(Lots of graphics here....patience please)
Linking to the Deaf Watch Homepage
Deaf Watch is more than happy to let you link to our site in any way you can. Linking to each other is one of the great ways the Deaf people can do to UNITE US and help us STAY STRONG as a community.
Below are some great looking banners for you to use.
"Deaf Watch On Guard Day And Night"
"The Ultimate Deaf Resource Center"
"The Lone Battleship"
"Deaf Watch Newsletter"
"Helping Deaf Help Themselves"
Linking instructions for those young at webmastering.
Add the following HTML fragment to your page to display the banner. This assumes that you have saved the image in a "pics" sub-directory if you keep your images in a different directory change pics/dwbanner.gif to yourdirectory/dwbanner.gif.
Got a banner for us? Send it here.