tribute To Friends And Loved Ones

Memorial Tributes To Our Fallen Friends 

Our heartfelt sympathies go out to all the friends, relatives and acquaintances of those dearly departed who now exist solely within these uncharted realms of Cyberspace. They were taken from us by the angels because their work was finished here and they were needed in heaven. Let this be a place not of sadness, but of friendship and love, a stopping point where our hectic lives take a pause as we reflect on our human history and the paths taken by travelers who were here before us.

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CandleVincent Angelo ( AGE 4 )

He was a little boy about 4 years old and attended at Western Penna. School for the Deaf for his second years, but something was tragedy when he was picking up from his dad at his school. Vincent rode in the car with his father and somehow the deer was running across on the road and his dad didn't expect about it and took the fast stop. But the car went off the hill and Vincent died. But his father was in the terribly. So, We will always remember of Vincent Angelo! God Bless You!


CandleSharon Pauline Heiydt Carter ( - 2000)

Sharon can be illustrated with such COMPASSION, CONTENTMENT, LIFE, LOVE, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, SINCERITY and WARMTH. Served as a 'mom' in orientation week in 1963 at Gallaudet College. Sharon moved to HEAVEN with a smile. She said "Peace" after feeling the drain of this earthly life go from her, then said, "Wow!".


CandleDavid D. King (1964 - 1997)

He was Deaf guy, Born in Roswell, New Mexico and grow up in Clovis, New Mexico. He attend to the school for the deaf at New Mexico School for the Deaf And Graduation in May 1983. He used to live somewhere in Alexandria, Virginia. Cause by Blood Clot. He buried at National Memoral Park, 7400 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA. We will alway remember of him everyday and give him lots of our real love and May him lots of rest in Peace! From Class of 1981 thru 1986 at New Mexico School for the Deaf. Offered By Ernesto R. Martinez.


CandleLucas James Taylor (1981 - 1997)

Lucas James Taylor, killed aged 16 on November 8, 1997 - was a gifted ambassador from the Deaf Community to the hearing world. His entire life was dedicated to the expression of joy. In his struggle to balance both worlds, his biological family were all hearing, Lucas was generous to a fault, making personal adjustments to maintain harmony. His charm gave him the unique ability to 'work any room' whether Deaf, Hearing or mixed. His untimely death occurred when a selfish, Hearing motorist was driving after dark, without headlights . . . thereby eliminating the possibility for Lucas to see what was coming. Lucas, my beautiful son, you were and are a continuing light in this world. Shine On !!


CandleStephanie "Steffie" Ann Rash Cole (1972 - 1995)

Stephanie "Steffie" Ann Rash Cole, 23, was killed in a car accident along with two deaf men in Malibu, California on April 23, 1995. She went to heaven and leaving behind her handsomely three year old son, Zachary Andrew Cole, who presently live with his Aunt in North Carolina. Steffie is deeply missed by her son and her close friends whom loves her sense of humor, friendliness, easygoing attitude, and her creativeness. Steffie will always hold a special place in our hearts. Written by her best friends ... Delora and Janey.


CandleVeronica Lora Henderson (1973 - 2000)

Veronica Lora Henderson known to online communities as either "Gentle-Maya" or "Misty-Blues" or "AngelsBreath" who spent her last months in happiness and safety. She had stomach cancer and was 28 years old. She was loved by the folks at Talkcity's "DisabilityAngels" chatroom. In spite of her pain, her last days were flled with happiness, love, and cheerfulness. She was the sunshine of the chatroom and she will be missed.


CandleIrene Faye Brus ( 1965 - 1997 )

Irene, 32, was brutally murdered by her next door apt neighbor in Wyoming, Michigan. She was deaf, She had no children and was never married. Irene is deeply missed by her cats and family and all her friends. Irene went to heaven to be the with lord and her mother, leaving behind her cats & family. She loved everyone all her heart, soul and mind. Written by her best friend... Jackie Gittins

Iron Fence

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