DEAF WATCH NEWSLETTER ---- JUNE/JULY 2000 Greetings, First of all, I am pleased and excited to announce to everyone that two days ago I have received official notification from The California Governor's Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons which is under California's Employment Development Department that the new chairman of this committee, Harry Servidio, will be appointing me to serve as a member of the Workforce Investment/Employer Subcommittee. My first term will commence July 1, 2000 and expire on June 30, 2002. As an outspoken advocate for people with hearing disabilities, I will be bringing in my vast advocacy knowledge and wealth of resources into the committee and put it into good use to help people with disabilities have the same opportunity to live a safe, healthy, and productive living as everyone else. I want to thank many of you for your support in my budding advocacy years and I look forward with great ambition to serve on the Workforce Investment/Employer Subcommittee of The California Governor's Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons. In this issue, I define "LEADERSHIP" for our community. L - LEADERSHIP lead·er·ship n 1: the activity of leading; 2: the body of people who lead a group; 3: the status of a leader; 4: the ability to lead. Leadership within the deaf community is full of old ways. Most deaf leaders have been too afraid to try new ways of leadership. Thus they end up as puppets to people before them. It's time we start eliminating the same old leadership that has been around for decades and start over using fresh and modern ideas. E - EMPOWERMENT em·pow·er·ment n. 1: Investing with power, especially legal power or official authority. Empowerment is a valuable tool in supporting the rights of the deaf community. If everyone knows what their rights are, they can act to protect their rights on their own. In today's advocacy system, we are seeing many deaf centers keeping valuable information to themselves and getting full credit for helping the community. We must empower everyone if we are to be able to protect our rights and this means helping as many as deaf people know and understands what our rights are and the proper steps needed to be taken to protect and support it. A - ADVOCACY ad·vo·ca·cy n. 1: The act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, an idea, or a policy; active support. Deaf advocacy is one of the largest systems on the globe and comes in many different ways. We do have some good advocates, some bad advocates, and some advocates with ugly ideas. Many deaf advocates need to bind together toward a common goal. We need to help deaf advocates work together and not acts as queens like the two ladies that are part of a large deaf organization in the Los Angeles area. This way the meaning of advocacy can support us. D - DIGNITY dig·ni·ty n 1: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; 2: formality in bearing and appearance; 3: high office or rank or station. What happened to dignity in the Deaf community? We're seeing many different people looking down on us. Many doctors and lawyers are not dignifying us by refusing interpreters. The same goes for cops shooting us because poor communications. Judges saying we cant teach children. Our bosses not getting us the interpreters at staff meetings. Many hotels, bus stops, train stations have like 10 pay phones and none are with TDD's. Some sign Language interpreters are taking away our dignity by making it too costly for others to use them as effective communications providers. Finally we got insurance companies willing to get a dog or a cat hearing aids while the like turn down authorizations for cochlear implants and hearing aids for deaf people. Where is our dignity? It's time we start asking for dignified treatment by the public and we can find kind, peaceful, and creative ways to get the respect we need. E - EDUCATION ed·u·ca·tion n 1: activities that impart knowledge; 2: knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; 3: the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; 4: the profession of teaching 5: the result of good upbringing; Education is one of the best and most practical means of achieving empowerment of the deaf community. The more deaf people know what our rights are and how to use them the stronger our community gets. Most deaf people dont know that we have rights under ADA largely due to many organizations and groups do not match deafness with physical disabilities. This makes it very hard for some advocacy education programs to work. Education is the first step in supporting the deaf community. Let's use it. R - REPRESENTATION rep·res·ent·at·ion n 1: a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image; 2: a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something 3: the act of representing; 4: the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent; 5: a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting; 6: an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent It is extremely important that membership organizations obtain input from their membership. The same goes on for deaf