DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT -- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN -- July 31, 1999 Greetings, Whew! July was an extremely busy month! I am appalled to see Rafer Johnson capitalize on the crimes against people with disabilities by a good number of UCLA football players who are the most able-bodied of the able-bodied. It's a disgrace to see these able-bodied people take advantage of one of our hard earned privileges and get away with it with the help of Rafer Johnson. Rafer Johnson does not deserve to serve us anymore. His resignation from the Los Angeles Mayor's Commission on Disability is demanded! Rafer Johnson is a mistake to the Los Angeles Mayor's Commission on Disability and will be a bigger mistake if he is elected by his peers to the president of this commission on August 4, 1999. Rafer Johnson sets himself on fire not by lighting the big flame in Los Angeles, but by giving his gold medal to the UCLA football players who sprinted from their cars parked in handicapped parking spaces. This is the latest insult on people with disabilities by an university that already does a poor job on addressing accessibility and ADA compliance on their campus. We definitely do need sensitive people helping, advocating, and serving people with disabilities, not mistakes like Rafer Johnson who lays out the red carpet for these UCLA football players from the courthouse to the Special Olympics! Deaf Workers Weekly Bulletin will be taking a recess starting August 21 and will resume publication on September 4. Tired, underpaid, and overworked advocates like me need breaks. Richard Roehm ---- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN APPEALS READERS TO LOBBY THE CONGRESS TO PASS THE WORK INCENTIVES IMPROVEMENT ACT IN THE HOUSE BEFORE THEIR AUGUST RECESS! ADVOCATE To Fulfill The ADA Employment Promise! ADVOCATE to the House Leadership from today onwards until the House votes on WIIA. We need a WIIA House vote before the August Recess begins, August 6, 1999. Mail, Fax, Phone or email YOUR message to the House leadership, namely: Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Archer House Way and Means Committee Ranking Minority member, Charles B. Rangel. OUR LETTERS ARE THE KEY TO WIIA's HOUSE PASSAGE. The Speaker of the House, his staff and House leaders are involved with our pending legislation and working with House members. However, nothing has been scheduled in the House on H.R. 1180 six weeks after WIIA's historic Senate vote in mid-June. Let us ask them to close the deal and vote on WIIA before the August recess. Personalize Your Message, which could include: Dear Mr. Speaker: or Dear Representative ________________________: Make history! Please vote on WIIA before the August recess. The bipartisan public policy in WIIA - H.R. 1180 is sound, widely supported and needs passage today. We want to work! We have needed these reforms for years! This year, Republicans and Democrats in the US House of Representatives have continued to move forward with Social Security work incentive legislation for individuals with disabilities who want to work. We acknowledge your thoughtful contributions and the work of your staff on this urgent issue, the high unemployment rate of individuals with significant disabilities. 214 House Representatives cosponsor the Work Incentives Improvement Act, WIIA - H.R. 1180. Their constituents with and without disabilities have told them that they want and need H.R. 1180. This work incentive reform legislation is very similar to S. 331, passed 99-0 in the Senate in June. Close the deal! Please vote on WIIA before the August recess. Thank you! Sincerely, cc: Your House Representative ________________________________________________ HOUSE LEADERSHIP Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert 2263 Rayburn House Office Building US House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Phones: 202-225-0600 202-225-2976 Fax: 202-225-0697 House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt 1226 Longworth House Office Building US House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-2671 Fax: 202-225-7452 The Honorable Bill Archer Chairman, Ways and Means Committee 1236 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phones: 202-225-2571 202-225-3625 Faxes: 202-225-4381 202-225-2610 The Honorable Charles B. Rangel Ranking Minority Member, Ways and Means Committee 2354 Rayburn House Office Building US House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-4365 Fax: 202-225-0816 Send a copy to your Representative who we want to ask to cosponsor or thank for cosponsoring WIIA - H.R. 1180: Your Representatives addresses are at: ---- PUBLIC MEETING NOTIFICATIONS DEAF & DISABLED TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Committees: Deaf & Disabled Telecommunications Program Administrative Committee (DDTPAC) Location: Deaf & Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison St., Oakland, CA 94612 Room: Conference Room, Suite 555 Date: Tuesday, 3 August, 1999 Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM The Administrative Committee (DDTPAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend a meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Laine Proctor at 510.874.1410/Voice or 510.874.1411/TTY. ------------------------ AGENDA ENCLOSED Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 555, Oakland, California August 3, 1999 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA Minutes of the July 6 and July 21, 1999 DDTPAC Meetings [Review and approval of minutes of the previous meetings.] Review and follow-up on Action List from