DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT -- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN -- May 29, 1998 Greetings, Yesterday at the Deaf Workers meeting in which 6 people came, I highlighted disability friendly legislators in Orange County and for the state offices. I made a pitch to waive membership fees to anyone who volunteers at ANY of the candidate's office. My goal is to try place as many Deaf people inside various campaign offices to show the politicians that we are SERIOUS about representation. This is a multi partisan effort. This will be the last bulletin that carries our candidates messages to the Deaf community. Your VOTE is your VOICE and it counts and don't forget to cast it next Tuesday. This is the last issue of the first month of this newsletter. I am very pleased that this is working far better than I have expected. I look forward to many more years of sending this weekly bulletin and to educate, enrich, and help the Deaf community in Orange County, California. Deaf Workers of Orange County will set a leading example by helping the Deaf community empower themselves. Richard Roehm ---- CALIFORNIA'S SENATOR BOXER WRITES TO DEAF WATCH NEWSLETTER READERS Thank you for the opportunity to share my views on programs of concern to Americans living with disabilities. I appreciate this chance to discuss the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with the readers of the Deaf Watch Newsletter. I strongly believe that programs that provide medical coverage, housing assistance, job training and income support play an essential role in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities. Continued federal funding for this continuum of services is essential because these programs allow people to fulfill their full potential and so often prove cost-effective by preventing the need for institutionalized care. The Americans With Disabilities Act is a landmark piece of legislation that reinforces a core American value -- equality of opportunity. While establishing this legal framework has revolutionized the workplace for many individuals, proper enforcement of ADA regulations is essential. I support the continued efforts of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division as well as the Attorneys General at the state level to ensure that the ADA is consistently implemented. Additionally, I proudly support full funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act so that children with disabilities have access to education programs which enable them to realize the maximum degree of independence and self-sufficiency possible. I supported Senator Christopher Dodd's proposal to send an additional $1.6 billion to the states over five years to fund IDEA. Though this proposal was defeated, I am committed to securing funding for programs that improve opportunity and quality of life for America's disabled children. Senator Barbara Boxer ---- FREE OR LOW COST LOCAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE RESOURCES YOU CAN USE American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 1616 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, Ca 90026 (213) 977-9500 ACLU considers issues regarding constitutional rights. Because of severely limited resources, only a few of the hundreds of complaints and issues brought to attention can be pursued. Cases not taken are referred to an appropriate agency. Services are free. -- California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (CDFEH) 28 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 538 Santa Ana, Ca 92701-4010 (800) 884-1684 (714) 558-4159 CDFEH handles discrimination based on race, sex, color, age, medial condition marital status, religion, physical disabilities including AIDS, pregnancy, and family rights act. They take in complaints directly related to employment and housing. Services are free. -- Developmental Disabilities area XI 250 El Camino Real, Suite 110 Tustin, Ca 92680 (714) 731-4787 Area Board XI is one of the thirteen California state agencies mandated to protect and advocate for the legal, civil and service rights of all persons in Orange County having developmental special needs. -- Legal Aid Society of Orange County 902 N. Main Street Santa Ana, Ca 92701 (714) 835-8806 Provides free legal service in certain areas of civil law to low income residents of Orange County. Services Include family law, landlord-tenant, consumer, child custody, government benefits, employment.. to name a few. Services are free. -- Police Watch Police misconduct lawyer referral services (213) 387-3325 Provides consultation and assistance to anyone filing claims for damages, citizens complaints, or misconduct against a law enforcement officer. Must telephone in complaints. Services are free. -- Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled 150 W. Cerritos Bldg 4 Anaheim, Ca 92805 (714) 772-8285 (714) 772 8366 TDD (714) 772-8292 FAX Provides a wide range of services. Run by the disabled. Has advocates in many areas of the disability community. One of the best