Deaf Watch Newsletter Mission Statement 

"To educate the Deaf and hard of hearing communities around the globe of their right to be free from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and from hate violence" 

The Deaf community is going on the internet with the goal of building a community around issues and ideas. We believe the internet can facilitate communication among individuals and within groups. No other medium provides the same opportunity for such immediate interaction, collaboration and participation. The internet is an unparalleled medium for discussing issues and sharing information. 

Deaf Watch Newsletter understands that there is a lot of work to be done to get the Disability community over their fears of new technology and train them on how to use the internet. But we feel that with their help and understanding, the internet can be used to start building a system that will give them the tools to work together as a community of shared information, experiences, opinions to gain the power they never had before. 

Animated picture of a waving USA shaped US flag

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