previous meetings. Approval of Agenda Administrative Business Public Input (1:00 PM) [Members of the public will provide input to the committee.] Report from the Chair [The DDTPAC Chair will report on informational items, including legislative/regulatory issues.] Executive Director’s Report [The DDTP Executive Director will report on projects assigned to Staff or other informational items.] Consumer Affairs Specialist’s Report [The Consumer Affairs Specialist will update the committee on complaints, commendations, and concerns received in the previous month.] Outreach Specialist Coordinator’s Report [The Outreach Specialist Coordinator will report on recent outreach activities conducted by the Outreach Specialists.] Report from CRSAC [A CRSAC member will report on items CRSAC wishes to bring to the DDTPAC’s attention.] Financial Business Review of 1999 Program Budget vs. Expenses [Review of year-to-date program expenses compared to the 1999 Budget.] Review and Reimbursement of Monthly Expenses CRSAC Recommendation Regarding Liquidated Damages Assessed to MCI and Sprint for June. [Review and reimbursement of SB 597, SB 60, SB 244 and Administrative Expenses and Bank of America Letter. Pacific Bell, GTE, and CTA expenses will be reviewed sequentially.] Balance in the D.E.A.F. Trust - Bank Statement Reconciliation [Review of the D.E.A.F. Trust balance as of the end of June 1999 and the bank statement reconciliation.] Other Business Recommendation from EPAC Regarding Nomination for the Pacific Bell Representative - Darby [The committee will review and vote on EPAC’s recommendation for its representative from Pacific Bell.] B. Review of MCI Request for STS Rate Increase - Darby [The DDTPAC will review and vote on a request from MCI for a rate increase for Speech-to-Speech service.] C. Appointment of CRS Solicitation Task Force - Darby [The committee will appoint members to a new Task Force to develop a solicitation document for the re-bid of CRS.] Recommendations from CRSAC’s July Meeting - Darby [The committee will review and vote on any recommendations concerning CRS operations resulting from CRSAC’s July 23, 1999 meeting.] Recommendations from CRSAC Regarding Consumer Nominees - Darby [The committee will review and vote on CRSAC’s recommendations for that committee’s representatives from the Hearing and the Speech Disabled communities.] Reports from Outreach Specialists - Darby [The committee will hear reports from some DDTP Outreach Specialists regarding their recent activities and feedback from consumers.] Proposal to Change the Name of the DDTP - English [The committee will discuss a suggestion to change the name of the program and possibly vote on an outcome.] DDTPAC Meeting Information For more information, please contact Shelley Bergum, DDTP Executive Director at (510) 874-1410 voice or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Notice People with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities must reduce their exposure in order to attend this meeting. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings. ------------------------------ PUBLIC MEETING RESPONSE FORM PUBLIC NOTIFICATION RESPONSE PROCEDURE If you are a member of the public and plan to attend any of the meetings listed on this page, please complete this form and return it to Laine Proctor 5 days prior to the meeting date. TO: Ms. Laine Proctor, Committee Coordinator Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP) FROM: Name: ____________________________________________ Organization: _________________________________________ Tel.: ( ) __________________________ TTY / VOICE MEETING(S): I Definitely Plan On Attending [Check all that apply] DDTPAC, Tuesday, 3 August 1999 ASSISTIVE REQUESTS - American Sign Language - Real-Time Captioning - Assistive Listening Device - Other (Please describe in detail) ____________________________________________ Please return this form via e-mail, fax or mail (FIVE days prior to the meeting date) MAIL: Ms. Laine Proctor, Committee Coordinator Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 520, Oakland, CA 94612 510.874.1410/VOICE 510.874.1411/TTY E-MAIL: or Fax: 510.287.2931 ENVIRONMENTAL REMINDER Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. ---- PRESIDENT CLINTON'S MESSAGE ON ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Today I join Americans across our country in celebrating the 9th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Next year, at the dawn of the millennium, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 25th anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Act. These two laws, championed by disability advocates throughout the United States and serving as a beacon for people throughout the world, have helped to transform our nation's disability policy. In 1993, Vice President Gore and I established three core principles for our Administration's disability policy -- inclusion, independence, and empowerment. Like many racial and ethnic groups throughout history, people with disabilities have endured isolation and segregation because of social discrimination. Now, we strive to promote inclusion for people with disabilities in all aspects of American society, just as we do for racial and ethnic minorities. In the past, Americans have presumed that disability meant a life of dependence. Now, we recognize that people with disabilities want to -- and can -- lead independent lives and contribute to our nation's prosperity. For too long, we have encumbered disabled Americans with paternalistic policies that prevent them from reaching their potential. But now, we endeavor to empower individuals