Deaf & Hearing Impaired Community, NAD! Ladies & Gentlemen! We face a serious threat from several well organized and financially powerful monopolies bonded by campaign and political contributions with politicians. 1. I the CART technology employed in courts as a standard accommodations. In addition deaf party gets as a transcript court reporter's captioning instead transcript from audio recording! However deaf community have to be aware about inaccuracy and manipulability such transcripts are affecting rights and sometimes freedom deaf party in courts! Such heavy possible damage for deaf party in courts require substitution CART technology by Voice Recognition Technology, that ALLOWS excepts possibility altering a single word in captioning arguments in a court! In addition such software allows keep recording suggested spelling alike sounding words that allows to check accuracy transcription. The accuracy of captioning is a very important for deaf community issue! In addition, substitution CART by Voice Recognition Technology allows drastically increase accuracy and reduce cost court hearing transcription. It should be kept in mind that monopolies created for extraction a maximal profit, therefore court reporters obviously take adversary to deaf party side. In my case against NJ Inst. Technology, in one hearing, a private court reporter employed likely due my demand exception court reporters received from the adversary money for captioning my classes, positioned herself with me far away from a judge and microphones for exception audio recording and arbitrary alternations captioning. In that hearing the judge claimed that a communication is too annoying(a reporter obviously had problems with understanding speech due big distance from the judge and my not so perfect pronunciation, and probably due her limited experience) and dismissed the case without giving me possibility to finish my presentation. The NJIT claimed the judge did not say "annoying communication" and since the reporter excluded possibility audio recording and she can to alter captioning by couple strokes key there is no way to prove it. One can't expect siding a member reporter's monopoly of deaf person if his adversary paid them about $100,000. for captioning only my 3 semesters at NJIT! In criminal cases a deaf party can get a long sentence for minor even accidental altering captioning or sign interpretations! Another application CART is hurting Deaf Community is employment it for classroom accommodation that costs about $100. per/h. and seems using money supplied Federal Work-Study Program. The CART doesn't provide accurate captioning, more over to cover their inability to do it court reporters are captioning sometimes contradicting sentences. In addition you can't see visual presentation on a blackboard. I am trying unsuccessfully to get pre-recorded audio and video with later captioning with voice recognition software for insurance accuracy and possibility to see captioning synchronized with speech. Such combination provides opportunity practice in lip reading in college diversity vocabulary setting. It can be done by students under Federal W-Study Program. In such setting a student can see captioning at the same time as visual presentation is processing. And most important, it will provide needy students some money and valuable experience in advanced voice recognition technology. The court reporters after 2 years stenography training simply can't provide accurate and speedy enough captioning for a student's 5-6 college level vocabulary courses. In my experience a CART reporter was not able to caption accurately even home assignments that she saw I wrote down from a screen. Considering blatant inaccuracy their captioning, reporters refuse supply even edited floppies. However a disability counselor supports their policy claiming that a reporter have only provide "real-time captioning" and suggested ridiculous addition - notes written by other student presenting in a class! That would provide possibility to see on a screen something related to speech of a professor and a short summary topics presented in a class in notes! Such "accommodations" caused me failure one course and a very poor academic progress in others, although I have passed already similar courses in the past and possess an outstanding IQ scores. Yet another negative aspect CART accommodations is increase tuition for all other students due its outrageous cost. Another challenge is from a monopoly of hearing aids dispensers. We have to fight joint abuse insurers and Hearing Aids Dispensers. NAD supplied me a phone of Medicaid Fraud Hot Line, but it does not work. It seems Hearing Aids Dispensers was supplied by Medicaid-Medicare Programs for extraction campaign and other contributions. That Hot Line gives an address only for complaints but never gives back feed. Medicaid paid for my used and defective hearing aids about $2,000. but they characteristic, but they never used it for tuning hearing aids, prefer to sell used devices and what is especially hurts, that they are defective and consumers literally have no any power against them except exchange information and avoiding especially dishonest suppliers. However Medicaid and Medicare holders can't do even it,since they have come only to pre approved service providers. Sincerely Lev Pribytkov