DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT -- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN -- MARCH 3, 2000 Greetings, MANY QUESTIONS LINGER around the shooting death of Bruce Gilbert the deaf man in Tennessee. This story has spread around like wildfire and people are bringing up questions such as "What sign did they use for 'arrest'?", "Have these police officers arrested him before?", "Why 6 bullets?", "Why didn't they wait for backup or someone who can communicate with him?" I've asked Human Rights Watch organization take a look into the shooting death of Bruce Gilbert. Next steps are Rev's Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. High profile California 'cop buster' activist Mike Madigan has been appraised of this news and he wants me to keep him updated on the investigation. It is very sad to hear about a dog fully trained to communicate in sign language being taken away from a deaf girl in the Chicago area because one of her siblings has an allergy to dogs. I'm under the impression that the deaf girl's needs are not a priority in this family. This is a great way to make little girls mad at her parents and possibly at society later on in her lifetime. I've been criticized harshly for my position on this issue. My position comes from watching too many ignorant parents put their children with disabilities in their family ghettos. Take the late Veronica Henderson for example, she has spent most of her life living as an animal due to neglect by her parents. She had to fend after herself many times by eating discarded leftovers from the trash cans. Silent News this month published my tribute to Veronica. I ask the deaf girl's parents to reconsider their decision to get rid of the dog. The deaf girl needs her companion, her protector, and her best friend. GREAT NEWS! Two landmark cases that challenged the constitutionality of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act have been settled. They will not be heard by the Supreme Court this year. Lets give all the disability activists and advocates a huge round of applause for our steadfast dedication to the preservation of our civil rights. I am happy to be a part of this powerful network of interlaced civil rights and disability activists and together, we win justice for all! The candidates and measures listed just below deserve our support and votes. The candidates have been chosen for their effectiveness in representing constituent interests and their potential as guardians of people with disabilities. At least 2 different parties are represented in the office holders list. Next week we will all have a say in what we want the government to do for us. The easiest way is by our VOTE ON MARCH 7! AND TOGETHER, WE ALL WIN! Richard Roehm ---- BALLOT RECOMMENDATIONS - PLEASE PRINT AND TAKE WITH YOU TO THE POLLS ==================================================================== PART I - BALLOT MEASURES ------------------------ PROPOSITION 1A - SUPPORT - INDIAN GAMING - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 1A PROPOSITION 12 - SUPPORT - PARKS, WATER, COASTAL PROTECTION - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 12 PROPOSITION 13 - SUPPORT - SAFE DRINKING WATER - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 13 PROPOSITION 14 - SUPPORT - LIBRARY BONDS - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 14 PROPOSITION 15 - SUPPORT - FORENSIC LABORATORIES - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 15 PROPOSITION 16 - SUPPORT - VETERANS HOMES - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 16 PROPOSITION 17 - SUPPORT - CHARITABLE RAFFLES FOR NONPROFITS - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 17 PROPOSITION 19 - SUPPORT - TRANSIT AND CAMPUS POLICE AS PEACE OFFICERS - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 19 PROPOSITION 20 - OPPOSE - CALIFORNIA LOTTERY DISBURSEMENTS - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 20 PROPOSITION 21 - OPPOSE - JUVENILE CRIME - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 21 PROPOSITION 22 - OPPOSE - NEW MARRIAGE DEFINITION - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 22 PROPOSITION 23 - OPPOSE - NONE OF THE ABOVE BALLOT OPTION - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 23 PROPOSITION 25 - OPPOSE - ELECTION CONTRIBUTIONS AND SPENDING LIMITS - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 25 PROPOSITION 26 - SUPPORT - MAJORITY VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 26 PROPOSITION 27 - OPPOSE - TERM LIMITS NONBINDING DECLARATIONS - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 27 PROPOSITION 28 - OPPOSE - REPEAL OF TOBACCO TAX - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 28 PROPOSITION 29 - SUPPORT - INDIAN GAMING COMPACTS - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 29 PROPOSITION 30 - SUPPORT - OVERTURN FAIR INSURANCE RESPONSIBILITY