with the tools they need to achieve their dreams. Disability advocates have drawn our nation's attention to the pervasive stigma and discrimination faced by people with disabilities. Never before has disability been so prominently discussed in the main- stream media. We must use this rising level of awareness to infuse the values of the ADA -- equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency -- into all aspects of government and social policy. To succeed, we must be vigilant in defending the ADA as well as vigorous in enforcing it. I am pleased that the Supreme Court upheld the rights established in the ADA by recognizing that the unjustified isolation and segregation of persons with disabilities in institutional settings is a form of discrimination prohibited by the ADA. But I am concerned that the way the Court defined disability could undermine the ADA's nondiscrimination goals. We must work together to ensure that the ADA's original intent -- to dismantle discrimination based on accumulated myths and fears -- is sustained. No American -- on account of race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or disability -- should be denied the opportunity to hold a job for which he or she is fully capable. While the ADA has been a source of hope to our citizens with disabilities, it has not been enough to change the intolerable rate of unemployment. My Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabili- ties is building on the ADA's foundation by developing a coordinated and active employment agenda for people with disabilities. Increasing access to health care, providing more assistance at home and on the job, maximizing the use of new technologies -- these are the kinds of actions that will empower all Americans to participate fully in the workplace. This year, my budget includes a three-part initiative aimed at removing significant barriers to work for people with disabilities. This proposal invests $2 billion over five years to help provide better health care options for people with disabilities who work by fully funding the Work Incentives Improvement Act; offers a $1,000 tax credit for work-related expenses; and doubles our investment in assistive technology. My budget also would target tax credits for working adults with disabilities who have long-term care needs. On July 1, we raised the amount an SSDI or SSI recipient can earn -- without losing crucial benefits -- from $500 to $700 per month. And, under the leadership of Tipper Gore, we are beginning to address the stigma and discrimi- nation confronted by people with psychiatric disabilities. By modernizing and strengthening Medicare, increasing access to prescription drugs, and passing a meaningful patients' bill of rights, we can further reach our goals of inclusion, independence, and empowerment for people with disabilities. I especially urge Congress to move swiftly and pass the Work Incentives Improvement Act. As I said in my State of the Union Address, "No one should have to choose between keeping health care and taking a job." We cannot think of Social Security benefits and other services and supports as antithetical to the civil rights goals of the ADA. We must, instead, view them as important tools for empowering people with disabilities to lead independent lives as equal citizens in our social mainstream. Thank you for all you have done to realize the promise of the ADA. Only by fully utilizing the contributions of every sector of our society -- advocacy, business, service organizations, government -- can we achieve our goals. Together, as Justin Dart continually reminds us, we shall overcome. ---- APPEAL AND HELP SOLICITED FOR THE LAURENT CLARK STAMP PROJECT There is a Laurent stamp project with the United States Postal Service and we need to support this stamp because Laurent Clerc was the first school teacher for the Deaf in the United States. Laurent Clerc (1785-1869) was a school teacher at the Royal School for Deaf-Mutes (Paris School for the Deaf) in France and Dr. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (1787-1851) brought Clerc to the United States to establish the first school for the deaf (The American Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb) now its known as the American School for the Deaf, Hartford, Connecticut in 1817. Clerc is Deaf and we got 75% of our American Sign language from France. Please support by sending this message to as many people you can so we can get people to write a letter to support this stamp. This stamp will be a good Deaf Awareness opportunity because people will want to know who is this man. The website is: Thank you, Facially yours, Stephen Joseph Hardy, II ---- ROEHM PROPOSES FOUR RESOLUTIONS TO CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL The following 4 resolutions are being proposed to the California Democratic Council for consideration. This will be the first of the resolutions submitted as a co-chairperson of a non disability related committee. CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE A PROPOSED RESOLUTION for consideration by the CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL regarding VIOLENT GAMES DISTRIBUTED ON FREE COMPACT DISKS AND WEBSITES WHEREAS the recent tragedy and violence in the school in Littleton, Colorado and other school locations nationwide are partially due to the easy availability of violent games on websites and compact discs distributed freely to young people; and WHEREAS many of these games are popular among young people, online companies oftentimes include violent games on their websites and compact discs to lure in new customers; and WHEREAS we have passed legislation restricting the availability of adult material, alcohol, and cigarettes, to our young, we believe we should do the same thing to keep violent games out of the reach of young people; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that online companies should be encouraged to adopt a policy on restricting the availability of violent games to people under the age of 18 just as most already do with adult material. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL lobby the online companies to restrict the accessibility of these violent games to people under the age of 18 years and to lobby our state and national legislators for similar legislation. The above resolution was proposed by Richard Roehm, Co-Chair, Computers and Technology Committee -------------------- CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE A PROPOSED RESOLUTION for consideration by the CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL regarding ACCESSIBILITY OF WEBSITE CONTENTS TO PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES WHEREAS the use of the world wide web is increasingly becoming a part of human activity; and WHEREAS people with hearing and vision disabilities are often left out when websites have graphical items without text tags and video streams without subtitiling or captioning and disability activists are now making this a big issue; and WHEREAS people with disabilities have traditionally supported Democratic candidates, it is important we retain these people, their support, and their votes; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL shows it support for people with disabilities and recognize the importance of this community and their support of our party. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL adopt a policy on making their website accessible to people with all types of disabilities and encouraging the affiliated clubs to adopt similar policies. The above resolution was proposed by Richard Roehm, Co-Chair, Computers and Technology Committee -------------------- CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE A PROPOSED RESOLUTION for consideration by the CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL regarding COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION WHEREAS computers are increasingly being used in many aspects of human activity; and WHEREAS people who use computers in the area of education tend to have more current, reliable, and accurate information needed to complete their assignments and the time consumed is much less than the traditional methods; and WHEREAS many schools throughout the country still lack computers either by financial, or political reasons; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL encourage California schools to have computers available for their students to use. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL adopt a policy encouraging schools in California to have computers available to their students by assisting them in locating information and resources on obtaining computers for use by their students. The above resolution was proposed by Richard Roehm, Co-Chair, Computers and Technology Committee -------------------- CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE A PROPOSED RESOLUTION for consideration by the CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL regarding YEAR 2000 BUG EDUCATION WHEREAS the so called 'millennium bug', which is the 2 character timestamp in the clocks of most computers, has been a cause for concern by people who use and dont use computers; and WHEREAS the impact on the millennium bug has on a large number of time sensitive software used by large corporations, the impact will be felt worldwide because of lack of availability of information and resources to third world countries that use computers and the slow pace many U.S. companies are taking to update their computers; and WHEREAS education has been successful in limiting the spread of computer viruses as well as human ailments such as tuberculosis, AIDS, and other diseases. Education can be used to keep the public at ease during the millennium bug crisis and limit the spread of panic; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL should be a leader in educating people on the millennium bug and help the state go through the crisis. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL should adopt a policy encouraging the affiliated clubs to start educating the constituents in their areas on issues and concerns surrounding the millennium bug. The above resolution was proposed by Richard Roehm, Co-Chair, Computers and Technology Committee ---- OCDAC TO HAVE A FUNDRAISER SWAPMEET SALE Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center is having another sale at the local SSSS W W A PPPP MM MM EEEEE EEEEE TTTTT S W W A A P P M M M M E E T SSS W W W A A PPPP M M M EEE EEE T S W W AAAAA P M M E E T SSSS W W A A P M M EEEEE EEEEE T LOCATION : Golden West College Parking lot spaces Q-5 and Q-6 near Edinger street in Huntington Beach, California. DATE : August 7, 1999 TIME : 8 AM - 3 PM ITEMS : Vigil candles, t-shirts, hearing aid batteries, books, and donated items. SUPPORT OUR DEAF CENTER IF YOU CAN COME TO THE SWAPMEET OR VISIT THE DEAF CENTER'S WEBSITE AT HTTP://WWW.DEAFADVOCACY.COM/PRODUCT.HTM If you can donate items to us for the swapmeet sale, please do it before 6pm friday August 6, 1999. We plan on selling the non OCDAC items very cheap so we'll need LOTS, LOTS, AND LOTS OF STUFF! We need a truck to help bring in the items to the swapmeet. Our space will be double the size as last time. SPECIAL