membership organizations. Today we have many deaf membership organizations limiting representation to those who have money to burn by limit voting to those who can afford the costs associated with the elections. Most deaf organizations dont have any vote by mail options. Limiting membership votes is a fast way to kill an organization and that's what we will be seeing with many deaf organizations in the near future. The same goes on for their actions. We're seeing many organizations telling us what needs to be done when its supposed to be the other way when the membership tells the organization what needs to be done. It is time that deaf organizations start opening up their eyes and start taking feedback from the members. S - SALVATION sal·vat·ion n 1: a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness; 2: saving someone or something from harm of from an unpleasant situation; Today we have many deaf organizations offering salvation to those with large cash donations. It is time they start offering salvation to the entire community they support. Here in California we have 2 large deaf organizations offering salvation to those that send them money and side with their ideas. They hang up on people that really need help. In my case, I had a 49K a year job with a large entertainment company and when they began refusing interpreters, TDD,s and other accommodations, I turned to a deaf organization for help only to find that they're trashing me and supporting the company because they were getting large cash donations from the company. We have deaf organizations that help only themselves not the community. The same organization that trashed me is now under fire from their past presidents. Deaf organizations should start helping people they are supposed to serve. Today we're seeing many deaf organizations serving themselves and ignoring the needs of the community they are supposed to represent. This has to stop. H - HIERARCHY hier·ar·chy n 1: a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system; 2: the organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body. Many deaf organizations lack hierarchy. Instead of taking feedback from community through different groups, they chose to utilize a rubber stamp system. Lack of hierarchy usually happens before corruption. Strong organizations usually utilize a hierarchic system to help chart their course. Deaf organizations need to develop hierarchic systems. I - ISSUES is·sue n 1 : the action of going, coming, or flowing out 2 : a means or place of going out : EXIT, OUTLET 3 : OFFSPRING, PROGENY 4 : final outcome : RESULT 5 : a point of debate or controversy. Issue driven organizations are more stronger than organizations that dont have any issues on their plans. Issues is exactly what drives organizations forward and keeps organizations together. Today we have deaf organizations that fail to address many issues facing our community. Discrimination, access to communication aids, employment, access to health, access to the legal system, and representation have yet to be resolved by many national deaf associations. Instead were getting a lot of lip service from them. Deaf organizations need to start paying attention to issues that affect us as a community and take action on them. P - PROACTIVITY pro·ac·tiv·i·ty n : taking initiative:  taking the initiative by acting rather than reacting to events. Proactivity in the deaf community is almost not there. Most deaf organizations wait until their rights are threatened before taking action. Most deaf organizations dont have any programs that fights threats to our rights until it actually happens. For example, Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center is probably the only organization in Southern California area that is working to prevent deaf deaths resulting from poor communications between community members and law enforcement. Were not going to wait till deaf blood gets spilled before we take action. Do you see any deaf organizations checking hotels, motels, shopping centers, airports, bus and train stations for TDD's on pay phones? OCDAC is maybe the only ones doing it. National deaf associations should start working to prevent any problems faced by members of our community. Instead they're simply waiting for tragedies or major problems to happen before they act. I just wish that our national deaf organizations would pay more attention to the needs of the community than just serve themselves. If we are going to have fairness, equality, and justice, then we better be working together to accomplish these goals! ALWAYS YOURS! Richard Roehm Chief Editor ************************************************************* AGREEMENT REACHED FOR DISABILITY ACCESS TO CALIFORNIA DENTISTS' OFFICES Delta Dental Plan of California, the largest dental health carrier in California, and Disability Rights Advocates, a national non-profit center for people with disabilities, today announced a new statewide program to improve access to dentists' offices for wheelchair users and other Californians with mobility impairments. ************************************************************* DEAF IMPACT