ACT - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 30 PROPOSITION 31 - SUPPORT - OVERTURN FAIR INSURANCE RESPONSIBILITY ACT - VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 31 PROPOSITION F - OPPOSE - 2/3 VOTER APPROVAL FOR NEW JAILS, AIRPORTS, AND LANDFILLS - VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION F PART II - PRESIDENT ------------------- AL GORE PART III - LEGISLATIVE OFFICERS UNITED STATES SENATE ---------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - DIANE FEINSTEIN CALIFORNIA - JAN TUCKER PART IV - LEGISLATIVE OFFICERS CONGRESS --------------------------------------- 39TH CONGRESSIONAL - GIL KANEL 41ST CONGRESSIONAL - RUDY FAVILA 45TH CONGRESSIONAL - TED CRISELL 46TH CONGRESSIONAL - LORETTA SANCHEZ 47TH CONGRESSIONAL - MAZAR MAFI 48TH CONGRESSIONAL - PETE KOUVALIS PART V - LEGISLATIVE OFFICERS STATE SENATE -------------------------------------------- 33RD SENATE - JACK ROBERTS 35TH SENATE - STEVE RAY PART VI - LEGISLATIVE OFFICERS STATE ASSEMBLY --------------------------------------------- 67TH ASSEMBLY - ANDY HILBERT 68TH ASSEMBLY - TINA LOUISE LAINE 69TH ASSEMBLY - LOU CORREA 70TH ASSEMBLY - MERRIT LORI MCKEON 71ST ASSEMBLY - BEA FOSTER 72ND ASSEMBLY - G. NANJUNDAPPA 73RD ASSEMBLY - ROBERT WILBERG PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND RELATIVES. YOUR VOTE IS YOUR ONLY VOICE TO THE GOVERNMENT! TOGETHER, WE WIN FOR ALL! ---- COURT DISMISSES DISABILITIES CASE WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court on Wednesday narrowed its planned review of whether state employees are protected by a federal anti-discrimination law, the Americans with Disabilities Act. The justices dismissed a Florida case on which it had planned to hear arguments in April. Assistant Florida Attorney General Louis F. Hubener said the case, involving a lawsuit by a prison guard who sued the state after failing to get a promotion, had been settled. Still on the court's April 26 argument calendar is an Arkansas dispute that also asks whether Congress exceeded its power by giving all state employees the right to sue in federal court over the ADA. In the Arkansas case, a police officer sued the state police training commission after it refused to certify him to perform law enforcement duties because of his poor vision. The ADA is best known for requiring equal access to public buildings. Depending on how broadly the justices decide to rule on the law and states' 11th Amendment immunity from being sued in federal courts, the court's ruling in the Arkansas case could determine whether anyone can invoke the ADA and sue a state for alleged discrimination based on a disability. In January, the court barred state employees from going into federal court to sue over age discrimination. The ruling further trimmed back the federal government's power over the states. The Florida case dismissed by the court Wednesday was filed by prison guard Wellington Dickson, who said his failure to win a promotion was the result of discrimination because of his age and heart condition. The case was Florida vs. Dickson, 99-829 ---- TRIAL LAWYERS ARE "DISABLED" IF THEY CANT WORK 16-20 HOUR DAYS Trial lawyers must, by definition, be able to work 16- to 20-hour days on occasion and if their health precludes it, they are disabled, a federal judge in Los Angeles ruled. U.S. District Judge Gary Feess found it was bad faith under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act for Epstein Becker & Green's disability carrier, Paul Revere Life Insurance Co., to deny full disability benefits to an associate whose blood pressure skyrocketed during trial preparation. Epstein Becker is a 280-lawyer firm based in New York, best known for its health care practice. ---- ACLU PLANS TO PROSECUTE CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR COURTS FOR ADA VIOLATIONS As of today, Mr. Peter Eliasberg of the ACLU Southern California office and Mr. Mark Rosenbaum, Litigation Director for the ACLU has agreed to proceed with lawsuit(s) against Superior Courts in San Francisco County, Sacramento County, Sonoma County, Mendocino County, Placer County, Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino County and San Diego County. What they need are plaintiffs with disability who have been to any of the county courts listed and had their civil rights denied due to lack of physical access, accommodation, or programs to accommodate a particular disability need. The plaintiffs can be those who have been victims, witnesses, plaintiffs, defendants, attorneys, observers, etc. The ACLU objective is injunctive relief for full compliance of the California Courts. Please contact Mr. Peter Eliasberg, ACLU Southern California, 1616 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles California 90026. I hope that there are enough of you out there to make an impact. Please flood Peter's office