DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT -- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN -- September 17, 1998 Greetings, Whew! This week was a heavy week as some of our rights were under attack by congressional right wingers. Last wednesday night I received word from a pentagon source that they are very interested in establishing a similar program on the west coast like Ft. Stewart in Georgia where we have Deaf people active in the military. The duties the Deaf people include but not limited to is security and first aid. The program will be moved to Ft. Benning. Richard Roehm ---- VICTORY FOR THE DISABLED AS CONGRESS PASSES ASSITIVE TECHNOLOGY BILL House OKs Disabilities Tech Bill The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- States would continue receiving grants to help people with disabilities through computer training or access to other technologies under a bill the House passed Friday and sent to the White House. The bill, approved by voice vote, renews the program for five years. It authorizes $76 million in the current fiscal year for various grants and requires agencies that oversee the program to improve their accountability and coordination. The 10-year-old program helps states help the disabled by providing them with the technological assistance they need to manage their daily lives. The bill is S. 2432. ---- TIM ERICH SUBMITS HIS MESSAGE Vote for common sense reform! I believe our society must focus on the basics of providing all Americans with sufficient levels of social security, medical care, and educational opportunity. To accomplish these goals, we must also maintain adequate levels of national defense and local law enforcement, protect our natural resources and agricultural potential, encourage business growth with full employment, and revitalize democracy through campaign and finance reform. Currently, I am a teacher and school principal. I'm married, with two children. Previously, I served as a government and economics teacher for 10 years, an historical commission member for 3 years, and a congressional candidate in 1996. In order to represent the interests of all Californians, I am visiting every county in our Golden State. I have become known as the "un-politician" because: 1) I do not accept any monetary contributions, 2) I'm spending the least amount of money possible in a serious campaign, and 3) I make only one promise--to do my best to represent the people of California and the nation as a whole. Thi dedication to common sense reform allows me to seriously declare, "As the Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senate, I am not for sale, I'm for real!" Sincerely, Tim Erich Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senator for California ---- JUSTIN DART (GRANDFATHER OF ADA) WRITES ON VOTING Dear Colleague: WHATEVER YOUR OPINION on the issues of personal morality and impeachment, we can all agree on the historic importance of the upcoming elections. THERE ARE POWERFUL FORCES who would lead us in retreat from Abraham Lincoln, FDR, George Bush and Bill Clinton democracy and America for all - back to the good old days of power and privilege for the few. THEY ALREADY ATTACK THE ADA AND THE IDEA. They have killed the Patients Bill of Rights and are blocking Personal Care Services. Their victory in the '98 elections could give them enough votes in the Congress to erase many of our hard won gains of the last 30 years. GET INTO POLITICS AS IF YOUR LIVES DEPENDED ON IT. They do. Voting is not enough. Advocate, advocate, advocate! Everyday until November 3rd, everyday until election 2000. Join the campaigns of, contribute to good candidates. Get one hundred people to vote. LET US JOIN TOGETHER. REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS, Independents. Let us shout together - each on our own way: NO RETREAT FROM DEMOCRACY. AMERICA FOR ALL! I APPRECIATE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS to a society where everyone wins. I LOVE YOU. God bless you. Lead on. Justin Dart, Jr. ---- DEAF WATCH WEBSITE HAS 3 NEW ITEMS ADDED! Finally 3 new items have been added to the website : 1) Deaf Business Education Http:// - Has the endorsed list of MLM opportunities and anti-scam resources. 2) The Strawman's Corner Http:// - Reflections and musings of heavy thinkers. 3) Year 2000 Bug Resources Http:// - Deaf Watch Newsletter once again becomes a leader in the 'Millennium Bug' education for people with hearing disabilities. Fixes and lots of resource links. ---- LAST STRAW ON REPUBLICANS AS THEY SAY 'NO' TO WORK INCENTIIVES! This means that all of the hearings statements, all of the floor statements, all of the votes in favor of removing work disincentives for people with disabilities, all the assurances, meant NOTHING! We must hold all Members of Congress -- Democrats and Republicans -- accountable for their actions and non-actions toward the disability community. It is time to pull out all the stops and do everything we can to force Congress to pass the Work Incentives Improvement Act!! Targets are the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. All of the members are working on the negotiations toward