The Deaf WAI 
is a 
War Against Indiscipline 

After witnessing such indiscipline by some of our Deaf organizations, it was decided early last August something had to be developed and implemented to address and help correct the discipline problems we have within the Deaf community. There was a strong sense of urgency to develop and quickly implement a remedy to this type of indiscipline that is going on. 

The Deaf Watch Newsletter is pleased and excited to unveil a new program that will help us remedy the discipline problems we have within the Deaf community that compromise our ability to produce enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. 

The Deaf WAI is the way we will go if we are ever to become productive, lead decent lifestyles, become free from government assistance, and to contribute to our society. The Deaf WAI is the right way if we are ever to become viable enforcers of ADA which is one of the important necessities toward independence. 

What is "WAI"? "WAI" itself stands for "War Against Indiscipline" 

Why do we need the Deaf WAI? To help combat indiscipline within the Deaf community. 

We have a national Deaf organization suing a company for committing violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We also have another Deaf organization patronizing the same company that is being sued by the other Deaf organization. This is a classic example showing a total lack of discipline among some disability organizations. 

And this very example gets more illustrative: 

According to the National Association of the Deaf and as shown on their website under these 3 URLs, Disney DOES in fact have an unresolved legal problem with the entire Deaf community.

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World Recreation Association of the Deaf had last year a New Year's Eve party at the Disneyland Hotel which is a part of the same Disney company that owns the Florida park which is the defendant named by the National Association of the Deaf in their class action lawsuit. 

There are rumors that the California Association of the Deaf is going to have their 2001 convention at Disneyland hotel. The same man who did the NYE party at Disneyland Hotel has been chosen to chair the CAD Conference in Orange County. His loyalties and priorities are screwed up. We need to put our eyes on this. 

This sends a confusing message to the Deaf community because one of our organizations is suing a company and another one of our organizations is having a party on the company's premises. 

A similar scenario of this type also makes it harder for us to enforce ADA because the company would say 'Why is this Deaf organization suing us if this other Deaf organization is having us host their party?'. That very statement can be used by companies to weaken our ability to enforce ADA on their properties. Statements of this nature really do work well against us in and outside the courthouse, BELIEVE ME, THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'ts time to end this type of indiscipline that is making us weak as a community. 

The Deaf WAI is not to patronize any company that has any unresolved lawsuits placed upon them by any disability organizations. This will chart the direction the Deaf community has to go and that is toward the promised land of fairness, equality, and justice. 

The Deaf WAI Rules 

RULE # 1 Absolutely no business or commerce of any kind with any business, organization, entity, that has been named as a defendant or co-defendant in any litigation that is the result of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 until the named defendant has resolved the case DIRECTLY with the party that initated the litigation. Agreements with the Department Of Justice do not constitute settlements between the named defendant and the litigating party.

RULE # 2 Help promote and retain our disability friendly legislators. It dont matter what party they belong to, lawmakers that have introduced disability friendly legislation whether itself passes or fails should be treated with utmost respect. We are to help, promote, defend, and cherish these legislators that have made efforts to help us. Deaf politicians regardless of their ideology, political affiliation, and their past should also be given UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT in their quests for representation in the legislature.

RULE # 3 Democratic Deaf organizations should continue to utilize the democratic proccess and all of their members's rights to participate in the proccess should be safeguarded. This includes giving every member the opportunity to vote on candidates, resolutions. Voting rights should not be restricted to convention/conference attendees. If their rights were violated, they should GO PUBLIC with their complaints and circulate petitions or file lawsuits.

RULE # 4 Deaf owned or managed businesses are to be given the highest priority by Deaf consumers. Their prices may not be competitive but supporting Deaf owned or managed businesses is the only way to help these businesses show the rest of the world that they can be a business like any other. Be a patriot. BUY DEAF!

RULE # 5 Crab theory is the most serious form of indiscipline among the Deaf community. Our Deaf leaders and pioneers are to be given unconditional support regardless of their social or economic status. Instead of trying to pull them down, let's praise, support, cherish, and respect our Deaf leaders and pioneers.

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