with complaints! ---- NATIONAL COUNCIL ON DISABILITY CALLS FOR CHANGES IN THE TREATMENT OF PEOPLE LABELED WITH PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITIES WASHINGTON--People labeled with psychiatric disabilities are routinely deprived of their rights as citizens and human beings. This conclusion is reached in the National Council on Disability's new report on the countless problems facing individuals with psychiatric disabilities: "From Privileges to Rights: People Labeled with Psychiatric Disabilities Speak for Themselves." From Privileges to Rights, which was released today at the National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems' Winter Conference 2000 in Orlando, Florida, is based on the 1998 hearing conducted by NCD in Albany, New York. NCD heard testimony from mental health professionals, lawyers, advocates and relatives of people with psychiatric disabilities. Most important, however, was the testimony given by people with psychiatric disabilities themselves. Passionate and eloquent, they described in graphic detail how individuals with psychiatric disabilities have been beaten, shocked, isolated, incarcerated, raped, deprived of food and bathroom privileges, and physically and psychologically abused in institutions and in their communities. From Privileges to Rights notes that people with psychiatric disabilities are the only Americans who can be denied their freedom, who can be institutionalized or incarcerated without being convicted of a crime, with minimal respect for their due process rights. When people with psychiatric disabilities die in facilities supposedly designed to serve and protect them, their deaths are rarely investigated, and when they are, criminal charges are seldom filed. The compelling testimony heard and studied by NCD has resulted in a number of recommendations for change in the way that people with psychiatric disabilities are treated. "The most important change required," said NCD board member Rae Unzicker, "is the elimination of coercion." Ms. Unzicker, who also serves as president of the National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy added, "In the Albany hearing, involuntary commitment and forced commitment were repeatedly described as the most painful and difficult experiences in people's lives." "People with psychiatric disabilities are American citizens who have the right to expect the same treatment accorded other citizens which is based on the principles of law," said NCD chairperson Marca Bristo. "Laws, policies and practices that restrict the rights of people with psychiatric disabilities solely because of their disabilities, dishonor our nation's basic principles of justice and landmark civil rights laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)." >From Privileges to Rights calls on the President and Congress to address the many problems faced by individuals with psychiatric disabilities and ensure that these individuals are fully and substantively involved in making policy changes that will enable them to claim their full citizenship rights. NCD also recommends that the use of involuntary treatments such as forced medication and inpatient and outpatient commitment, be viewed as inherently suspect, because they are incompatible with the principle of self-determination. NCD is an independent federal agency currently coordinating a multi-year study for the President and Congress on the implementation and enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other civil rights laws. For more information, contact Mark S. Quigley at 202-272-2004 or visit NCD's award-winning Web site ( ---- (DEAF) SHOVEL-WIELDING MAN KILLED BY 2 DEPUTIES By Janet H. Lethgo / Staff Writer A deaf man was killed yesterday by Williamson County sheriff's deputies who shot him after he swung a shovel at them as they tried to arrest him. Bruce Gilbert, 35, was shot five to six times in the chest and hands while in the driveway of his home in the Bear Creek community, east of Leiper's Fork. Sheriff's Deputies Terrence Demerest and Robert Durbin went to Gilbert's house at 3794 Bear Creek Road to arrest him on a domestic violence complaint. Gilbert had a criminal record dating to 1989. According to sheriff's Detective Fred Bennett, Gilbert hit one of the deputies with his hand, twice, and continued to resist arrest even after he was subdued with pepper spray and a baton. He broke loose, picked up the short-handled shovel he'd been using to distribute gravel in a ditch and swung at a deputy with it. That's when they opened fire. Officials said that Gilbert, who was deaf since birth, was shown a sign to indicate he was under arrest. The sheriff's deputies were in uniform. Gilbert's sister, Polly Mealer, spoke for the family and others at the scene who did not think the shooting was justified. "I imagine he was resisting arrest," she said. "But