Greetings, With ADA anniversary comming up, I will be posting information from my resources. Each day of this week I have posted some valuable information to the Deaf and Disability community. Today's Resource : Deaf activists are a valuable asset to the Deaf community. The more activists we have the better we are able to defend our rights. Yes, we need more Deaf activists than there are at this time. If you have the time and resources to spare you can become a valuable asset to your community. ONLY the ones that are truly sympathetic to the Deaf community should consider becoming Deaf activists. Victims of disability related discrimination are STRONGLY encouraged to become activists. Take your time, get a little this now and a little that later. You will function better if you absorb these items on a gradual basis. REMEMBER You are to serve the Deaf community and not expect anything back. Here is one way to start yourself as a Deaf activist. 1) Join local Deaf associations AND attend their meetings. (NOT DEAF RECREATION/SPORTS ASSOCIATIONS). 2) Obtain Deaf news from Deaf newsletters or newspapers. 3) Gather the names and addresses of as many U.S. senators and as many representatives in your state. Communicating with them is one important part of being an activist. You will ask them to support or reject bills that are introduced that affect the disability community. Make sure you get the official position on the bills preferably from the National Association for the Deaf before you communicate with the lawmakers. When you write to lawmakers, just send to the ones that directly represent your state. 4) Gather resources on SSI, SSDI, SSA, Workers Compensation, EEOC, and Fair Employment and Housing authorities. Make sure that the information comes from the government agency. It will be helpful if you were familiar with the procedures for these programs. 5) Gather information and business cards from at least 5 attorneys who specializes in cases involving disabled people for referrals. In most cases, you will need to refer someone to an attorney. Keep their problems confidential if they spill it on you before you get the chance to refer them to an attorney. 6) Start a community newsletter if you have resources to spare. 7) Obtain a copy of the entire ADA law and all the technical manuals (about 8-10 lbs of papers) from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission It is a good source of information. Kansas State Library compiles kits that include many ADA related publications and passes them out on November of each year. 8) Obtain a copy of your local Social Services Resource Directory. With this you will able to provide Deaf people with information on how to get free food, rent, transportation, and legal assistance as well as referrals to free specialized help. The resource directory is very valuable. 9) Participate in any civil rights demonstration if you have the time to spare. Try not to restrict yourself to Deaf demonstrations, go to other disability demonstrations and civil rights demonstrations. (This will help you form alliances!) 10) Contact other Deaf or Disability activists and ask them to help you get started. They know how to go about things and will be a valuable source of information. Volunteer your time helping them out. Most activists can use a lot of help. Richard Roehm ,,, (o o) ===oOO==(_)==OOo=================================================== DEAF WATCH Orange County, California Richard Roehm Chief Editor Internet : DEAF WATCH Http:// .oooO Oooo. Http:// ====( )==( )=================================================== \ ( ) / \_) (_/ Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this objective.