Deaf Watch Newsletter Richard Roehm (Address Snipped) March 12, 1998 The Honorable Loretta Sanchez United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Representative Sanchez: Thank you for authoring H.R. 3181, The Older and Disabled Americans Criminal Protection Act. It is appreciated you created something that will protect the disabled in group homes. Stories of neglect and abuse of disabled who reside in group homes and residential schools continue to disturb me. The Older and Disabled Americans Criminal Protection Act is a good step in the direction so that senior citizens and the disabled are properly cared for and free from abuses in any form. I fully endorse The Older and Disabled Americans Criminal Protection Act. On another note, I also ask you for your support on H.R. 2020. Known to many as MiCASA, this bill when passed, will give 2.3 million Americans living in nursing homes and other institutions a REAL choice. People who need supportive services will be able to choose to receive services they need in their own homes rather than being forced into nursing homes or other institutions. Please support H.R. 2020. The disability community is one of the largest and most underrepresented groups in the State as well in the nation. Thank you very much for the support you have shown to the disability community. Sincerely, Richard Roehm Deaf Watch Newsletter