DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT -- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN -- October 31, 1998 Greetings, Remember next Tuesday! This is the day our voice is only heard. Before you go to the polls please take a look at work of some of our legislators. 1)Gorton Amendment to Bill S1061 Senator Slade Gorton. (Republican) Cuts disability education funding by 50% Reaction : 2)Rowland's appointment Connecticut's Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Connecticut Governor Rowland. (Republican) Totally messed up the agency. His appointee was destructive to the agency. Reaction : 3)Quackenbush's Ignorance on Public service ads. (Prop 103 Rebates) California's Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush. (Republican) Omitted TDD information and refused to have subtitling for the hearing disabled. Reaction : 4)H.R. 3206 Rep. Brian Bilbray. (Republican) A ridiculous reduction of the rights of children with disabilities in group homes and a major assault on the Americans with Disabilities Act and fair housing laws. Reactions : 5)Gorton Amendment to HR 2646 Senator Slade Gorton. (Republican) Gut protections for children with disabilities. Reaction : 6)Shuster's amendment to HR 2400 Congressman Bud Shuster, Chair of the House Transportation Committee. (Republican) Exempts Greyhound Bus Lines from ADA compliance Reaction : 7)Rep. Clay Shaw's proposals to Supplementary Security Income (SSI) Program Congressman Clay Shaw. (Republican) Disastrous changes to the Social Security programs for the disabled. Reaction : 8)Rep. Livingston's amendment to the Labor/HHS Appropriations bill HR 4274 Congressman Bob Livingston (Republican) Livingston amendment would reduce enforcement of IDEA Reaction : All the above along with the Republican party's refusal to endorse a Deaf Republican congressional candidate Cathy Bolcar for the 7th district Minnesota seat is a disgrace! It is most likely this level of ignorance already displayed could possibly be only the tip of an iceberg. You, the voter, have the choice, decision, and freedom to decide what type of legislators you want to serve you. Please exercise your right to speak up and VOTE ON NOVEMBER 3. Richard Roehm ---- BLUE TRIANGLES HEAD TO BERMUDA FOR GROUNBREAKING CONFERENCE The First International Conference on Deafness in Bermuda is scheduled for November 17-22, 1998. Space is still available(but is filling fast) for those people who would like to attend or for exhibiting Our website address is : If you have any questions/concerns, please contact me at: OR OR (441)238-8116 FAX. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of history on this historic event. Looking forwarding to seeing you. Jennifer Jeffers-Grant Conference Chairperson ---- DEAFADVOCACY.COM DOMAIN ACQUIRED FOR ORANGE COUNTY DEAF ADVOCACY CENTER The domain name was acquired for the new Santa Ana based Deaf center. The name itself will reflect the true purpose of the center. We are presently seeking donated webspace for the site and several mirrors. We will soon make website a very strong resource center. ---- CECY GROOM SHOWS STRONG SUPPORT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Ms. Cecy Groom is running for Congress in the 39th District. She is a Certified Public Accountant by profession and is actively involved in the community. Cecy's political debut was a successful campaign for the ABC Unified School District Board of Education in 1987. She ran for school board because she was very concerned about the quality of education that her children were getting in the district. She has been reelected three times since, by an overwhelming majority. Cecy received an award from the state legislature in 1988, when she was named Woman of the Year for the 63rd Assembly District of California. Cecy Groom has always been a strong supporter of human rights. She is a charter member of Su Casa, a shelter for battered women, and is committed to fighting for the rights of all disabled people. She will encourage businesses to create more jobs for the disabled and will support bills that offer tax incentives to such businesses. Cecy Groom will also fight to strengthen the laws against discrimination in housing, employment and education. Cecy applauds the efforts your organization has made in registering voters and asks for your support on election day, Nov.3rd. ---- NEZ'S CYBER MALL SUPPORTS THE DEAF COMMUNITY Nez's Cyber Mall is a fundraiser project that will help support the newly created Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. This mall has been designed with accessibility in mind. All commissions generated by sales activity within this mall will be used to support the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. Nez's Cyber Mall can be found at: Http:// ---- MASSACHUSETTS DEAF FORMER CADET SUES BOSTON POLICE ** The Associated Press (c). All rights reserved. ** by Sharon L Lynch, Associated Press Writer BOSTON (AP) - Richard Dahill was playing out one of the oldest archetypes in policeman's lore: that of the Irish son following in his father's footsteps, the second generation hoping to wear the badge. But on the very day he was to graduate from the Police Academy, he was tapped on the shoulder, removed from the ceremony and told he could not become a cop because of his hearing problem. On