BULLETIN! Negotiations underway to establish a donation collection site at the parking lot of an upscale shopping center. This will provide us with a steady flow of donated goods for our swapmeet sales operations. We will be needing volunteers manning this collection site Fridays, Satuday, and Sunday nights from 7pm until 2 am the next day. COME ON OVER AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! ---- NEZ'S CYBER MALL SUPPORTS THE DEAF COMMUNITY Nez's Cyber Mall is a fundraiser project that will help support the newly created Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. This mall has been designed with accessibility in mind. All commissions generated by sales activity within this mall will be used to support the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. Nez's Cyber Mall can be found at: Http:// ---- SAN FRANCISCO SUPERVISOR HAS JOB OPENING AS CONSITUENT LIAISON San Francisco Supervisor Mark Leno is seeking applicants for the position of Constituent Liaison in his City Hall office. Duties: · Organize Supervisor’s schedule and respond to invitations · Recruit, train and supervise volunteers and interns · Oversee constituent casework, correspondence, database updates, web page, and other office functions · Attend community events and meetings, often after hours · Track public opinion on legislative issues · Generate new legislative ideas Qualifications: · Outstanding organizational skills and attention to detail · Ability to work with diverse groups of people · Excellent oral and written communication skills · Knowledge of and interest in local political & neighborhood issues · Strong skills in community outreach and organizing · Proficiency in Windows-based computer programs · Foreign language a plus The 1364 - Special Assistant V position is full-time, full benefits, with a starting salary of $35,809 per year. Applicants should fax their resume immediately to (415) 554-7739 or send it to Supervisor Mark Leno, 1 Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102. ---- CONGRESSWOMAN CAMPAIGN KICKS OFF WITH MAILER RALLY We are starting to use email to inform volunteers about upcoming happenings at the Sanchez Campaign. Saturday July 31 we are doing a mailing project at the campaign office. Time: 12 noon to 6pm (or whenever it gets done) Place: Campaign Office, 604 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana, CA (the northwest corner of Harbor and McFadden, behind McDonald's) Activity: Stuff, label, seal, and stamp invitations for a fundraising event Feel free to forward this to others who might be interested. Sorry about the late notice (it took a while to add your names to the address book and figure out the mailing list function). Thanks for your help. Remember to save the date - Sunday August 8 is our Voter Registration Rally in Garden Grove. Call or email for more information. -Ed Velasquez 714/839-4431 If you have any suggestions for the volunteer email or would like to be removed from this list, please send email to (Sanchez without the "E") ---- OFFICE OF ASSEMBLYMEMBER ROBERT HERTZBERG HAS A JOB OPENING Administrative Assistant Responsibilities include: Composition of Certificates of Recognition and tribute, congratulatory and other outreach correspondence Coordination with Sacramento Scheduling Secretary: 1. Assemblymember’s District Office scheduling 2. Ordering of Certificates of Recognition and State Resolutions 3. Assemblymember’s District Office time management * Assemblymember’s District Office secretarial needs * Chief of Staff’s secretarial needs General office Requirements: * Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel * Strong writing and verbal skills * Strong organizational skills * Must be willing to work long hours and possible weekends * Transcription a plus Salary and Benefits: * $20,000 to $22,000 * Full health, dental and vision benefits * Retirement plan * Other benefits available Resumes should be faxed to: Miriam Jaffe, Chief of Staff (818) 902-0764 ---- AL GORE'S CAMPAIGN HAS SUMMER AND FALL INTERNSHIP POSITIONS The Northern California office of the Gore 2000 campaign, located in San Francisco is looking for a motivated, energetic intern to work in the office three to four days a week. Duties include: managing the front office, organizing volunteers, answering phones, and assisting the finance director and deputy finance director with fundraising events. Interviews will begin Friday, July 16, 1999. If you are interested please fax your resume to Maya Garcia at 415-979-0445 or call 415-434-4673. ---- CALIFORNIA VOTER FOUNDATION IS HIRING The California Voter Foundation is looking for a full-time fundraising and communications director, and we'd really appreciate your help in getting the word out and finding the right person. As you'll see in the job announcement below, we need a very special and talented individual to join the CVF team as soon as possible. If you know someone who is looking for a new job or ready to make a career change, please encourage them to consider this position. This position is also posted on our web site at ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm President Internet : Website Http:// =============================================================== Feel free to redistribute this newsletter in it's entirety and if you are planning to add a mailing list as a subscriber then let me know for my records. Thank you. =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. =============================================================== Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! 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