From: Lori Hickman P.O. Box 601 Langley, WA 98260 email: Dear Parent: My name is Lori Hickman and I am a Speech-Language Pathologist. I am currently working on a project related to the experience of parenting a child with challenges/disabilities. I have worked in special education for 15 years. Over the years, I have found that much of the pain and frustration that many families of children with special needs face is caused by the lack of understanding, support and acceptance they receive from other family members, professionals working with their child, friends, and the community at large. It is my belief that the shortcomings of those of us who do not live with children that have special needs are often the result of a lack of any real understanding about the life-changing experience of living with special needs children. l am hoping to develop a resource for professionals, extended family members, and friends of parents with special needs children that will allow them to experience what the challenges and the joys of raising a child with special needs can be through the words of parents who live this experience every day. If you are the parent of a child with special needs, please review the questions below. If you would like to participate in the development of this resource, please answer the questions below and send them to me (at the mailing address given above) along with your name, address and phone number. I will contact you for written permission if I use your responses in any published form. Any information you share will remain confidential. Feel free to share this letter and questions with other parents. Thank you. Sincerely, Lori Hickman, M.S., CCC-SLP Skip any questions that do not apply to you or that you are uncomfortable answering. Please include as many personal examples as possible to explain your responses to the questions below. 1. What is your childıs current diagnosis? 2. Tell me about your family; (who lives at your home, what are your childrenıs ages?, what are the parentıs ages?) 3. Describe a typical day at your house; i.e., what do you/your child/others in the home do from the time you wake up until you go to bed at night? 4. When did you find out that your child had challenges/disability(s)? Who gave you this information? How was it shared? 5. What was your reaction to #4 above? 6. Describe the response of others when you told them about your childıs diagnosis/disability/challenges. 7. The process of coming to terms with the knowledge that your child will have special needs and challenges in life takes time and can be very difficult. Please describe this process as it applies to your and your child. 8. What are the most difficult aspects of your childıs special challenges? a. for your child b. for you, personally c. for your family 9. In her book Changed by a Child, Barbara Gill provides insights into the positive growth that comes with supporting and advocating for a child with special needs. What are the joys/growth you have experienced because your childıs special challenges? 10. What type of support system have you developed for you and your child? (extended family, friends, respite care, etc.) 11. Describe the participation/support of the following as you have experienced it (positive, negative, or neutral impact) a. educational system b. family c. friends d. community e. church (if applicable) f. other 12. What are your dreams for your child? 13. What are your major concerns regarding your childıs future? 14. What do you anticipate that your child will be doing as an adult? 15. What/who has been the most helpful for your and your child? 16. What/who has been the least helpful? 17. What are your childıs greatest challenges? 18. What are your childıs greatest strengths? 19. If you could provide information to others about living the life of a parent with a child with challenges, what would you say to: a. extended family b. educators c. physicians/medical personnel d. friends f. spouses g. siblings h. community i. parents of newly diagnosed children with challenges j. other 20. Other comments Name address telephone # email address send to: Lori Hickman P.O. Box 601 Langley, WA 98260