why shoot him five times? Why didn't they wait for backup? He has been in trouble before, but why didn't they get backup?" she asked. "... If they had just shot him in the hand, he would have dropped the shovel. Why shoot him in the chest?" The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is investigating the incident at the request of Ron Davis, district attorney general for the 21st Judicial District, which includes Williamson County. The two deputies were put on administrative leave with pay while the incident is investigated. "We requested the investigation by the TBI, and we will wait for their final report," Davis said. "Was this a good shoot? I don't know, but it shouldn't take too long to put it together. My policy is to present the case to the grand jury even if, in my opinion, it was a justified shooting. "It may be that it is not a situation that rises to the level of criminal conduct, but yet, maybe, it could have been done better." The county's dispatchers were swamped trying to sort out the day's events. About 8:35 a.m., Demerest and Durbin arrived to serve the warrant on Gilbert. "He was shoveling gravel out of the ditch," witness Michael Anderson said. "They walked up to him and grabbed his arms and swung him around. He went over by that big tree, and they tackled him. I saw him get up, and he hit one of them in the head. Then they took a stick and hit him on the back of the head and sprayed him with Mace. Then they slammed him up against the front of the house. He broke loose and took off running. He couldn't see. He tripped over the shovel, picked it up and started swinging." At that time, according to a tape released by the Williamson County Emergency Management Agency's command center, a deputy frantically called out. "He's coming at me with a shovel. He's coming at me," the deputy is heard to say. At that moment, shots are fired, and one of the deputies tells dispatch that shots have been fired. "We have shots fired. An EMT is on the scene -- is a next-door neighbor." When the deputy is asked who is hurt, he tells dispatch that Gilbert has multiple shots in the chest and appears to be unconscious. The deputy tells dispatch that Gilbert hit him twice. Anderson's mother, Carlene Anderson, a nurse, was allowed to feel for Gilbert's pulse, Michael Anderson said. She couldn't find one. By 9:30 a.m., the Gilbert back yard was filled with kin -- cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, embracing one another and crying. Gilbert's body was covered with a sheet and left there while the TBI and John Brown, investigator for Davis, measured and walked the scene, a three-hour process. Those who knew Gilbert described him as a friendly man, a good brother who loved to tinker with drag racers and lawnmowers. Gilbert was educated at the Tennessee School for the Deaf. He worked odd jobs, and also for his father, Robert Gilbert. In 1991, he was sentenced to five years on two counts of attempting to commit sexual battery on a child under 13. He spent five years in prison. Since 1989, Gilbert has appeared in court on charges ranging from assault on an officer and resisting arrest to public intoxication and joy riding. One deputy who heard the address as it was dispatched yesterday said, "That's Bruce Gilbert. He always runs." SOURCE ---- GORE FIRST TO RENEW THE PLEDGE FOR OUR CIVIL RIGHTS Gore First To Renew the Pledge. Last week Vice-President Al Gore became the first presidential candidate to "Renew the Pledge" for our civil rights! The Pledge, included in our last emailing, includes "support for the goals of equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living and economic self-sufficiency for all people with disabilities, and to honor the 10th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the 25th anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) . . . " (Al Gore was also the only candidate to attend the New Hampshire Forum in person and was the first to issue a campaign paper on disability issues.) Our challenge now is to get the rest of the presidential candidates -- all elected officials and candidates -- to make the pledge and support our civil rights! ---- McCAIN RIGHTLY FAULTS BUSH FOR PANDERING TO RADICAL RIGHT, BUT NEEDS TO GET OWN HOUSE IN ORDER In response to Senator John McCain's statements criticizing Governor George W. Bush for "pandering to the outer reaches of American politics," including Pat Robertson, People For the American Way President Ralph G. Neas issued the following statement: "John McCain is right to criticize Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and George W. Bush today, but it is hypocritical for him to do so without getting his own house in order. Over the past month, John McCain has also pandered to the Radical Right time and again. "In South Carolina he refused, like George W. Bush, to take a position on the flying