resource centers in California. From interpreters to advocates. Services are free. ---- CALIFORNIA LAWMAKER DOES BILLS ON BEHALF OF DISABILITY COMMUNITY Dear Richard, As a lawmaker I have carried a number of bills on behalf of the hearing impaired and disabled communities. It is the sort of legislative work I believe in. If you read my last letter, you know that I have a special interest in the deaf community. My views on the American's with Disabilities Act are simple and straightforward. I support it and I support legislation to encourage businesses to hire people with disabilities. Even if I can't spell worth a darn. Let people earn your trust but do not be closed to the notion that many people are trustworthy. I work with politicians and if I gave up on the rest of the human race because of the experiences I have suffered at their hands, I would trust no one at all. Warmly, Diane Martinez Democrat for Insurance Commissioner ---- MEET RICHARD ROEHM ONLINE ON JUNE 7, 1998 7PM EASTERN Here is your chance to meet the man behind the "" handle. The Irishman will be hosting this special meeting in their chatroom. I will make a small speech "Am I a Person?". As always, I look forward to meeting you online. 2 ways to get in: 1) Talkcity Server A) Use your IRC client and type "/server" without quotes. B) Join the Irishman's chatroom by typing "/join #TheIrishmansChatroom" without quotes. For more information on IRC and resources, visit DeafWatch's own "Deaf 'Net Chat' Resources" page. (Http:// 2) Irishman's website A) Point your browser to : ---- CALIFORNIA TREASURER CANDIDATE EDMON KAISER DOES NOT CONDONE DISCRIMINATION Dear Richard, Dr. Edmon V. Kaiser does not condone discrimination against any individual or group. At the present time the doctor's time an efforts are being consumed in the support and development of the American Independent Party and his candidacy for State Treasurer. The American Independent Party has been aware of "horror stories" of the Judiciary, and has taken a stand in our Party Platform for more than thirty years. We have also observed that it makes very little difference which major party is doing the appointing and administrating, and legislating. Both democrat and republican party's leaderships are determined to completely destroy our Constitutional Republic. Please join our efforts and support the American Independent Party. Sincerely, Carol Oakland, Dr. Edmon V. Kaiser A I P Candidate for Treasurer ---- IMPRESSIVE SITES TO CHECK OUT Disability News Ticker Great source of disability related news around the globe. Great site on Social Security Disability Benefits Law Information and Resources. FreeAdvice Excellent resource site for those seeking legal advice. ASK GRUNTY Good site if you have a question or need some advice and would like to ask Grunty. ---- LT. GOVERNOR CANDIDATE AGREES THE DISABLED SHOULD GET "A HAND UP" Thank you for the important work you are doing in the deaf community. Please contact my Senate office by e-mail at if there are any legislative concerns that you have. I agree that it is very important to help all people to lead productive and full lives- "a hand up" you might say. Senator Tim Leslie ---- TAX INCENTIVES FOR DISABLED CALIFORNIANS TWO PROGRAMS FOR MONEY FROM THE CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD ARE NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS... THE DEADLINE IS AUGUST 31, 1998. SPREAD THIS MESSAGE TO DEAF, SENIOR CITIZENS, AND OTHER DISABLED CALIFORNIANS. ==================================== You must be a US Citizen or a "designated alien" or a "qualified" alien to get these checks -- if you are not a citizen and you don't have a "green card," ask the Franchise Tax Board for more information. ================================= #1 -- CALIFORNIA FORM 9000R, "RENTER'S CREDIT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, BLIND AND DISABLED PEOPLE (including deaf people)" You can get a check from the California Franchise Tax Board if you meet these requirements... 1.) You paid $50 or more rent per month in 1997; AND 2.) You are 63 years old or older; OR you are blind; OR you are disabled (including deaf); AND 3.) You had total household income of $13,500 or less in 1997. (Do not count the income of your spouse, minor children, students, renters, or owners of your rented residence). ===================================== #2 -- CALIFORNIA FORM 9000, "HOMEOWNER'S CREDIT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, BLIND, AND DISABLED PEOPLE (including deaf people)" You can get a check from the California Franchise Tax Board if you meet these requirements... 