DEMOCRATS OF NORTH ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA A PROPOSED RESOLUTION for consideration by the CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL regarding REFUNDS OF DISABILITY MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION DUES WHEREAS Unemployment for people with disabilities ranges from 75% to 85% and people with disabilities oftentimes have to surrender a good portion of their scarcely available funds to pay for memberships to organizations so to participate in an organized effort to bring improvement upon themselves; and WHEREAS Complaints of organized disability charities and clubs failing to meet the basic organizational activities continue to be heard from all over the State of California. Complaints like; (1) Communications from the disability organizations to their membership oftentimes is limited to membership renewal requests; (2) Representation is oftentimes limited to people who can afford the expenses associated with providing input, thus leaving the majority of the membership defranchised; (3) Opposition members are oftentimes 'blacklisted' and discouraged from further participating in the decision making process within the organization through a number of mechanisms while continuing to pay their dues; (4) Far too many disability organizations in California are staffed and controlled almost entirely by nondisabled people; (5) Many disability-service organizations in California are automatically doing business with nondisabled professionals instead of giving preferred status to disabled-owned businesses; (6) A number of California disability organizations have become a part of a haphazard yet powerful network of both for-profit businesses and non-profit agencies which simply cash in on the "special needs" of people with disabilities instead providing real support and advocacy; (7) Some California disability organizations would employ manipulative techniques to hold their members "captive" and decide what is best for them and how best to provide it to them; and WHEREAS given the light of the poor inclusion of their dues paying membership to a number of activities and decision making process by some disability organizations, it is time that a mechanism is developed to ensure that each and every dues paying member of a disability organization is given the opportunity to participate in all facets of the organization they are supporting. And the best means of encouragement possible is through the organization's coffers and members who were excluded from participation in organizational activities should be entitled to have his/her dues returned or be credited extension of membership at the choice of the members affected; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL affirm's its belief in full inclusion of the membership in each and every activity sponsored any California disability organization. From local meetings to elections to statewide conventions, each dues paying member should be given the opportunity to participate. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL lobby the state legislature for legislation to encourage improved membership participation by membership disability organizations by making them refund up to 5 years dues paid by a member or credit extensions of membership for up to 5 years to any member who demonstrates he/she was never given the opportunity to participate in any activity sponsored by the membership organization during his/her membership. The above resolution was proposed by Richard Roehm, Disability Chair, DNOC Endorsed by DNOC 5-20-99 Tabled by UDC 5-23-99