June 6, 1998 Greetings Deaf Leader, You are the people chosen by your state to serve, protect, and cherish the Deaf communities in your state. You are role models for the Deaf communities in your state. Once again you will soon embark on a crucial mission for the Deaf people in your state, and your country. You will be given the opportunity to select new board officers and the next president of the National Association of the Deaf. Keep these things in mind when you go on this mission: 1) The unemployed among the Deaf community averages nationally at 70 percent. Choose NAD leaders that will establish aggressive programs that encourage businesses to hire and fully accommodate Deaf people. 2) Some Deaf state associations are not functioning. Choose NAD leaders that will create an oversight committee that will assume the defunct state association's responsibilities and hold elections to replace the leadership of a Deaf state association immediately once they determine a Deaf state association no longer functions. I understand that developing the criteria for a 'defunct' Deaf state association will be a difficult and painstaking task. 3) Some Deaf state associations are billboarding companies that discriminate against the Deaf. Choose NAD leaders that will establish and enforce protocols for state organizations' businesses with entities and not to support companies that are well known to discriminate against the Deaf. 4) The Americans with Disabilities Act is still poorly enforced. It is still a hassle for Deaf consumers to obtain accommodations for their workplace, hotels, doctors, and lawyers. Lawyers continue to assert their Deaf clients that interpreters violate the attorney-client privilege. Discrimination against Deaf workers is rampant and is protected by vicious lawyers hired by employers. Hotels continue to claim the costs of accommodating Deaf consumers as overburdensome. Doctors would prefer to reduce the examination process to veterinary medicine as they don't want to be burdened with the expenses of interpreters. Many businesses continue to remain at loss as to how to accommodate Deaf consumers. Choose NAD leaders that will establish a nationwide database along with a toll free telephone number for businesses to contact for interpreter referrals and to start an aggressive education / litigation program that will teach these businesses the importance of effective communication with Deaf consumers. ( This is one of the missions of my Deaf Neighborhood's project. It will be nice for NAD to do this so I can commit more time on other important projects. ) 5) Some so called 'Lone Ranger' Deaf activists who accomplish a lot remain ignored by the NAD staff. Many times I have demonstrated to NAD that I have excellent relations with local government officials. So far I have not received a single word of encouragement. Not even a 'Thank You'. Recently I found out that I'm not alone in this situation. Choose NAD leaders that will encourage and support Deaf activists in their independent quests for fairness, equality, and justice for their local Deaf communities. 6) Many Deaf people are still being victimized by sophisticated hierarchical (Pyramid) fraud systems. As I said earlier that there is a high unemployment rate among the Deaf communities. Since a large section of the Deaf community has poor command of the English language and lack the resources to investigate, they easily fall prey to sophisticated fraud systems usually promising instant wealth, sexy cars, and happiness to unsuspecting Deaf consumers. Recently there was such activity in Orange County, California and I had to put a stop to it. Choose NAD leaders that will create a Deaf consumer protection committee that will protect and educate the Deaf communities on protection against sophisticated fraud systems that target Deaf consumers. 7) We have an apathy problem. Many Deaf people are comming up with various reasons including lower occurance of deafness among babies. I disagree with many of the reasons I have been hearing. It's a consumer's market!! People will not support an advocacy system that moves too slow or keep low profiles, in other words.. does almost nothing to advocate their rights. It's a member's market, if an organization pleases them...they'll support them. If they don't...they wont get any support. IT'S A MEMBER'S MARKET! Finally choose NAD leaders that will continue safeguard the rights of over 21 million people with hearing disabilities. Choose aggressive NAD leaders. Choose NAD leaders that will help keep people with hearing disabilities supporting NAD! Your actions on this mission will help chart out the future of the Deaf community across the USA. We all want our community members to achieve independence from welfare programs. We all want our community members to be productive and become contributors to society. We all want to boost our community member's confidence and morale. The choice is yours and I will respect your decision. Choose Carefully. The future of the Deaf community really depends on your choice. Thank You. Richard Roehm Deaf Workers of Orange County ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm Internet : Deaf@activist.com Deaf_Workers_OC@usa.net Website Nesmuth@hwsys.com Http://home.hwsys.com/users/roehm/dwoc.htm =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. ===============================================================