1.) You owned and lived in your own home on December 31, 1997; AND 2.) You are 63 years old or older; OR blind OR disabled (including deaf); AND 3.) Your household had total income of $13,500 or less in 1997. (Do not count the income of your spouse, minor children, students or renters). ================================ These checks will NOT reduce your government SSI/SSP, AFDC, welfare, food stamps, or any other government benefits you receive. It is safe to apply for these checks if you receive SSI. ================================= You can get the forms on the Franchise Tax Board website at or you can call (800) 822-6258 for direct TTY. Relay calls are also accepted on their voice line at (800) 852-5711. You can also request the forms by mail, by writing to: Tax Forms Request Unit, Franchise Tax Board, PO Box 307, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-0307. ================================== MANY PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THESE CHECKS, BUT THEY DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS CALIFORNIA STATE PROGRAM, SO PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! ================================== [Note to the Gay and Lesbian community... unfortunately, at this time, you cannot list your partner as your legal "spouse" for this program. You can only ignore the income of your partner if your partner is a student, renter, or the owner of a rented residence where you live. (Sent in by a reader) ---- CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR CANDIDATE IS A LIFELONG ADVOCATE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Throughout his career in public service, Gray Davis has been a friend of persons with disabilities. He has strongly supported civil rights protection for all people, including persons with disabilities. He believes disability issues are civil rights issues, and that State government must play a proactive role in removing the barriers that exclude persons with disabilities from the mainstream of community life. A few examples of his leadership: 1) Excellent working relationship with California disability leaders including Catherine Campesi, Hugh Hallenberg, Curtis Richards, Jane Small, and Burns Vick. 2) Sued Governor Wilson on behalf of the disability community for no interruption of health services to persons with disabilities. 3) Saw the State Controller's office achieve an outstanding record for recruiting, hiring, and promoting persons with disabilities when he was the state Controller. (A few of the many things he has listed) As Governor, Gray Davis will: 1) Use the Governor's power to end discrimination against Californians with disabilities. 2) Establish a State Commission on Disability. 3) Appoint disability leaders to decision-making positions in all areas of public policy. 4) Ensure compliance by all State agencies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability rights legislation. (Again a few of the many things he has listed) (Condensed from a 2 page letter sent via snail mail) ---- Current job list on the Jobs for Deaf page. Santa Ana, California (2-15-98) Carson City, Nevada (2-23-98) Framingham, Massachusetts (3-2-98) Nationwide USA (3-22-98) Santa Fe, New Mexico (4-9-98) ---- Richard, I congratulate you on your great endeavor! I shall look upon your venture with utmost attention. We in New Hampshire can relate to all these things you spoke of. We have already established a group dedicated to just that. Our neighbor, Massachusetts, has its own private deaf-run non-profit agency, D.E.A.F., Inc. which if you haven't heard of or haven't had enough of it, you should contact. I don't know much about Deaf California agencies and advocacy organizations. All the same, we wish you much success! Mike Ritter President, NHAD ---------------------- Advocacy is needed everywhere and I am glad someone like Mr. Rohem is taking a stand. The Deaf communities must get involved in the political process because if the politicians do not get the deaf communities input and then it will be left out. Advocacy groups also needs to be reminded the future battles will get harder and it is important that a number of people are involved to give its group the support it needs. Crab theory will always be there and I guess that is an Ego thing. Stephen Hardy ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm President Internet : Website Http:// =============================================================== Circulation Information Direct Email subscribers : 29 Indirect Email Subscribers : 36 Feel free to redistribute this newsletter in it's entirety and if you are planning to add a mailing list as a subscriber then let me know for my records. Thank you. =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. =============================================================== Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! Help someone subscribe to Deaf Workers Weekly Bulletin =============================================================== SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION To be added to the mailing list, send "ADD WORKERS BULLETIN" To be deleted from the mailing list send "DELETE WORKERS BULLETIN" to this address Mailing lists are never sold/given to anyone. =============================================================== Need to stay on the net? Try DeafWatch's own "Keeping You Connected" page which is packed with graphical links to FREE email providers. ===============================================================