GROUP TO FORM IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A group of people with hearing disabilities are needed to volunteer for Deaf Impact Group, a new group of people in the Southern California area dedicated to the education and enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This group is expected to be a high profile consumer run community watchdog organization. They need no more than 15 volunteers who are willing to meet at least once a month at various locations within Southern California Area along with the press to expose accessibility deficiencies within Orange and Los Angeles counties. Residents within the Los Angeles and Orange Counties are strongly encouraged to join the Deaf Impact Group. Any interested people should contact or call (949) 724-2742 8 30 to 5:30 M-F TDD for more information. ************************************************************* DISABLED WOMAN SUES FOR CITIZENSHIP ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) - Indian-born Vijai Rajan has lived in the United States since she was 4 months old. Both her parents and her sister are U.S. citizens. But the 24-year-old woman has been denied citizenship because she has cerebral palsy and other disabilities which make it impossible for her to take, or even think about, the pledge of allegiance. ************************************************************* DEAF NATION SUSPENDS ITS OPERATIONS DeafNation has suspended its operations for the next few months, and we will announce when we are ready to resume operations. Check website for more information. Thanks! DeafNation ************************************************************* BOSTON COPS BREAK BARRIERS WITH SIGN LANGUAGE BOSTON ( -- Like all police officers, a group of seven Boston transit police rookies can give directions, help crime victims and read Miranda warnings, but unlike other officers they can do all this without saying a single word. The officers are fluent in sign language and were the first ever recruited by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's (MBTA) Police Department because of their signing skills. ************************************************************* NORTH CAROLINA HEALTH DEPARTMENT WARNS RUBELLA IS ON THE RISE German Measles extremely dangerous for pregnant women Rubella cases have gone up and must advise all to take rubella shots especially before getting pregnant. Rubella can cause disabilities including deafness. ************************************************************* PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ISOLATED FROM COMMUNITY LIFE- BUT INTERNET A TOOL TO CLOSE THE GAP, NEW HARRIS SURVEY FINDS Survey Results Released at U.S. Capitol Today People with disabilities still alone by themselves but internet starting to bring them together and to other people. ************************************************************* INVESTIGATION ON UPS AND KAISER MEDICAL BY DISABILITY ADVOCATES I am a staff attorney at Disability Rights Advocates and I wanted to let you know about a lawsuit that we filed last year against UPS for discriminating against deaf and hard of hearing employees. The lawsuit challenges UPS' failure to provide interpreters at interviews, trainings, and staff and safety meetings, as well as UPS' failure to otherwise ensure that there is effective communication with deaf workers. The lawsuit also challenges UPS' failure to install flashing emergency lights and TTYs, as well as the failure to promote deaf and hard of hearing workers beyond part-time and entry level positions. I would appreciate it if you could forward this message to as many people as possible. We are interested in collecting stories from people who have experienced any of these problems with UPS. I am the primary contact person on the case, and my contact information is listed below. Thank you very much. Alison Aubry Staff Attorney Disability Rights Advocates 449 15th Street, Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 451-8644 (510) 451-8511 (fax) (510) 451-8716 (TTY) (email) ALSO.... Disability Rights Advocates is investigating complaints about the inaccessibility of Kaiser medical facilities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specifically, we have received complaints about inaccessible restrooms, counters and ramps, lack of accessible parking, and lack of accessible examination tables and medical equipment such as scales and mammography machines. If you have experienced any of these barriers, or have encountered other physical access problems at a Bay Area Kaiser facility, please contact either Alison Aubry or Robin Goldfaden at (510) 451-8644 (voice) or (510) 451-8716 (TTY). Ms. Aubry can be reached by email at and Ms. Goldfaden can be reached at . ************************************************************* PRESIDENTIAL RACE POLL FINDS EARLY GORE LEAD IN DISABILITY COMMUNITY Gore is favored by people with disabilities as poll by NOD says. ************************************************************* WORKING IT OUT Employers are reaching out for disabled workers to fill positions in tight labor market Many businesses are starting to hire disabled people