the Omnibus Appropriations bill. Go get them!! If your Members is on one or both of these Committees, call them directly or through the Capitol Switchboard: US Capitol Telephone Switchboard: 202-224-3121 United States House of Representatives COMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS - MEMBERSHIP Phone: (202) 225-2771 BOB LIVINGSTON, Louisiana, Chairman Republicans Democrats Joseph M. McDade, Pennsylvania David R. Obey, Wisconsin C.W. Bill Young, Florida Sidney R. Yates, Illinois Ralph Regula, Ohio Louis Stokes, Ohio Jerry Lewis, California John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania John Edward Porter, Illinois Norman D. Dicks, Washington Harold Rogers, Kentucky Martin Olav Sabo, Minnesota Joe Skeen, New Mexico Julian C. Dixon, California Frank R. Wolf, Virginia Vic Fazio, California Tom DeLay, Texas W.G. (Bill) Hefner, North Carolina Jim Kolbe, Arizona Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland Ron Packard, California Alan B. Mollohan, West Virginia Sonny Callahan, Alabama Marcy Kaptur, Ohio James Walsh, New York David E. Skaggs, Colorado Charles H. Taylor, North Carolina Nancy Pelosi, California David L. Hobson, Ohio Peter J. Visclosky, Indiana Ernest J. Istook, Jr., Oklahoma Esteban Edward Torres, California Henry Bonilla, Texas Nita M. Lowey, New York Joe Knollenberg, Michigan José E. Serrano, New York Dan Miller, Florida Rosa L.D eLauro, Connecticut Jay Dickey, Arkansas James P. Moran, Virginia Jack Kingston, Georgia John W. Olver, Massachusetts Mike Parker, Mississippi Ed Pastor, Arizona Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, New Jersey Carrie P. Meek, Florida Roger F. Wicker, Mississippi David E. Price, North Carolina Michael P. Forbes, New York Chet Edwards, Texas George R. Nethercutt, Jr., Washington Robert E. "Bud" Cramer, Alabama Mark W. Neumann, Wisconsin Randy "Duke" Cunningham, California Todd Tiahrt, Kansas Zack Wamp, Tennessee Tom Latham, Iowa Anne Northup, Kentucky Robert Aderholt, Alabama Senate Committee on Appropriations 202-224-3471 S128 Capitol Building Washington, DC 20510-6025 Republicans Ted Stevens, Alaska, Chairman Thad Cochran, Mississippi Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Pete V. Domenici, New Mexico Christopher S. Bond, Missouri Slade Gorton, Washington Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Conrad Burns, Montana Richard C. Shelby, Alabama Judd Gregg, New Hampshire Robert F. Bennett, Utah Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Colorado Larry Craig, Idaho Lauch Faircloth, North Carolina Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Democrats Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaii Ernest F. Hollings, South Carolina Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Dale Bumpers, Arkansas Frank R. Lautenberg, New Jersey Tom Harkin, Iowa Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland Harry Reid, Nevada Herb Kohl, Wisconsin Patty Murray, Washington Byron Dorgan, North Dakota Barbara Boxer, California Tony Young, Senior Policy Analyst United Cerebral Palsy National Office 202.973.7112 Voice; 202.776.0414 Fax Work: Personal: "Preeminent Purveyor of Disability Policy" ---- TOYS "R" US TOY GUIDE FOR KIDS WITH DISABILITIES RELEASED! Marlee Matlin is Cover Girl for Toys "R" Us Toy Guide for Kids with Disabilities in Honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month Paramus, NJ -- In Honor of President Clinton's Proclamation of October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Toys "R" Us -- the nation's number one toy retailer and a large employer of babies and kids with disabilities in advertising -- is proud to announce the launch of the Sixth Annual "Toys "R" Us Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids!" This year's Toy Guide features Academy Award-winner Marlee Matlin on the cover. According to Robert Nakasone, Chief Executive Officer of Toys "R" Us, "This guide is filled with toys that were specially chosen for their developmental and educational attributes, along with their strong play value. Each toy has been assigned specific symbols identifying its potential benefits, making it a lot easier to buy the right toy." Hundreds of babies and children with disabilities are employed by Toys "R" Us each year as models in advertising for Toys "R" Us, Kids "R" Us, Babies "R" Us and the "TRU Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids!" For six years, this unique guide has been a collaboration between Toys "R' Us, the National Lekotek Center and the National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND). Over 1.5 million Toy Guides are available free of charge at Toys "R" Us stores nationwide. Marlee Matlin believes, "Toys are a child's tools to help them build their dreams, and create their future. Toys have the power to help each child discover their unique gifts and who they are in relation to the world around them. This amazing Toy Guide can help parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, big brothers and sisters, and all those who are concerned about the developmental value of the toys they buy, for the children they love." Toys "R" Us/2-2-2 Deemed as an "invaluable