of the Confederate battle flag over the state capitol. "McCain has failed to fire or repudiate the views of Richard Quinn, a $20,000-a-month campaign adviser who has held a top editorial position for two decades with the neo-confederate publication Southern Partisan. Quinn has written columns attacking Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, discounting the evils of slavery, and commending those who voted for former KKK leader David Duke when he ran for public office. The magazine, where Quinn is Editor-in-Chief, has been - at best - racially insensitive and its merchandising arm even promotes materials celebrating the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Ironically, Quinn's list of previous clients even includes Pat Robertson's 1988 presidential campaign. "McCain has embraced the endorsement of Gary Bauer, who agrees with Robertson, Falwell, and Bush adviser Ralph Reed on virtually every substantive issue. Bauer even joined with these and others from the Radical Right in mounting a harsh public attack against Colin Powell for his moderate Republican views in late 1995, when Powell was considering a run for the Presidency. "Based on some of his advisers and his eighteen-year voting record in Congress, there's more evidence that McCain has rejected, not embraced, the party of Abraham Lincoln." People for the American Way ---- OCDAC WEBSTORE SUPPORTS THE DEAF COMMUNITY OCDAC WebStore is packed with items for use by people with hearing disabilities and a few extras. OCDAC WebStore can be found at: Http:// ---- JOIN US FOR A CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL No on Proposition 21 - Juvenile Justice No on Proposition 22 - No on Knight Show your opposition to these two destructive propositions that are on the March ballot. Stop the Hate & Fear that divides our communities!!! Saturday, March 4, 2000 6:00 P.M. The Orange Plaza Circle Chapman & Glassell, Orange Get Involved! Show your support for Human & Civil Rights. Come together in Solidarity & Justice for all... For more information call: Marti at (714) 835-5158 ---- JOB OPENINGS FOR UNION RESEARCHER-CAMPAIGNERS AT SEIU IN CALIFORNIA AND WASHINGTON, DC The Service Employees International Union, the nation's fastest growing labor organization representing more than 1.3 million workers, seeks campaign-oriented researchers for positions in Washington DC and California. Candidates for all positions must have a commitment to progressive social change and activist experience; demonstrated competence in research skills and excellent writing ability. Familiarity with a variety of computer based research tools and good quantitative skills; and an ability to work well under tight deadlines and in a team environment. Health Care Campaign Researchers, California. Experienced and entry-level researchers needed to conduct research and corporate investigations supporting hospital worker organizing by the nation's largest health care union. Must have enthusiastic commitment to building a strong health care union and ability to gather, logically organize and analyze information from workers, employers, government agencies and other sources. Candidates for positions above entry level should have one or more of the following. > Experience leading or coordinating the work of other research staff. > Experience working with financial documents and other quantitative materials. > Experience - in the labor movement or other activist settings - at turning information into public outreach materials, legal/regulatory complaints or other action tools. > Knowledge of the health care industry. > The positions are based in California. > Senior Research Analyst Health Care > Lead researcher on a five person, headquarters based research team focusing on hospitals. SEIU is the largest health care union in the country and is aggressively organizing in the acute care industry. Duties include: conducting industry analysis to help SEIU develop its health care program, linking research work with major organizing campaigns, providing in-depth research support for major collective bargaining, and representing SEIU in internal and external forums as a technical expert and union advocate. > Proven research competence and three years relevant research experience is required. Experience as a project coordinator, financial analysis skills, and a Master's degree in a relevant field is preferred. The position is based in Washington, DC. Research Analyst-Building Service. Responsible for conducting in-depth research and helping to develop and implement projects in support of the Building Service Division and its Justice for Janitors Campaign. Justice for Janitors is an exciting national organizing and collective bargaining campaign aimed at winning significant gains, health insurance, full-time work and organizing rights for low-wage building service workers. Duties