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Richard Roehm

Richard Roehm

Richard Roehm, Deaf Activist and Advocate is the founder, creator, visionary, of the Deaf Watch Newsletter and website. Through his support and advocacy, hundreds of people with various disabilities have fought for their rights. Richard has also created the Deaf Workers of Orange County Project which is designed to connect information and resources to Deaf people that do not have internet access. Richard has made numerous appearances at civil rights rallies and demonstrations. As a Deaf victim of discrimination, Mr. Roehm vows to help, advocate, support, defend, and teach the Deaf community worldwide all the way to his last breath.

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William Cross

William Cross

William Cross, who has cerebral palsy, joined the Deaf Watch Newsletter staff on July 28, 1997. He has experienced the so called "double discrimination" dilemma in which he as a muslim and a cerebral palsy victim has encountered numerous discrimination problems at the workplace based on his race, religion, and disability. He pays a lot of attention to battling racial discrimination. He recently has voiced out against a condominium management for taking down signs written in Spanish that were placed in the laundry room. William's duties will be gathering disability resources and to gather news from the disability (non-deaf) community. He has assisted with testing automobile insurance companies by portraying as the 'hearing' consumer.

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Harry Phillips

Not Available

Harry Phillips is a Deaf business owner and the founder of the Los Angeles Committee on Deafness joined us on July 1998 as our business and consumer advocate. During his 3 year employment at a Riverside metal processing facility, he has faced countless discriminatory and retaliatory actions. His actions brought him justice and enabled himself to become the owner of a successful Los Angeles based metal processing business. With 70% of his employees from the disability community, he has become a role model for disability owned business. His leadership and dedication to the integrity of commerce within the Deaf community makes him a vital consumer advocate for the Deaf community. His duties will include consumer advocacy, ensuring that Deaf business are legal and fair, to educate the Deaf community on proper business ethics.

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