resource" for educators and parents of children with disabilities, each product featured has been evaluated by the National Lekotek Center, a non profit organization and pioneer of accessible play for children with disabilities. According to Beth Boosalis Davis, Executive Director, "Through evaluating each toy in the Guide and describing their outstanding play and skill-building qualities, the National Lekotek Center strives to create a meaningful resource to help people make smart choices when choosing toys for children with disabilities. We are pleased to lend our expertise to this exciting landmark project which continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of families." Over 500,000 of the 1998 Toy Guides will be distributed through the extensive network of the Washington, D.C.-based NPND - a prominent national voice for parents of children, youth and adults with disabilities. According to Patricia McGill Smith, NPND Executive Director, "The TRU Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids! is an amazing resource that places the best interests and developmental growth of ALL children as a top priority. On behalf of children with (and without) disabilities, throughout the nation, thank you Toys "R" Us for honoring the unique gifts of each child and the toys they treasure, in their homes and neighborhood schools. It is a pleasure to collaborate with you again." You can also order the Toy Guide by calling 1-800-732-3298 (voice) or 1-888-859-8011 (TTY). For a Toys "R" Us store near you, call 1-800-TOYSRUS. The consumer response to the Toy Guide has been incredible. To facilitate the informed shopping process, each of the 100+ toys highlighted in the guide is color-coded with a symbol that identifies the product's potential developmental benefit. Entries may include a combination of the following ten symbols: auditory, language, visual, tactile, gross motor, fine motor, social skills, self esteem, creativity, and thinking. The Toy Guide features brief descriptions and photographs that utilize baby and child models with disabilities, including the kids featured on the cover. Marlee Matlin sums it up best, "As a mom, I realize the impact that toys have on my own daughter's development. That's why I am honored to be a member of the Toys "R" Us family. Together, we can and will make a difference in the lives of our children -- and all children." ---- AMERICA NEEDS YOU TO GET ANGRY AND ACTIVE Justice For All Get Angry!...Get Active! America Needs YOU! I don't know about you, but the continued attacks on the rights of citizens with disabilities makes me angry. The unwillingness of many of our lawmakers to defend, let alone establish, even the most fundamental protections for our education, health care, access to transportation and opportunities to work infuriates me. The barriers many of those same lawmakers pose to the adoption of programs that are empowerment-oriented and which finally end centuries of discrimination, exclusion and abuse, burns me up and I know I am not alone. There's no doubt the events of the last few weeks -- and of the last four years, in fact -- have heightened those feelings for me. However, I try to remember that changing the world is never easy...and changing the world is what we're doing. I am also reminded of Fredrick Douglas' quote: "Power concedes nothing without a demand." That statement is so true. Society rarely, if ever, does the right thing of its own accord. Change only comes through persistence and with the oppressed forcing their oppressors to relent. The lesson is that each of us must channel unproductive anger and frustration and convert it into "activism"; convert it into the "power" we need to change the system. Apathy, or just plain giving up, will delay justice and, thus, is unacceptable. Our movement needs you, AMERICA needs you, to get involved. Not only do you need to vote -- and encourage your friends, relatives, coworkers and acquaintances to vote -- but you and everyone you know need to get involved in the campaigns of the candidate (or better yet, candidates) of your choice. Educate those candidates about our issues; about our needs; about the principle of equal access. Contribute to their campaigns -- whatever you can afford even if it's $1 or $2. Other ways to get our message out before November 3rd include writing Letters to the Editor, holding press conferences, being visible at rallies, transporting friends to the polls, volunteering for "get out the vote" drives, calling in to radio talk shows, and the list goes on an on. I am not exaggerating when I say that your involvement in the process can literally mean the difference between lives of dignity and lives of hopelessness for millions in our community. It can mean expanded access to equal opportunities rather than segregation and denial. In some cases, it can truly mean the difference between life and death. We no doubt can make a big difference in the direction our nation takes in the next two years, but, friends, time is running out on us. Less than three weeks remain before the elections. Whatever you choose to do to impact the nation's course; whatever way you choose to become