DEAF WATCH SPECIAL BULLETIN----SPECIAL BULLETIN----SPECIAL BULLETIN----SPECIAL BULLETIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please write to your Senators and Representative and ask them for their support for a five percent (5%) increase in funding for ADA enforcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA ACTION ALERT! Your voices must be heard to continue the strong enforcement of ADA. Grassroots voices of our community in every congressional district are needed to assure adequate resources for ADA investigations and mediation. Let Congress know that the increase for the ADA -- our civil rights -- is a right step in the right direction. Without our voices of support on this increase, it could be dead on arrival. Attorney General Janet Reno has asked Congress for an increase in funding for Fiscal Year 1998 to continue the Department of Justice's vigorous enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act. As part of its overall budget request, the Justice Department is seeking an increase of more than 5 percent over the current FY 97 budget for ADA enforcement. The $477,000 increase will enable the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division to hire additional investigators, mediators, and an architect. In celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the ADA, President Clinton called enforcement of the ADA a national priority. This is the third year that the Administration has sought an increase in ADA enforcement funding. This increase could make the difference between a case in your local community being investigated and enforced or falling through the cracks due to lack of funds. Please call your Representatives and Senators and remind them without adequate and appropriate funding for the ADA our rights are useless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is the list of Senators & Representatives in CA with e-mail addresses. ANNAGRAM@HR.HOUSE.GOV SAMFARR@HR.HOUSE.GOV JHARMAN@HR.HOUSE.GOV TALK2TOM@HR.HOUSE.GOV ZOEGRAM@HR.HOUSE.GOV TELLBUCK@HR.HOUSE.GOV GMILLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV SFNANCY@HR.HOUSE.GOV GEORGE@HR.HOUSE.GOV PETEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV WOOLSEY@HR.HOUSE.GOV -------------------------------------------------------- - DEAF WATCH - - Chief Editor : Richard Roehm - - Orange County, California - - Internet : - - Visit Http:// - - and Http:// - - and Http:// - --------------------------------------------------------