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Deaf Watch is dedicated to bring you news, opinions, and advocacy through the use of the internet. Doing so costs us money. We would appreciate if you could help us out with some of the costs. Our expenditures include internet and website hosting, testing businesses for accessibility just to name a few.

Deaf Watch Newsletter graciously accepts donations from individuals, agencies, corporations, foundations, fundraising organizations, and others to help maintain it's top level of quality service and to develop new methods of educating the Deaf community of their basic civil rights.

REMEMBER, The freedom to be what you want to be is NOT free.

Other non-cash donations such as computer equipment, internet time, website space, blank video tapes, printer paper, office equipment, and others are graciously accepted.

Send Donations To:

Deaf Watch Newsletter

c/o Richard Roehm

1001 North French #4

Santa Ana, California 92701-3769

Make Checks/Money Orders Payable to Richard Roehm

Donations are NOT tax deductible.


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