DEAF WATCH PRESS RELEASE October 26, 1997 Greetings everyone, Valerie Marino's purely political appointment by Connecticut republican governor Rowland to direct the Connecticut's Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired and the resulting problems within the agency is a CLASSIC example of the republican efforts to diminish the quality of living amongst the Deaf and hard of hearing communities. I will make sure that the entire Deaf community knows about this in election years! Richard Roehm ,,, (o o) ===oOO==(_)==OOo=================================================== DEAF WATCH Orange County, California Richard Roehm Chief Editor Internet : DEAF WATCH Http:// .oooO Oooo. Http:// ====( )==( )=================================================== \ ( ) / \_) (_/ Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this objective.