Thursday, Dahill - who just graduated from Suffolk University Law School sued the department. "It was devastating," Dahill said of his dismissal. "I was shocked. I was embarrassed ... It was very upsetting because I had worked the last six months to get to that position.'" Dahill can hear normally with the help of hearing aids in both ears, according to doctors who have examined him. He claims the Boston police department discriminated against him unreasonably, and is suing for reinstatement to the force, lost wages and unspecified damages. Margot Hill, a spokeswoman for Boston police, refused to comment Thursday. But she told the Boston Herald the department picked Dahill for training despite his impairment. "We wanted to give him an opportunity to pass all the courses," she said, adding that he later had trouble completing a firearms test. For Dahill, now 27, law enforcement was as much a part of childhood as ice cream. The South Boston native remembers riding in his dad's cruiser and looking up to his father in full dress uniform. Richard Dahill Sr., a 29-year veteran of the Massachusetts State Police, even brought junior to the barracks and locked him up in a cell once or twice. His eldest son enrolled at the police academy last year while attending night law school. In a telephone interview Thursday, Dahill said he was an above-average cadet who finished the grueling 26-week training without a hitch. That is until Aug. 25, 1997 - the Monday before graduation. On that day, Dahill and his fellow cadets underwent firearms training. Standing before a giant video screen, each reacted to a series of computer-generated scenarios designed to gauge his ability to respond to sudden threats. According to the lawsuit, Dahill ran through his five tests, then was held for three hours longer than any other cadet and forced to perform more than 20 additional exercises. As fatigue and stress set in, three supervising officers angrily questioned him, wrote him up for failing to say: "Yes Sir!" and finally berated him with comments like: "You know you can't hear anything." Five days later the department pulled him out of graduation, citing concerns about the cadet's ability to hear. Dahill's father, who knows first hand the perils of police work, said his son might just be better prepared for the work because his hearing loss makes him all the more aware of his environment. "If I had any fear that he couldn't do it, I would tell him," Dahill said. "I think he'd be a fine police officer." ---- LAUNCH OF GROUNDBREAKING JOB ACCESS INTERNET SYSTEM COINCIDES WITH NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTH Washington, DC -- JOB access, a state-of-the-art program of Ability Awareness that unites employers with skilled persons with disabilities is being launched October 26 at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. At 9:30 AM, Chet Cooper, founder of Ability Awareness, a non-profit organization created to promote understanding and positive awareness about our country's largest minority, will formally launch the JOB access website ( A comprehensive study sponsored by the National Organization on Disability indicates that two-thirds of Americans with disabilities between the ages of 16 and 64 are not working. Cooper points out, "This is particularly unfortunate in this culture, where self-worth, identity, and value are largely defined by our employment status. 72% of currently unemployed people with disabilities want to work and, moreover, the work is out there." The purpose of JOB access is to reduce discrimination in the hiring process and to bring together qualified potential employers with disabilities with employers who are seeking to fill positions. A primary goal of JOB access is to provide a mechanism to support people with disabilities to enhance their professional lives by providing career opportunities that were previously unavailable to them. Cooper believes that JOB access is a proactive step toward changing the employment and self-worth status of millions of Americans, will help shrink the $200 billion deficit ant the low employment statistic this represents. Cooper adds, "This is a great opportunity to reach the President's goal, when establishing a task force on the employment of adults with disabilities -- to increase the employment rate of adults with disabilities to a rate equal to that of the general adult population." JOB Access is composed of a multimedia internet site where companies can record job descriptions and essential duties, and qualified persons with disabilities can search geographical and job categories, match their skills, post resumes online, establish links to gain corporate information, access resume samples and advice, and find out more information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. This press conference will mark the live formal debut of the JOB access website, will feature the additional debut of the first of many JOB access Public Service Announcement, featuring Max Gail, activist and actor best known for his role as Sgt. Wojo of the Emmy award-winning series Barney Miller. In addition to job listings, JOB access also offers companies the opportunity to place advertisements on the Web, establish company profile pages, and invest as charter or sponsor members of this cost-effective new, socially responsive