Countdown to ADA Anniversary 4 days to go! We all know that Discriminatrion against the disability community is still rampant and widespread. They usually occur with a smile and innocent sounding phrases. Finding subtle discrimination in housing is difficult. Deaf workers dont realize that some innocent sounding excuses for not doing business with them could be RED FLAGS and signal that an illegal discriminatory act has been committed. "I rented that apartment right after you called." "I really dont want all those changes - a ramp, grab bars, that's too much" "We can't have mentally retarded people here. Who will take care of them? It will make the neighbors uncomfortable" "You can't live here because there is no one to take care of you." "I'd like to rent to you, but my insurance will go up." "I can't rent to you because you are deaf and can't hear when the fire alarm goes off." "I can't sell you one of the homes we're building because you will require too many expensive modifications." "We have a `no pets' rule, and that includes your guide dog." "Since you were in an institution, you won't be safe living by yourself." "Since you used to be a drug addict, I'm afraid you'll be a danger to other tenants." "You won't be able to get out of your apartment because of your wheelchair." "We have apartments set aside for handicapped, but they're full." "Do you think you can afford this neighborhood?" "We just cant seem to make an appointment to show you that house?" "I'll need to pre-qualify you before I show you homes." "The owner just took the house off the market." "There's a problem with the appraisal" "We'd like to make this loan, but we need at least a 20% downpayment" "You haven't been at your job long enough to qualify for a mortgage loan." "You might get a better deal at another bank. Why dont you call there first before you apply here." "I'd like to rent to you but my insurance will go up." "How can I be sure that you will pay the rent?" "We have a no-pets rule and that includes your service dog." "I want to see your medical records" If you, you relatives, or friends ever get any statements from the landlord, manager, realtor, or property owners. IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE BELOW AGENCIES: Department of Housing and Urban Development ---File a Complaint (has online complaing form) Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Department of Housing and Urban Development Room 5204 451 Seventh St. SW Washington, DC 20410-2000 1-800-669-9777 1-800-927-9275 TDD ---OR--- Department of Fair Housing The National Fair Housing Advocate Online is a resource designed to serve both the fair housing advocacy community and the general public with timely news and information regarding the issues of housing discrimination. ---Fair Housing Agency Finder ||================================================================= || DEAF WATCH Orange County, California | || Richard Roehm | || Chief Editor Internet : | || | || | || DEAF WATCH ICQ : SilentKnight | || Http:// | || DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY | || Http:// | ||================================================================= || || Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, || and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November || 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this || objective.