April 11, 1998 Deaf Watch Newsletter Richard Roehm ( Address Snipped) The Honorable Loretta Sanchez 1529 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Representative Sanchez: I strongly urge you to vote for the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act, H.R. 2431. This bill constitutes an important first step in defending millions of people who are tortured, imprisoned, starved, enslaved and even murdered because of their religious faith. It is about time that we Americans, who so often take our religious freedom for granted, work to help, save and comfort those who suffer at the hands of their government simply because of their faith. This legislation, sponsored by Congressman Frank Wolf (VA-10) and Senator Arlen Specter (PA), raises the issue of religious persecution to a higher priority when considering United States' foreign policy. Currently, U.S. aid is distributed with very little consideration of whether or not foreign governments respect their citizens' inalienable right to religious freedom. As the leader of the free world, the U.S. should no longer ignore the denial of the basic human right to worship as one chooses. While religious persecution would become a priority under this legislation, it would not become the only issue in considering foreign policy. Issues such as political, racial or ethnic oppression, plus our own national security, can - and will - still be considered. In fact, when considering asylum seekers, this legislation does not allow victims of religious persecution to displace other eligible refugees. A special adviser office to monitor religious persecution abroad would be established in the White House, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. His responsibility in fact-finding is to collect information on which countries engage in widespread, ongoing religious persecution. The Adviser is required to investigate, make findings and impose sanctions. Sanctions will take effect after 90 days, unless the President seeks a waiver to include a ban on exports of persecution products such as so-called cattle prods and barbed wire. Non-humanitarian foreign aid would end and taxpayer- subsidized U.S. government loans would end. The U.S. would also vote against loans from international agencies. The sanctions under this bill are foreign aid related -- not trade related. Enacting this legislation will send a clear signal to persecuting countries that our great nation will no longer stand idly by and tolerate such oppression. Please vote for the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act in order to protect persecuted communities of faith. We must honor our moral obligations to vulnerable victims and make the 21st century safe for faith. Sincerely, Richard Roehm Deaf Watch Newsletter