April 1, 1998 Richard Roehm ( Address Snipped ) Deaf@activist.com The Honorable Loretta Sanchez 1529 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Rep. Sanchez: As an individual committed to equal opportunity and fairness, I urge you to oppose any effort to eliminate the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program included in the reauthorization of the transportation bill, currently known as the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act (ISTEA). The DBE program administered by the Federal Highway Administration is a goal-setting economic development program where qualified women, racial minority, and majority male-owned firms compete for construction contracts. The program has helped counter the effects of past as well as current discrimination that have raised artificial barriers to the formation, development, and utilization of businesses owned by disadvantaged individuals. Federal transportation trust funds are distributed by the Department of Transportation (DOT) through state DOTs and state and local mass transit agencies. These agencies are required to establish a 10 percent goal for the trust funds they receive and are afforded tremendous flexibility in reaching those goals. If a state agency or prime contractor is unable to find enough qualified subcontractors to perform the work, they are allowed to apply for a waiver to lower the goal. The federal government has a compelling interest in expanding contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned firms who already receive disproportionately fewer contracts and subcontracts than their qualifications and availability warrant. Elimination of the DBE program would prevent the government from ensuring the transportation trust funds, drawn from user fees from all citizens, do not inadvertently subsidize discrimination. Without remedial programs in government procurement, the federal government will continue to be an active participant in the continuing cycle of discrimination. I urge you to oppose any efforts to eliminate the DBE program included in the transportation reauthorization bill. The disability community has long been one of the beneficiaries of the DBE program and they are depending on programs like these to be self sufficient and achieving independence and staying away from welfare programs. The disability community is one of the largest and most underrepresented groups in the state as well as the nation. Sincerely, Richard Roehm