Greetings, With ADA anniversary comming up, I will be posting information from my resources. Each day of this week I have posted some valuable information to the Deaf and Disability community. Today's Resource : In this letter I will show you why many Deaf people are getting and staying on SSI/SSDI. There are many reasons they have for obtaining these monthly checks. Here is a few possible reasons: 1) They are unable to find employment anywhere and many of these people HAVE TRIED for some time to obtain employment somewhere. OR they have become traumatized as result of unfavorable work conditions such as lack of reasonable accommodations, or suffered harassment under the guise of disciplinary actions. We need more sensitive employers who are seriously interested in hiring AND retaining Deaf people on a full time basis. 2) Many Deaf associations are not doing their work to help deaf people find employment or assist them in getting employers to accommodate their Deaf employees and this cause Deaf people to feel uncertain about their future and they resort to the U.S. welfare system. Membership many Deaf associations are also on the decline. We must go out and recruit members. 3) The Dept of Fair Employment and Housing is doing a poor job at combating discrimination. This is due to lack of proper staffing and funding for this agency. They are now overwhelmed with complaints to investigate. The investigative qualities of these investigators have diminished thus making it difficult for them to obtain results favorable to Deaf complainants. We need to ask the federal government to increase funding and staffing for this agency. I have been assured by Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) that she will look into this in her letter to me. 4) There is not enough tax incentives to hire Deaf people and accommodate them. Many small business know the costs of accommodating Deaf or disabled employees will burden them and this discourages them from hiring Deaf or disabled people. Again we need write to the Congress and ask them to allow more incentives. These are just a few legitimate possibilities to why many Deaf people are getting and staying on SSI/SSDI programs. I feel the U.S. government needs to improve their programs that encourage employers to hire and accommodate Deaf people. All levels of the U.S government from the President, who signs the bills into laws, to the local judges, who rule on cases involving Deaf employees, must get involved in getting Deaf people to work and steer them away from SSI/SSDI programs. Either they help us get jobs or they will have to support us for the rest of our lives. My opinions are open to criticism. Richard Roehm ,,, (o o) ===oOO==(_)==OOo=================================================== DEAF WATCH Orange County, California Richard Roehm Chief Editor Internet : DEAF WATCH Http:// .oooO Oooo. Http:// ====( )==( )=================================================== \ ( ) / \_) (_/ Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this objective.