service. Cooper adds, "This is a proactive strategy for companies to maximize pportunities created by the ADA, as well as engender good will with this constituency of 54 million strong." Cooper, one-time publisher of the National Lampoon, has been publisher of Ability Magazine, the nation's first "cross-over" publication, for over 8 years. For more information on job access, ABILITY Awareness, and ABILITY Magazine, contact Chet Cooper at 949.854.8700 by FAX at 949.548.5966 or via e-mail at ---- WRAD PLANS HAWAII TRIP HAWAIIAN SUNSET TOUR '99 WRAD International Travel SIG is pleased to announce a new 1999 tour program. Experience "Hawaiian Sunset" a 10-day tour departing Los Angeles or San Francisco on October 5 returning the 14, with reasonable connections from your outbound city available upon request. For as little as $198 per day (Only $1,985 inclusive based on a double!) enjoy the awesome beauty and tranquillity of the Hawaiian Islands! A professional sign language interpreter will accompany the group. The tour will visit three of the main islands: Oahu, Kauai, and Maui. Starting in Oahu for three days, we will stay in Waikiki within walking distance of the beach and enjoy a bus tour of many of the historical sites such as the USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor, Dole Plantations, Waimea Valley and other interesting sites, with time allotted for swimming and sun in the beautiful waters of Waikiki. On our visit to Kauai for three days, we will travel up the Wailua River to visit the fern grotto where many movie stars and famous people have been married or renewed their vows. We will have a day of rest for a picnic at the beach or shopping and third day will be spent visiting the "Grand Canyon of Hawaii" at Waimea. On to Maui where we will stay for three days in the old fishing village of Lahaina, just a few blocks from the beach and walking distance to fun night life such as Planet Hollywood. Our days will be fun-filled with time for exploring and relaxing, perhaps sitting on the beach at sunset to watch a beautiful sunset over the Pacific Ocean. Our exciting tours will include morning from the giant slopes of Haleakala with leisurely hiking for those brave at heart. You can also enjoy an all day trip to Hana with an optional 52 mile motorcoach ride showing you along the way some of the most beautiful vegetation and water falls found any place in the world! So come join us to experience the mystery, tradition and legends of the beautiful Hawaiian Islands! A $300 deposit assures you a space... If minimum of 24 people booked, WRAD members only would receive $100 discount. Call now... limited space ... Tour will sell out!!! To book your reservation or for further information, please contact Richard at HOLIDAY TRAVEL, at 319 N. Mt. Shasta Blvd., P.O. Box 219, Mount Shasta, CA 96067 or voice call toll free 1-800-822-5528 CA/CO/OR/NV only; or 530-926-3491, FAX at 530-926-3494. Reach him through your statewide relay service. E-mail : Visit our website: ---- HEY DEAF RV'ERS. THIS SMALL NEW MEXICO RV SITE CATERS TO DEAF RV'ERS Enjoy the great outdoors and support the Deaf Community! A special rate of $18.50 per night is a great deal! For each night, $6.00 will be donated to the new Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center in Santa Ana, California. Visit and bookmark the website at ---------------------- Letters from readers Hello, My name is Errol and I was helping a friend of mine learn sign language and I was impressed how easy and fun it is. I was so fascinated I began teaching my friends and now my interest is really great. But unfortunately I don't have anyone to speak to in sign language. I don't have time or money to take courses. I am a student at Baruch college and am unemployed. I was wondering how could I find a job, something I can do while going to school, working with the deaf or hearing impaired. I am an accountant with accounting skills but I would prefer a job that could be as fun and exiting as one where sign language skills would be necessary. Sincerely, Errol ------------------ hello- My name is Donna Angelotti and I am student at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. I am doing a lesson plan on Teaching the deaf music (I would like to) or teach Kindergarteners sign language of a simple song, I am thinking of animals. Any suggestions????? I need materials to teach this. I CANNOT find any materials to help me get started. I would love to get my hands on some videos that taught sign language to a song. Could you help me????? I love this Deaf Watch is very informative. This is very interesting to me because I would like to teach the deaf someday. My address: Thank you! Donna Angelotti ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm President Internet : Website Http:// =============================================================== Circulation Information Direct Email subscribers : 47 Indirect Email Subscribers : 39 Feel free to redistribute this newsletter in it's entirety and if you are planning to add a mailing list as a subscriber then let me know for my records. Thank you. =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. =============================================================== Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! 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