April 1, 1998 Richard Roehm (address) Deaf@activist.com The Honorable Barbara Boxer 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Sen. Boxer: As an individual committed to fairness and equal opportunity, I urge you to oppose any effort to eliminate affirmative action in higher education when the Higher Education Act is reauthorized this year. For most of our nation's history, the doors of many of the nation's finest educational institutions were firmly closed to women and people of color. Racial and ethnic discrimination in federally-funded activities was outlawed with passage of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Right Act and gender discrimination prohibited with passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Nevertheless, educational opportunities for women and people of color are still limited by discrimination and stereotyping and affirmative action programs help level what remains a tilted playing field. Affirmative efforts to extend equal educational opportunities to qualified women and people of color have been underway for over twenty five years and span a broad range of activities intended to make educational opportunities accessible to all Americans. Such activities include: -providing targeted scholarships and other targeted financial aid; -providing additional review of applications by admissions committees looking at other merit factors in addition to grades and test scores; -making targeted recruitment efforts for undergraduate and graduate admissions, as well as for special educational programs; and, -providing mentoring, counseling, and other support programs. There is substantial evidence affirmative action programs have made a crucial difference for countless qualified individuals whose talents would not have surfaced without the opportunity provided by such programs. Discrimination and inequities continue to exist, and as a result, women and people of color continue to lag behind by many educational measures. For example: Approximately 18% of all college students are African American, Latino or American Indian compared with 28% of the college-aged population; Only 33% of African-American and 36% of Hispanic high school graduates ages 18-24 attended college in 1993, compared with nearly 42% of whites; While women receive 39% of doctorate degrees, they are awarded only 12% of engineering doctorates, 12% of physics doctorates, and 22% of mathematics doctorates; African Americans receive 4% of doctorate degrees, Hispanics receive 2% of doctorate degrees, and Asian Americans receive 6% of doctorate degrees. Education is so fundamental to virtually every aspect of social and economic opportunity in America. More than ever, educational achievement is linked to economic security and advancement for individuals as well as the nation as a whole. Schools bear the unique responsibility of preparing the future leaders of the country to effectively live and lead in a multi-cultural society. In an era when America's competitive advantage lies in its ability to leverage the diversity of its people, a diverse, educated nation is a stronger nation economically and otherwise. As we approach the 21st Century, our commitment to these programs is more important than ever. Sincerely, Richard Roehm