Here is one of my biggest pet peeves--The shows on Comedy Central are almost never captioned! I woke up this morning and my brother and his g/f were busily watching a show on Comedy Central, laughing away. It really "gets my goat" that this channel is not deaf-accessible! I went to the Comedy Central webpages and left a complaint, but there was no real way to leave a general message, I had to leave it on a message board for a specific show. I plan to continue to boycott that channel as much as possible. It's depressing! Why do they think deaf people don't need to laugh, too???? Cheers, Kevin -- Kevin Calkins E-Mail: ---or--- Snail Mail: (email me to ask!) Home Page URL: (coming soon to a site near you!) Location: Richmond, KY Quotation: "Life is like riding atop a frisbee-just be sure to pick the right weight for the wind!" :)