involved, please do it NOW. "Too little, too late" is just around the corner. Mark Smith -- Fred Fay Chair, Justice For All HTTP:// ---- MISTREATMENT OF DEAF MAN LEADS TO LAWSUIT AGAINST WASHINGTON DC POLICE D.C. Police Sued Over Treatment of Deaf Man Failure to Provide Interpreter Is Cited By Bill Miller Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, October 14, 1998; Page B03 An advocacy group for the deaf filed a lawsuit in federal court yesterday against the District's police department, contending that officials routinely have failed to provide sign language interpreters to deaf crime suspects and witnesses. The lawsuit cited the experience of Vernon Shorter, a 36-year-old clerk with the Federal Election Commission. Shorter, who is deaf, was arrested as a burglary suspect last year and was held for three days before the case was dropped. According to the suit, D.C. police made no effort to communicate with him or to ensure that he understood the charges. Shorter, who joined in the lawsuit filed by the Disability Rights Council of Greater Washington, contends that he could have cleared up a misunderstanding and been released quickly if police had used an interpreter. "It would have been different if I were a hearing person," he said through a sign language interpreter yesterday. "There's no question about it. . . . They [the police] couldn't communicate with me and ask me what happened." District officials declined to comment on the lawsuit, saying they had not yet seen it. Walter Smith, a spokesman for Corporation Counsel John M. Ferren, said that police have improved training to educate officers about dealing with deaf people and that the department is sensitive to their needs. The case marks the second time in the last two years that activists for the deaf have gone to court against the police department. Last year, a federal judge ordered the District to provide better 911 access to deaf people amid complaints that special telecommunications devices were not working properly. The Justice Department joined in that litigation and also is reviewing Shorter's complaint. "I think the Metropolitan Police Department has a history of not focusing on the needs of the deaf community in Washington," said Elaine Gardner, an attorney for Shorter and the advocacy group. "This is a long-standing problem." Gardner said she has received other complaints about a lack of interpreters from deaf people who witnessed crimes or who needed emergency help. The District isn't the first area police department to be targeted by advocates for the deaf. Three years ago, Montgomery County officials signed an agreement with the Justice Department that promised to provide interpreters. In Fairfax County, police officials said they voluntarily arrange for interpreters. Like the 911 matter, yesterday's suit accused D.C. officials of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination. The suit, assigned to U.S. District Judge Henry H. Kennedy Jr., seeks unspecified monetary damages for Shorter and a court order requiring the D.C. police to provide sign language interpreters as needed. Shorter, who has been deaf since birth, cannot communicate through speech, cannot read lips and has limited reading and writing skills, his lawyers said. He had never been arrested until early Aug. 1, 1997. No one disputes that police encountered Shorter under suspicious circumstances. According to Shorter, he and a friend used to meet on the roof of an apartment building at 17th and U streets NW, where the friend lived. He had climbed a fire escape ladder to reach the roof at 1 a.m., but his friend wasn't there. Another resident saw him and feared he was an intruder. Shorter jumped from the roof, breaking his ankle when he hit the sidewalk. Police arrested him as a burglary suspect. Although Shorter's "deafness was apparent," the arresting officers did not try to communicate with him, the lawsuit contends. He was taken to the Third District police headquarters and booked on an attempted burglary charge. Shorter then was taken to D.C. General Hospital for treatment of his ankle. He remained there until the following day, a Saturday, when he was moved to a police cellblock and detained for the weekend. When Shorter was taken to D.C. Superior Court on Aug. 4, a Monday, he learned that the criminal charge was dismissed. Prosecutors had decided against pursuing charges within hours of Shorter's arrest, but his release apparently was delayed until he could appear in court. ---- No letters this time :) Maybe next week. ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm President Internet : Website Http:// =============================================================== Circulation Information Direct Email subscribers : 48 Indirect Email Subscribers : 39 Feel free to redistribute this newsletter in it's entirety and if you are planning to add a mailing list as a subscriber then let me know for my records. Thank you. =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. =============================================================== Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! 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