Mr. John Parsons National Park Service Washington, DC USA Dear Mr. Parsons; I am Richard Roehm, a 35 year old Deaf person living in California. Secondly I am a victim of discrimination and I had a legal case already in the system and I have settled my case last summer after 3 years of negotiations. I know what its like to be disabled. I know how it feels to have been discriminated against and be treated as a second class citizen. I also feel other Deaf people are going through the same thing I did. I have started an education project to help other Deaf people. My newsletter "Deaf Watch" was started in November 96. It is a monthly e-mail newsletter with advocacy and Deaf related news. On January 24, 1997 I have launched the newsletter homepage and has lots of legal resources links and Deaf advocacy resources making it now the Ultimate Deaf Resource Center. I want to see a statue of FDR in his wheelchair. Hiding FDR's disability is hurting many disabled people and they feel left out as the society would rather have an icon with an impression of perfection thus the exclusion of FDR's disability is depriving us disabled people of our visibility. We want our visibility displayed on FDR's statue and that means FDR in his wheelchair. As a Deaf activist, I would like to see that people with disabilities get better recognition than just a poster or a mural or a piece of paper. I want something stronger. I dream of myself in a statue looking upward and holding the "I love you" handsign to the sky on a public park. Having a statue of FDR in his wheelchair will pave the way for other disability activists like me to be given one of the highest forms of recognition. Recognition is what achievers want when they do their work. Having FDR in his wheelchair gives the disability community some recognition. This statue shows that a polio victim can become an achiever and he has achieved the Presidency of the United States. This statue also shows the disabled can become achievers. The disability community is one of the largest and most underrepresented groups in the nation. Richard Roehm ,,, (o o) ===oOO==(_)==OOo=================================================== DEAF WATCH Orange County, California Richard Roehm Chief Editor Internet : DEAF WATCH Http:// DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY .oooO Oooo. Http:// ====( )==( )=================================================== \ ( ) / \_) (_/ Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this objective.