April 8, 1998 Greetings, I am furious that David H. Winston, Christine L. Olson, and Rea S. Hederman who created the Congressional Ranking Book have excluded disabled people from their research. Congressional Ranking Book is a guide that is consulted by members of congress for demographic composition of the districts they represent. This can be found at http://www.heritage.org/heritage/cd_ranking/i-cdrank.html . The conservative organization, The Heritage Foundation, is continuing one of the popular conservative traditions which is the EXCLUSION OF DISABLED PEOPLE. They said they got their information from the Census Bureau but they missed out on Census Bureau Data on Disability information which can be located at this location : http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/disable.html . The exclusion of disabled people in their research is solid proof that the conservatives think we are nothing, nobody, and non-persons. This is one thing we all should remember when we go to the voting booth this comming June and November. Richard Roehm Deaf@activist.com Deaf Watch Newsletter ,,, (o o) ===oOO==(_)==OOo=================================================== DEAF WATCH Orange County, California Richard Roehm Chief Editor Internet : Deaf@activist.com Nesmuth@hwsys.com Deaf_Workers_OC@usa.net DEAF WATCH Http://www.deafwatch.com DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY .oooO Oooo. Http://home.hwsys.com/users/roehm/dwoc.htm ====( )==( )=================================================== \ ( ) / \_) (_/ Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this objective.