Deaf Watch Newsletter (Snipped) March 24, 1998 The Honorable Barbara Boxer United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510-0505 RE : Gorton Amendment to HR 2646 Dear Senator Boxer: Senator Gorton (R-WA) has attached a terrible discipline amendment to HR 2646 which has already passed the House and is scheduled for a vote in the Senate today, Wednesday, March 25, 1998 . This amendment will gut protections for children with disabilities and allow renewed attacks on the IDEA. I beg of you to vote NO on the Gorton amendment to HR 2646!!!! Senator Gorton is not a friend of people with disabilities. He has a long track record of attacks on the rights of people with disabilities, and this latest action ......CANNOT BE ALLOWED!!! The disability community is one of the largest and most underrepresented groups in the State as well in the nation. We at Deaf Watch Newsletter thank you very much for your time to read this letter and anticipate your support. Sincerely, Richard Roehm Deaf Watch Newsletter