to fill empty positions because there is not enough people working in their business. ************************************************************* REMOVING THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE -- INSURANCE COVERS HEARING AIDS FOR DOGS & CATS ... NOT PEOPLE Insurance company helps pay for hearing aids for dogs and cats. ************************************************************* HOUSE APPROVES SPECIAL EDUCATION INCREASES (UNITED STATES) Congress say ok to increase in money for special education. We wait for senate to say ok before president signs it. ************************************************************* FORTUNE 500 COMPANY REFUSES TO PROMOTE DEAF WORKERS Lawyer needs help in understanding interpreter situation because company thinks interpreter is shadow worker. Thanks for any help you can provide. Larry Paradis, Executive Director, Disability Rights Advocates Larry Paradis can be reached at ************************************************************* ORANGE COUNTY DEAF ADVOCACY CENTER GOES TO THE ORANGE COUNTY FAIR THIS YEAR! (Santa Ana) /May 8/ We at Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center are pleased and excited at our opportunity to show a powerful presence in Orange County this coming Orange County Fair that starts on July 14. Our booth will be at the Orange County Building for the first 9 days of the fair from July 14 through July 23 this year! Our booth could be extended another 7 days to the end of the fair if there is space allowed for us and that's decided in the last minute by the Orange County Building management. Our booth will be an improved variation of these photos which was taken at the Health Fair in San Diego last year. The photos are found at: Http:// Http:// Http:// This event is going to be one of the best moments in the history of our organization! We hope you will participate. LETS SPICE IT UP FOR THE DEAF COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY! Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center ************************************************************* THE N.D.P. A NATIONAL DISABILITY PARTY FOR YOU At this very moment, new ground is being broken by some very forward-looking members of the disABILITY COMMUNITY. New political party to support disabled is forming. ************************************************************* SAN FRANCISCO / OAKLAND TORCH RELAY AND ADA ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Spirit of ADA National Torch Relay in Oakland and San Francisco, celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 10:30 Torch Rally Kick-Off at Willie Mays Plaza, PacBell Park S.F. includes entertainment; invited speakers include Mayor Willie Brown and Governor Gray Davis, more. 11:30 Torch Crosses the Bay with the Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors. Festival and Celebration 12-5, Jack London Square, Oakland, including food, booths, entertainment, sports demos; invited speakers include Mayors Jerry Brown and Shirley Dean and Congress member George Miller, Judy Heumann, Mary Lou Breslin, mural-making and much, much more. For additional information, to volunteer, rent a booth, or carry the torch, call 510-251-4370 or TTY 510-208-9493 or ************************************************************* PAINT-A-THON VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PAINT HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS AND PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS IN MINNESOTA AREA Paint-A-Thon is a metro-wide volunteer effort to paint the homes of low-income senior citizens and disabled adults throughout the seven-county area. Exterior house painting is costly for those living on fixed incomes and often impossible for people with limited physical capabilities. Through Paint-A-Thon you can assist people who wish to continue living independently and also help to spruce up a neighborhood. If you are part of a religious community, business, or civic group and would like to share a great volunteer experience with your peers, contact the Paint-A-Thon office at 612-721-8687 x303. A Paint-A-Thon assignment involves a minimal time commitment and rewards participants with immediate, measurable results. Recruit your friends and co-workers to paint a house in the neighborhood where you live and work. 2000 Paint-A-Thon Timeline June 12 Team Registrations due June 28 Team Leader Meeting August 5-6 Paint Weekend Contact Paint-A-Thon at 612-721-8687 x303 or for more information. ************************************************************* CAMPAIGN TO SAVE THE ADA Group now start plan to save ADA because supreme court may start taking it down at end of summer. ************************************************************* CALIFORNIA'S OWN ADA WEAKENING BILL SHOT DOWN! California law maker plan new law to weaken ADA was stopped in meeting. ************************************************************* SUMMER SIGN LANGUAGE INSTITUTE COMMUNITY INTERPRETING AND COMMUNICATING IN AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE JULY 16-21,2000 SPONSORED BY WILSON TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE, CO-SPONSORED BY THE EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA Sign Class planned. Cost: $60.00 PRE-REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Pre-Registration is required. For copies of forms contact: Alex Proctor- Continuing Education Wilson Technical Community College Post Office Box 4305 Wilson, NC 27893 or for questions: call 252-246-1340, or email: ************************************************************* MICASA NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT Please write to your congress and senate to support MICASA law to help disabled live independently in their homes. ADAPT, ************************************************************* SPIRIT OF ADA, GUIDE TO DISABILITY RIGHTS LAWS For LARGE bulk orders of the REVISED "Guide to Disability Rights Laws," you should contact Dana Jackson, technical assistance specialist, at or send him a fax at 202-514-0404. SMALL orders or individual copies can be requested through the ADA Information Line (800-514-0301 (voice) or 800-514-0383 (tty). Include your complete address in the request. ************************************************************* NATIONAL COUNCIL ON DISABILITY SAYS IMPORTANT DISABILITY POLICY ISSUES REMAIN UNSOLVED Many issues of disabled not solved. There is still problems like discrimination and others. ************************************************************* NOTICE TO DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING STUDENTS/TEACHERS/FAMILIES... POSTER CONTEST TO SUPPORT CLOSE CAPTIONING WE ALL NEED CAPTIONED MOVIES. Some ideas for posters are: 1. United Artists...Save One Screen for Captioning! (Regal, AMC, etccccc " "' " " ) 2. I can't go to your movies because I need captioning My mom and dad are deaf (hard of hearing). We need captions to go to the movies together! 3. If you took away movies from 'hearing' Americans, there would be a revolution! 4. Captioned Movies on weekends, not early mornings! Caption all new movies while they are still new 5. Deaf and hard of hearing people want to go to the movies TOO! 6. Movies for deaf and hard of hearing...Same as hearing! 7.Deaf and Hard of Hearing peole love movies and will bring more $$$ to movie theaters! 8. Going to the movies is MAINSTREAM! 9. I work and want to 'chill' at the movies too! I NEED captions! 10. Captioned movies mean MORE $$$ for Theaters! 11. Captioned Movies Now! 12. WE'VE WAITED TOO LONG! Captioned Movies Now! 13. CAPTIONING IS CHEAP...SO WHY NOT PROVIDE IT? 14. My children need captioning! 15. Captioning now for people with hearing loss. Children and adults! 16. Millions need CAPTIONS! 17. WE WANT TO BE PART OF MAINSTREAM DON'T LEAVE US OUT! 18. Our family wants to go to the movies together! CAPTIONING NOW! 19. I want to go to the movies with my deaf and hearing friends Now...make up your own words! More info? Carol Finkle, Executive Director (215) 627-9271 T/V (215)627-9571 Fax ************************************************************* THE SECOND ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON VIDEOCONFERENCE TECHNOLOGY IN DEAF EDUCATION Gallaudet University, the California School for the Deaf, Riverside, and the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind are pleased to announce live television meeting about deaf education at September 25th and 26th at the Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. If you are interested in attending the Second Annual Conference for Videoconference Technology in Deaf Education, please reply via email at or via facsimilie at (202) 651-6206. ************************************************************* WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON NEW IMPLEMENTATION DEADLINE FOR TTY ACCESS TO DIGITAL WIRELESS SYSTEMS FOR 911 CALLS CC Docket No. 94-102 COMMENTS DUE: June 19, 2000 REPLIES DUE: July 19, 2000 The purpose of this Public Notice is to seek comment on a proposed revised deadline for compliance with the Commission's rule requiring transmitting of text telephone (TTY) 911 calls on digital wireless systems, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 20.18(c). We also seek information on other aspects of the various TTY/digital wireless systems compatibility solutions, including consumer impacts, technical issues, etc. The temporary waivers of the rule previously granted by the Commission will remain in place pending the Commission's establishment of an implementation schedule based on the information received in response to this Public Notice. For further information regarding this Public Notice, contact Patrick Forster, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Policy Division, at (202) 418-1310 voice, or (202) 418-7233 TTY. ************************************************************* WHEELCHAIR DISPUTE OVER FDR STATUE ROLLS ON (WASHINGTON, May 19, 2000) -- When it comes to memorializing Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the city where he reigned for a record four presidential terms, nothing comes easy. The federal Commission of Fine Arts yesterday unanimously approved landscape architect Lawrence Halprin's design of an addition to the Roosevelt memorial in West Potomac Park. The new work was