include: Tracking trends in the real estate industry; Responding to local union requests for information; Conducting company specific research on both publicly traded and privately held real estate and facilities maintenance companies; Supporting organizing campaigns across the country. Analyst will also work closely with Building Service Locals and International staff to develop specific campaign plans and activities. One year of research experience is required. The position is based in Washington, DC. Research Analyst-Public Division. Responsible for conducting in-depth research and helping to develop and implement campaigns in support of organizing and collective bargaining in the public sector. Duties include: Responding to local union requests for collective bargaining assistance; Tracking and analyzing public policy issues related to public employees and the public services they provide; Supporting fight-back campaigns against privatization and other attacks on public workers; Performing fiscal analysis of cities, counties and states to measure their ability to pay and in support of organizing. Applied experience in public interest issues, in support work for union organizing and in public fiscal or policy analysis is required. The position is based in Washington, DC. People of color and women are strongly urged to apply. Competitive salary; excellent benefits. Send resume, writing samples and list of references to: SEIU Attn: RESEARCH, 1313 L St., NW Washington, DC 20005, or fax to (202) 898-3309. EOE ---- LORETTA SANCHEZ PLANS GET OUT THE VOTE RALLY Who: Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and You! What: 'Getting-Out-The-Vote' in the 46th Congressional District by talking to local voters and precinct walking Where: Chaparral Park in Anaheim located on the South side of Broadway between Euclid and Brookhurst. When: Sunday March 5th, beginning at 12 noon Why: Because California's Primary will be only 2 days away!!! At 12 noon on Sunday, March 5, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez will host a rally to 'get-out-the-vote' in the 46th Congressional District. We hope you will add to this campaign effort by volunteering your time, and perhaps recruiting the help of other supporters, for the afternoon. Volunteers should meet at Chaparral Park in Anaheim at 12:00 noon on Sunday, March 5. The park is located in the city of Anaheim on the South side of Broadway between Euclid and Brookhurst. We encourage everyone to wear comfortable shoes and to be available to walk for at least two hours. Refreshments will be provided during a short training session before we go out to walk. If you plan to attend, or would like any more information, please contact Sean Matsler at the Sanchez Campaign Hedquarters at 714-839-4431. ---------------------- WE GET LETTERS! Folks: After a long talk with several people and I have decided not to run for public office this time; however, I have been appointed to serve on a Governor Bush's 'Florida Center for Independent Living Council' (Pending). The person who will be running for the Florida House of Representatives of District 22 has offered me to be involved in the campaign and I accepted the offer as I will get hands-on training on how to run a campaign from ground up. In turn their people will support me in two years 'If I decide' to run for the U.S. Congress seat in my area in two years. I had to be realistic as money is an important factor and need to raise $150,000 and I have not gotten to that point of being affluent with cash contributions; nevertheless, I will be able to learn how to generate contributions by being directly involved with the campaign. This is a time for me to develop a name and meet people which would be a very good opportunity as to get a solid support and contacts with the community. I will never give up my duties to serve the people in the state as I will be more active by being a policy and decision maker on the state level and also with the Florida Association of the Deaf. It was a very difficult experience because I have to do what it is right and once I run also I intend to win the contest. I wanted to thank so many people who have given me their support and encouragement by believing that I am capable of becoming an elected public official. Thank you! Stephen Joseph Hardy, II ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm President Internet : Website Http:// =============================================================== Feel free to redistribute this newsletter in it's entirety and if you are planning to add a mailing list as a subscriber then let me know for my records. Thank you. =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. =============================================================== Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! 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