7-15-97 Greetings Everyone, I have taped and reviewed the story of the deaf couple struggling to keep their first born child which was aired on NBC's Dateline last night. I find it despicable and disgusting that the State of Michigan would rely heavily on information from Diane Knickerbocker, a mentally unstable woman who has had her children taken away from her, to act against Gerald and Keri Webb and take their first born child, Angie, away from them. The state of Michigan along with Social Services' Don Venema failed to have interpreters with him when he went to investigate Knickerbockers' claims that the Webbs were neglecting their child, Angie. Mr. Venema relied on Diane Knickerbocker to communicate with the Webbs. Take note that family members who are usually emotionally involved with their Deaf relatives DO NOT MAKE GOOD INTERPRETERS. Federal and State law required Don Venema to bring interpreters with him when he went to check on the Webbs. Don FAILED to bring them so the State of Michigan and their Social Services Department is at fault. This reminds me of a quote by Kevin McLeod, a Deaf writer, "Some hearing parents worry about the Deaf community "taking their children away from them", but I [deaf] realize now that this happens to Deaf adults with hearing children ALL THE TIME!" I want to see that the Webbs are compensated for this extra burden of raising their children because the State of Michigan faulted when they relied heavily on information from someone with mental problems like Diane Knickerbocker ,who tried to shake and bake a cat and put a small dog in a microwave, to base their decisions to keep Angie away from the Webbs. I also want the state of Michigan to wake up and see the mess they're creating for this almost helpless Deaf couple. I want to express my thanks to NBC's Dateline and Sara James for bringing this to our attention and also I am appreciative that they had an interpreter present at the televised interview with Mr. and Mrs. Webb. Also thanks to Ann Mandt who represented the Webbs to clarify what was happening to the Webbs. I also want to stress the importance of having interpreters present at meetings with social services agencies, law enforcement, lawyers, doctors, dentists, and all meetings with reporters and investigators. Thank you very much! Richard Roehm ,,, (o o) ===oOO==(_)==OOo=================================================== DEAF WATCH Orange County, California Richard Roehm Chief Editor Internet : Deaf@activist.com Nesmuth@bbs.hwsys.com Nesmuth@concentric.net DEAF WATCH .oooO Oooo. Http://home.hwsys.com/users/roehm/deaf.htm ====( )==( )=================================================== \ ( ) / \_) (_/ Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this objective.