ordered at the insistence of handicapped-rights groups. But the commission stil have problems accepting memorial statue of FDR in a wheelchair and come up with different reasons why they dont like it. ************************************************************* MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT CLINTON AND VICE PRESIDENT GORE Working on Behalf of Americans with Disabilities The president talks about his acomplishments in helping people with disabilities in employment, access, housing, healthcare, and living independently in great detail. ************************************************************* NEW JERSEY INTRODUCES 7-1-1 DIALING TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE Garden State makes it easier to communicate with those who have hearing and/or speech disabilities New Jersey now starts using 7-1-1 for relay service. To avoid customer confusion, the current 800 numbers, 1-800-852-7899 for TTY calls and 1-800-852-7897 for voice calls, will continue to be available for calls placed to New Jersey Relay. ************************************************************* ALEXIS HERMAN ON EXPANDING EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVES JOHN M. WILLIAMS, (Business Week), writes: A Talk with Labor Secretary Alexis Herman She comments on race and disability bias and how to get people with disabilities into the workforce. JOHN M. WILLIAMS ************************************************************* NATIONAL MUSEUM TO HAVE DISABILITY EXHIBIT The National Museum of American History,, Smithsonian Institution will open an exhibit entitled "The Disability Rights Movement" on July 6th, 2000. For information, call 202-357-2700 (Voice) or 202-357-1729 (TTY). COMING SOON ARTS, HISTORY & CULTURE, ONE STOP SHOP ************************************************************* FCC RELEASED NOTICE OF RULEMAKING ON CONSUMER EQUIPMENT FCC wants to take input on consumer equipment such as TDD's etc. eyes open & thumbs up, Ed Bosson RT Administrator ************************************************************* DISABILITY LAWSUIT LIST DEAF TEACHER UNABLE TO ASSIST IN LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, ARBITRATOR RULES A deaf teacher would be unable to assist in the development of her students' language abilities, which is fundamental to the education of kindergarten or first grade students, arbitrator William E. Riker ruled. ************************************************************* This month's recipients of the Deaf Watch GOLD Award. Deaf Dude's Deaf Links Great site by a great deaf dude! Let's give these sites a round of applause! ************************************************************* This month's recipients of the Deaf Watch Award. Educating Rural Deaf America, A Guide for Parents and Teachers Http:// A Top Notch Site! ************************************************************* Letters from readers. Angelina Ortiz writes that she is very bothered about teacher not getting teaching job because of deafness. ----------------------------- Hi my name is Diana Malfa and I am the publisher of the free ezine for the disabled called DisabledPerson.Com. We are contemplating doing our July issue on disabled teens and their prom nights. If any of you have an interest in writing about your prom night please e-mail me at and I will give you instructions on how to send your story to us. Please visit our ezine at to see if this is something that you would like to do. Thank you. Diana Malfa Publisher DisabledPerson.Com ---------------------------- Lev talks about the 7-1-1 relay system in New Jersey. ---------------------------- Tom Bertling writes to Dr. Stephen Nover and Dr. Jean Andrews and shares his views on North Carolina Schools for the Deaf. ------------------------------------------------------------- - DEAF WATCH - Federal ID Number : 33-0765412 - Chief Editor/Editor : Richard Roehm - Orange County, California - Internet : - - ICQ #: 7389913 | Handle: SilentKnight - DEAF WATCH Http:// - Http:// - Visit Http:// ---------------------------------------------------------- - Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! - Help someone subscribe to The Deaf Watch Newsletter ---------------------------------------------------------- - SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION - To be added to the mailing list, send "SUBSCRIBE" - To be deleted from the mailing list send "DELETE" - to this address DEAF@ACTIVIST.COM - - Mailing lists are not sold/given to anyone. ------------------------------------------------------------- - Need to stay on the net? Try DeafWatch's own - "Keeping You Connected" sublink which is packed - with graphical links to FREE email providers. ------------------------------------------------------------- - Help us help the Disability community - Please visit: - Http:// - The freedom to be what you want to be is NOT free. ------------------------------------------------------------- - Internet Sphere Interactive is a Deaf owned Internet service - provider. They host the Deaf Watch main site. For more - information, visit Http:// -------------------------------------------------------------